What is this theory about, in 2 sentences? I have unfortunately no time to dive through your 10 linked videos.
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What is this theory about, in 2 sentences? I have unfortunately no time to dive through your 10 linked videos.
In 2 sentences?
Well, better in just one sentence. That it always will be a big problem for people who don't have the time to dive through few links and a handful of videos to learn or find out anything new if it really was something that made them curious and caught their attention. };)
But that sentence was not about the BTC rainbow theory. Makes me suspicious you are either not able to focus, or that the theory has no point.
Of course. You are right. Either of the two options you point out could be the correct one to dispel your suspicions. However, you will never find out unless you find the time to confirm it. Take your time mate, there really is no rush. :)
One wise guy once said, if it is not possible to summarizes a concept in 2 or 3 sentences, it probably is not worth it to find out more about it. Even the highly complex relativity theory or quantum interference one could without any problem summarize in one sentence, what it is about. But if you prefer to hide the concept in 5 videos, so be it.
Great saying that of that wise guy. I agree.
However, if I already explained everything extensively and intensively in my post, why would I now want to summarize the theory in one or two sentences for anyone who doesn't have the time to absorb it?
Because there is no summary provided. It is common practice to summarize things, being a book, a presentation or a blog post. Great presenters always make summaries. Summaries are a service for the reader/listener. But up to you, if you think that´s not needed.
There is no way you will find a better and more summarized summary than what I already wrote and drafted in my post. Very few words to read, only a few links to «click» on and everything already extensively summarized and wonderfully well explained in an audiovisual way.
So, to find out, learn and discover what the theory is about. The only thing you have to do is find the time that you don't have now and later you will see that it wasn't that complicated. :)