HBD is supposed to be spent, not staked for yield.
Base layer risk can be minimised more than it is now. That’s what’s important, and that should be the goal on a continuous basis. Employ alternative systems to get higher APR if u want it, but don’t do this on the base layer.
At this point, ur suggestions that bonds on hive are not necessary, and ‘keep the APR high’ needs to be debated.
Long time locks on HBD make it incredibly valuable. They considerably lower interest rates on collateralised loans. They would probably be the lowest rates in the world for pristine collateral imo. You cannot understate the economic value of this.
Bro the Euro dollar system was created where I was born. It’s just the same as any other collateralised loan market. It’s really not that hard to understand
I’m applying my knowledge of the Euro Dollar system right now.
The debate would be on the following:
- is High APR HBD risky or not and can the risk be lowered while still providing reasonable APR’s?
- Is short lock in on HBD risky or not and should users be asked to stay locked into HBD should the hair cut rule kick in and HBD drop lower than it’s peg, potentially for a considerable amount of time?
- does a bond system benefit hive with HBD as pristine collateral and is hive moving there, or should this direction of travel be stopped?
- Should APR on HBD be lowered based on an HBD bonds / time locks coming into play in the next hard fork or two?
- Should hive leverage this bond system to recreate a collateralised loan system on hive LII that could be a viable replacement for the Euro Dollar system?
Also, I’d kindly like to ask you to stop being so disrespectful, there is no need for it. It doesn’t help the discussion.
Certainly I can try but you've decided that "someone" needs to debate me based one what? The line of users looking to debate me? It's all bad faith arguments. I prove what you're saying wrong and you just move onto the next topic without even addressing being wrong. These shifting sands tactics and logical fallacies are not going to fly in an actual debate.
Do you think I would pop into your comments on your blog and demand that you debate "someone" because you said something I didn't agree with? I assure you I would not. The level of audacity here is very high and you refuse to acknowledge it. Nor have I seen you concede or even retreat on any point you've ever made over the years: no matter how outlandish or speculative that point may be.
If you want to be proficient at debate and making valid arguments you need to have perspective and be able to argue both sides. If we had a debate where I was the one saying bonds are great and you were the one against them you would get absolutely destroyed; hands down no contest. You do not understand the points I am making (or just habitually minimize them to zero) and you refuse to acknowledge even the possibility that Hive bonds are a bad idea with negative EV. This is a dangerous (and borderline zealous) line of logic that will almost certainly lead to sunk cost fallacy and cognitive dissonance if left unchecked.
You have not proved me wrong on anything. I'd love to see where I need to concede or retract things I have said in the past. If i get something wrong, ill concede.
As you feel about me, I feel the same about you and the points you are making. I mean I'm arguing against someone who think BTC fees will go lower as they go higher and as they must go higher. You are short BTC fees. And even if you are right, low fee bitcoin is even worse than high fee, as low fee BTC will be dominated on the security layer by big banks who can afford to run the infra.
This debate needs to happen, since as you build rhetoric with the community, you move Hive away from time locks on the base layer and away from it being a collaterlaisation layer. This loses Hive and the world a ton of value. Time locks are very important for Hive.
I'm happy to concede I'm wrong if you make good points. But I am yet to see them, where as I see you making a ton of points that in my opinion are to the detriment of Hive. Again, maybe I'm wrong, and if you make solid arguments during the debate, ill happily support the idea of a high APR base layer stable coin, no time locks and no or a simplified collateralised loan system on Hive.
If you wanna set up a debate then setup a debate friend.
Most convenient slots for me are 10 AM - 4 PM eastern Mon-Fri.
It's uh... your funeral I guess.
Already the optics are bad for you:
But sure if you think there's value to rehashing all this stuff and consolidating it down into something more palatable go nuts.
You need to stop letting this be so personal for you. Its no body's funeral. We are just discussing what is best for Hive. The above, and your approach in general is a little bit disingenuous for me, but the discussion needs to be had. Ill let you know. Do you know anyone else who will argue your side of the discussion? I already have interest from two others on this side.
The truth is not a popularity contest.
What interesting coincidence that the post I just wrote explains Bandwagon Bias.
Do you know anyone that agrees with the points I have made?
Or are you just employing an echo-chamber of confirmation bias?
Surely you must know of some otherwise what's the point of the debate if no one takes me seriously?
If not that's fine as I don't particularly need any help on this one.
The home-field advantage here is pretty significant.
I assure you I'm taking this much less personally than it appears through the opacity of the Internet.
I may be a bit emotionally tilted from being sick and some back pain.
These things happen.
Get well soon buddy