
Stocks look decent, and I did buy a little last month as a Fund. That's going quite well but Coronavirus looks here to stay a bit longer and so who knows.

Very surprised STEEM is holding up, one guy with deep pockets I assume.

Blue chip crypto I meant. Stocks aren't my cup of tea. Steem is propped up, and I hope it stays that way long enough for people to be able to sell their powered-down stakes for a decent clip.

Ah ok. Will see what I can collect from Steemi and see if I can keep that in the Blue chips.

Hive up 55% today, go figure. Still a win-win, but Murphy's Law on the above. I had about $300 of Hive on the side I reluctantly swapped on the pump since it felt like the right move. I'll earn it back over time. I was trying to learn my lesson to act when there's a huge pop, when I always loyally held the past to miss the play. Trying to turn over a new leaf and take what I can get.