
Those bonds will be so pristine they will have their own collateral chain.

We will build an entire financial system on top of them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We need to talk. As u know, we are
Getting to the point of being able to spin up side chains with a few clicks of a button.

Let’s have some fun and build some good old TRAD finance into the new decentralised token infinaspace

Yeah we do need to talk about some things. It could be very interesting what can be done, especially if we can get time locked assets on the base layer of Hive. We could then spin a second layer, decentralized system that really could attack the foundation of the financial system. We are talking trillions of dollars each day in trilateral repo and who knows how much in bilateral.

Just a matter of forming the collateral which I have some ideas about. We can have a chat and I could run some ideas by you and then you can see how it could fit into your system.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My god, imagine giving an old school wall street guy who knows this shit the ability to spin up a side chain.

That might be the most important click of a mouse button in the history of the world.

its ok tho, as Tasks node pirates will come along to start the chain up for just 1% of all time future repo trades. but only the ones above 500 million per tranch

My god, imagine giving an old school wall street guy who knows this shit the ability to spin up a side chain.

There are a few rolling around who understand what I am referring to. The benefit is most of them are entrenched in the existing system and benefitting greatly from it. Hence they have no desire to gravitate towards this and create something better.

We do.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

u on discord task?