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RE: Crypto Fame: United We Stan

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I am a weird type who literally wants no part of the fame continuum. If it were up to me I would have less people even know who I am.

What I do want is money (and when I say money -- what I really mean is freedom). Fame only locks you into other people's expectations. To the extent that one can get freedom without money, I'm good with that also. So really the only reason I even care about money is if it can bring me freedom.

I think blockchains, with or without cryptocurrency will go a long way to helping freedom, if we don't cede them to the powerful (I am afraid that is likely to happen actually). That is why I seem drawn to those currencies which resist the powerful (BTC, Privacy coins, RUNE, etc.). Unfortunately I don't think most want those types -- they want power and money. It will probably take a long time to get to the place where crypto actually delivers true freedom if it does.


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