The master key is largely irrelevant if you have the Owner key.
You can use the owner key to change any key (including owner).
If you ever change your password you can get a new master key using the owner.
Or you don't have to have a master key at all.
It's possible (very easy) to disconnect your keys from the master.
Just change your keys one at a time and don't use the same master to generate them.
If you have the owner key, then you don't need it. If you don't have the owner key or master password, you'll never have "full control" over the account, but you can keep using it as long as you have the other keys.
The master key is largely irrelevant if you have the Owner key.
You can use the owner key to change any key (including owner).
If you ever change your password you can get a new master key using the owner.
Or you don't have to have a master key at all.
It's possible (very easy) to disconnect your keys from the master.
Just change your keys one at a time and don't use the same master to generate them.
If you have the owner key, then you don't need it. If you don't have the owner key or master password, you'll never have "full control" over the account, but you can keep using it as long as you have the other keys.
Didn't know this anyway my first learning for the day.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Engage with the discord group The Terminal link,they would be of help.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta