Interesting, let me ask you a question. If you were to go into benchmarking in terms of market cap and such, which companies from the non-crypto sector would you see as a suitable peer? Nasdaq Inc, DeutscheBank, RobinHood - for example, all have some intersections, but are of course only comparable to a limited extent. Do you have a company with a better fit in mind?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hi, I think that companies involved in robotics and AI are worth to consider. They appear hot and future proof.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Do you feel like elaborating on that? Do you mean solely in terms of potential growth or do you see overlaps in functionality that could suggest that an existing "market value" could be adapted by, in our case, Binance?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hello, sorry I simply do not know much about the stock market and do not think I've the requisite knowledge to express an opinion on this matter. Cheers!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta