Congrats. While those on Hive will cheer, please don't completely ignore the blue chips for the sake of diversification. Steem can vanish in a few weeks. Hive shouldn't, but it could too.
Congrats. While those on Hive will cheer, please don't completely ignore the blue chips for the sake of diversification. Steem can vanish in a few weeks. Hive shouldn't, but it could too.
Stocks look decent, and I did buy a little last month as a Fund. That's going quite well but Coronavirus looks here to stay a bit longer and so who knows.
Very surprised STEEM is holding up, one guy with deep pockets I assume.
Blue chip crypto I meant. Stocks aren't my cup of tea. Steem is propped up, and I hope it stays that way long enough for people to be able to sell their powered-down stakes for a decent clip.
Ah ok. Will see what I can collect from Steemi and see if I can keep that in the Blue chips.
Hive up 55% today, go figure. Still a win-win, but Murphy's Law on the above. I had about $300 of Hive on the side I reluctantly swapped on the pump since it felt like the right move. I'll earn it back over time. I was trying to learn my lesson to act when there's a huge pop, when I always loyally held the past to miss the play. Trying to turn over a new leaf and take what I can get.