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RE: Some *Brief* Final Thoughts on HBD

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Bro, it’s just a collateralised loan market using bonds as the collateral. Bonds are created using a reverse auction in order to reduce the amount of APR the population has to pay for the inflow of fresh capital.

This is increasingly basic stuff and has been practiced throughout history. The system works and I don’t need to argue it on its merit. The fact that humans do this naturally time and time again over the course of history is enough proof that it works and it’s the lowest risk way to create insane amounts of liquidity while maximizing inflows into hive and minimizing the risk on the base layer of the economy.

U are arguing to prevent hive from having this opportunity. So I opppose what ur saying. U are not smarter than those who came before u. And so all I’m arguing to do is copy their models, which are peoven to work, except to do it on an open permissionless blockchain that will prevent the problems our predecessors suffered from in their closed private banking systems where problems, over leverage and excessive risk could be and were covered up and obscured.

Hive alllows us to create legitimate improvement to that system via its feeless and transparent nature with LI stable coin bonds and LII collateralised loan system which are both in a parallel banking system that can’t be shut down.

Really neither of us is qualified to argue the merits of such a system since it already works and it’s what economists choose to do all the time. I just want to copy what they normally do, but do it on an open blockchain (which is where they have gone wrong in the past, since they never had the tech).

Pls don’t suggest I’m doing something negligent or making up a new system. I wouldn’t do that. I am just proposing to copy what ppl far smarter than us have done successfully in the past over and over again

I’m just proposing to set hive up to be the thing that can provide an alternative to the international collateralised loans system (known as the euro dollar) which has made USD so insanely big that the US govt and the federal reserve truly are quite insignificant in the dollar today (apart from the US navy). why not set HBD up to be a legitimate alternative to this so that bankers, investors and liquidity providers who want lower risk and more transparency can come to hive and get the lowest interest rates on their loans and provide low risk loans to speculators.

Just copy the old system but do it on a transparent blockchain.

We know the old system doesn’t work since it’s hidden and mistakes are buried, therefore when done on a public, transparent blockchain, it solves the current system’s problems and opens hive up to receive trillions in inflows.


This is increasingly basic stuff and has been practiced throughout history.

See I actually write blog posts about this stuff and get real feedback from people who aren't swimming in this sea of ideas. And to try to imply that, as we pull back the layers of the onion that is legacy finance, that it actually becomes "increasingly basic stuff", is laughable. It's only basic if you've decided you're correct in advance, which you have.

What will it take for you to admit you're wrong?
You can't answer the question because literally nothing would convince you at this point.
That's dangerous.

The system works and I don’t need to argue it on its merit.

Again, making provably false statements is not a good look for you.
The entire reason we are here is because the system does not work.
That is the entire point of crypto: fiat does not work.

The claim you are making here is that we should turn Hive into a fractional reserve and try to print money out of thin air using derivatives. At this point I'm pretty convinced you don't even realize what side you're on. It's a terrible idea and the antithesis of this entire movement.

over leverage and excessive risk could be and were covered up and obscured

Explain the Terra/Luna collapse.
Was Luna a privacy chain?
Were the risks "covered up and obscured"?
No they were public and it made zero difference.
Because guess what? This shit is complicated.
You pretending it's not is a huge red flag.
