
a balance between the 2 would be great! You can't be happy in this world without any money

What is happiness to you? Mere spending on lavish lifestyle?

The happiness but a certain amount of money helps with it in my opinion. If I don't have to look too much at money, it's a sorrow less. No idea what the 'limit' of the certain amount of

I think at this point in the lives of a lot of people, money is what drives us to be happy. Money is no debts. Money is good life. Money is happiness.

definitely both, at one time it's money to sort out stuffs, at another its happiness to just pull through whatever we are going through

true....but what if we get happi ess without

both matter, we also need money to settle basic life needs, you ca can't be happy when you can't meet up with your needs, I need money and I also need to be chappy. Hard

both but happiness 😊