Great advice on trading, everything is impossible right away, but if you start a long marathon, satisfaction will come in the long run
Great advice on trading, everything is impossible right away, but if you start a long marathon, satisfaction will come in the long run
Many people jump into trade at the time. They want fast money
Making money quickly is too high a risk that I have no intention of taking
Crypto is not about quick money people must understand this. They buy hype than reality
They see how fast money can be made by pros or people who are one time lucky and they want to be like them immediately. Doesn’t work that way, there’s a lot of “tuition fee” to be paid 😅
Paid that tuition fee and I did have sense
The market is a canvas of opportunities, ride it
Lol I meant draw on it
You're right, I like your expression canvas of opportunity! I am following the crypto market and this year I also want to take a look at the stock market
I stayed away from stocks because you have to be a pro or licensed to trade them as far as I understood, stock is a good option if one can get in and find their way around
I will take what you said into consideration