
But you look cool and chic in the process, which well, it's cool and chic for some, I guess?

As if I cared about that :D

My son does that. "Oh-Em-Gee!"

I don't even know where he picked that up. Probably some youtuber he's watching for one of his Switch games.

Kids these days will be influenced by people we've not even heard of. Do they even watch regular TV? Fads come and go on a daily basis and I don't even try to keep up.

Plus you sound like something out of the 1980s film Valley Girl.

Well not really sound but you get my point.

I don't know the film, but there's a Frank Zappa song where did daughter goes through all the slang of the time. Kids don't change really. They want their own culture.

To be honest, you didnt miss much. An 80s teenie bopper film. Not exactly a Hollywood classic.

Molly Ringwald starred in it.