You Have To Keep Fighting

in LeoFinance3 years ago


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If you're in a fight you have to attack,
you have to keep attacking. The enemy has to know he is not going to give up you must break the soul of whatever is in front of you. If you keep on attacking something nothing wants to stand in front of anything that is relentless nothing.

It takes one second of energy to steal everybody's and then you have all the energy you need it's all you need, you need to look at someone's eyes you know how this when you fight somebody you broke them he's like, oh god, man, I don't want to go back the next round and you feel like, my god, I can fight all day.

I can fight all day long that's what taken souls is but you have to have the will
to heart the courage, to go that distance when you're exactly jacked up you have nothing left to give and give more in a horrible environment when everybody's miserable I learned how to really find strength in the misery. When everybody's suffering and their mentality is down and I started just like, my god, this is where I shine and I started using all that misery for tons and tons of tons of drive and motivation to then lead people further because you can get a lot of power through misery.

One of the things that people always
look for in life they look for a point where they can rest they love the idea of struggle as long as it ends and then when it ends they're gonna have a nice comfortable spot but this the idea of reaching this golden year it's a very flawed idea because it's an idea that you're going to work hard but then you're going to reach the finish line but there's no finish line no it doesn't exist.

People go man why don't you ever smile?
There's no end my friend there's no end.
I'm too far to quit now you have invested too much to quit now, you have lost too much to quit now get a reward for your pain don't cry about it, don't whine about it get a reward for it. The problem with some of you in this room you don't have any drive, you ain't got nothing pushing you.

you ain't got no reason for waking up in the morning, you ain't got no reason for pushing past that pain, you have no reason you better find one before you get out of here today.

Do you know what passion is? Passion is an emotion. It's an emotion without an action, passion will get you nowhere inner drive will get you nowhere unless you act on it you have to act on your passion, you have to act on your inner drive. Don't let those feelings stay inside of you.

You got to know what to do with them you got to know how to make them work in order to get what you want.

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