Don't you follow people who post about stuff you are interested in? Then you might have something to say. You are free to do what you like on Hive, but, as the man says, engagement helps a lot in building a supportive following.
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Watching and talking are different concepts, you can be happy for someone in your soul, experience what he is experiencing, and someone can say flattering words to you, but at the same time hate you.
I see people who post and hardly ever comment as well as those who make comments that are not really sincere. They may be focused mainly on what they can make rather than connecting with people. I will send my votes to the posts I enjoy, taking into account whether the person is being social. That's my choice and you can do what you want.
Yes, you are right, there was a period when I added myself to the list of a-social). But, those people to whom I gave my votes, whose accounts I followed, cannot say that I left them unattended.
I would like to add the following. Among my friends there are many authors who write heartfelt posts that have a lot of questions and answers. They invest themselves in these lines, just as Dickenson, the great recluse, invested himself in his novels. Among the writers there were many recluses who communicated with people through their writings. This must be taken into account, and not put an end to those who do not write comments. In addition to being a community, we are individuals, individuals, with different characters and attitudes towards life. Have a great evening!
Excuse me, how do you like this option:
A man with Alzheimer's, sits in a wheelchair in front of the table and, with difficulty, with his nose, types a few words on the keyboard for his post, his hands do not work, in the hope that the Hive will give him a livelihood, but no one votes for his post, for the reason that he does not write comments ... I have nothing to add to this.
And a person can be very proud and you will never know about his problem.