And anything else you might be celebrating
Today might be a down day for some of you reading this and just know its ok if today you don’t feel like all the marketing and advertising makes you feel
Sometimes its not even that deep, sometimes maybe you work during that time, so its just another day
Or maybe everyone is out of town until the weekend and this weekend is when all the good times will happen
Don’t forget, time is a man made tool to help coordinate, ill meet you there, when?
So the sun will rise and set like any other day
The days should be getting longer and longer
Unless you’re in the southern hemisphere so its peak daylight there?
Do you guys do gifts?
Sometimes its such a hassle and pressure
It can be good to detach from all the social norms and do your own thing sometimes
Maybe you run a company, while your competitors are with family drinking coco you could be getting head. Or maybe time with loved ones is priceless and you can put the phone down for a few days
At least with hive people probably schedule all their posts for the week on Sunday and just let the chain work for them while they are relaxing
Thats the dream right?
Maybe someone wants to type all day and just make post after post after post
But sometimes I want to update on what is happening live
Like Richard Heart’s Christmas message 2024
Prices shot up after everyone heard Richard sounding like his good ol’ self and being very positive and bullish for the future, for himself and the space
Love it when community members and founders make content like this
Personally I am just looking forward to getting healthier wealthier and spending more time with loved ones for 2025
Also I am already thinking about seeing if there are any Boxing Day specials on some high end coffee machines, its about time I pull the trigger on one of those
Stay safe out there don’t drink and drive
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
Good points about the holidays. They magnify things. Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.
It was nice to hear RH talk about Full State Forks, which we old timers went through here just a few years ago. We got copies of tokens which people then decided are worth more than the originals.
Yes RH sounded like his same old self, pretty happy and "safe". Prices are up for the day, although down for the week. Such is crypto!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Stay Safe out there!
haha I liked the part where he was starting to explain the Eth classic Eth fork “so some people thought the DAO hacker funds…. Doesn’t matter anyways there was a fork” hahaha sometimes I think about all the LORE involved with so much context behind things…
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you as well, feels like this next year will be huge for Pulsechain tokens :) and Hive/Leo as well
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