Was CakePop a fraud? Yes, kind of.

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Dear All,
since nobody is doing this post, seems I have to do it by myself.

As you may know, on Mon., 30th Aug (=12d ago), the first IDO on Cubdefi was done, read on herehere. Apparently not sceptical enough, I had aped in with 2000 CUB (almost all I had in the CUB Kingdom). directly from @leofinance the official news about it. I had done a post with some newbie explanations in German

What happened afterwards/since the IDO?

Well, the IDO was just over 100% committed and I ended up with app. 1,6 Mio. CakePop tokens (0,16% of all and on spot 23 or so of the rich list). But right from the beginning the CAKE dividends came in very irregularly and intransparently. Others have observed this, too.
this post.
He found that "66.66% of all CakePop tokens in existence have been sitting in wallets owned by the CakePop developers, and as soon as IDO token distribution started those wallets were the first to collect $Cake dividends".
Of note, neither @cakepop nor @leofinance had ever addressed those concerns by at least replying/commenting to these posts, let alone writing standalone posts about the topic. It turned out the the CAKE distribution algorithm is far from being "provably fair", as @roleerob has shown in Also @jerrythefarmer wrote an excellent post about the IDO aftermaths

It seems the process of claiming the CakePop tokens from the IDO resulted in huge transaction fees that all ended up in the wallets of the devs. So de facto from the 12K$ in CAKE payed out to the token holders so far, 50% ended up in 2 wallets! Not exactly aligned to a "most fair launch sequence imaginable" as they had promised here.

The richlist of wallets i.e. distribution of CakePop token currently looks like this:
How does this look to you? I would call this the opposite of decentralized!

Other red flags:


The video that was referenced in that tweet was at the time of the tweet already 5 days old! Were they so busy with counting money that they had to wait for 5 days to advertise the video?
image.png-- Their last tweet (twitter name @CakePopBSC) is 2 days old and got 2 likes!

-- What about the marketing campaign that was promised? At least neither on Telegram nor on Twitter anything about it! Or was that single Youtube video that got 19K views and 314 likes the whole campaign already?

And the yield?

Since CakePop is a "yield-generating token" it is fair to ask what the yield is.

This is a screenshot of the CakePop-app. Someone had said, the color scheme should be called "clown vomit" - I think this hits the spot.

As you can see after 12 days I earned 0,4557 CAKE (9$ worth), that is a theoretical APY of 27%! Not very convincing for a high-risk Defi project, considering the currently 85% APY of the CUB Kingdom from where I took the CUBs, stupid me.


trustbuildingreleasedI had expected that the @leofinance team had a closer look at the project before giving it the green lite for an IDO. Especially since this was the first, one. For me, I have my lesson learned and will in future stay away from IDOs on Cubdefi, or at least research much more before any decision. In this case I had trusted @leofinance that they would not pick such a dubious project for their first IDO. Big mistake. Seems that also @leofinance has learned something. Otherwise they would not just have a new IDO model with a somewhat improved IDOmics. Nice development, but I would have hoped they (and/or @khaleelkazi) would have had the honesty and humbleness to confess that they did with the Cakeflop financial harm to many CUB holders.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Sorry to hear you lost so much Cub, but there were plenty of warning flags being put out in the LEO Discord about the Math just not being right, and that dodgy colour scheme was enough to to make me steer well clear of this.

You probably don't want to hear this either, but this looked so wrong to me that I took the opportunity to sell a bunch of Cub when it was at 70 cents just before the launch - I had a feeling no one from outside Cub would be going anywhere near this.


This is going to be a tough one to bounce back from.

I am not on LEO discord.

Funnily enough there's not a lot of mention of this disaster in there either.

It looks like just a straight up Con.

"... since nobody is doing this post ..."

Nope. At least not so far. It will not surprise me if no one else writes a "post mortem" either. So ... Thank you for writing it @stayoutoftherz.

I've never been a fan of the "echo chamber" approach of most interactions on our Hive blockchain. As a result, I am no longer as active as I once was. Not worth my time.

But LeoFinance? Actively supportive of it since July 2020, I had initially seen more uhhh ... "dynamic" ... interactions in that community. Part of the reason why I elected to invest in it like I did (have).

Any good business enterprise should be able to freely and openly discuss what I have long called "the good, the bad, and the ugly." Gotta shed light on even the parts which may be a bit uncomfortable for a time. In the long-term, which is what we are constantly told is the focus, I believe that is for the best.

I have a lot more I could say, but ... I'll stop before this becomes a post vs. a comment. Maybe I will write another post sometime ...

P.S. While this experience has "soured" me on whatever the future IDOs might be, I will still make an exception for the 2nd one - the launch of a Polygon blockchain version of CubFinance. Even with this 1st flop, I think that one will still be one which most will want to participate in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sad to hear about your 2000 cubs. I was surprised leofinance used cakepop a degen with no usecase as their first Ido.

It's always a moneygrab with nothing to offer.

Sad to hear about your loss, but thanks for this article! My thought process about this IDO was: interest generating token -> source of revenue? -> not easy to understand for me -> not interested. And after that I heard nothing about it + haven't been actively seeking information.

I would never imagine that it ends so badly AND nobody talks about it. Launchpad failed on so many levels so next time they would need to have something really amazing to even consider.

Well said.
My first IDO on cubfinance.
And the last one as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The Cakepop IDO was just as good as the clown vomit colors it offers. I still don't know what happened but the whole thing is really sad, disappoining and annoying. I doubt that there will be any future CAKE yield either.

And yet there is no open discussion (apart from this one). Total silence. Like in corporate culture - don´t talk about negative things! Crazy.

Well, they talked about it on the weekly AMAs but it was merely a recognition that CakePop should have been researched better and in the future there will be some sort of centralized selction process for IDOs.

Yay! 🤗
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