For some reason I don't know why I'm unable to connect my wallet to cubdefi. I'm using metamask to connect. My metamask shows my wallet is connected but cubdefi doesn't show connection status. I'm confused.
For some reason I don't know why I'm unable to connect my wallet to cubdefi. I'm using metamask to connect. My metamask shows my wallet is connected but cubdefi doesn't show connection status. I'm confused.
Are use using the Binance smart chain network? Cubdefi only works with BSC.
No never used BSC. They have several options like trustwallet, wallet connection, metamask etc. None of them worked for me. As far as I know BSC is not that reliable. Read the reviews on chrome store. It's least rated. I'm scared to use it.
I use it since day 1 of Cubdefi and for me it works flawless. Maybe the reviewers are related to ETH and don´t like the competition :)
Could be. Hey sorry to bother you. I just added bsc mainnet on Metamask. It shows this address. 0x117a4B291D68951B178598DE0ECd07714A99bb15
Is it my wallet address? Can I tranfer my bnb to this address? I'm a noob in this. Please answer me if you are free :)
Looks like one, but just try it out with a very small amount of BNB. Some wallets, when sending, anyway recognize if it is the wrong format. Once the test transfer works, you are safe to send more.
I don't think you should see something specific, once you're connected, just the first and the last part of your account address on the top right corner.
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