Building A Mining Set Up, Part 1

in LeoFinance2 months ago

I am sitting here with all these old computer parts and I have a revelation that I can and should try and build a mining set up. I have only this information... I know they use GPUs right?

There has to be a "docking device"

So I'm on ChatGPT trying to ask the right questions to get the right answers because search engines are mostly obsolete. Since I'm using Pi's or a collection of Pi's it should be safe to say I'll need something specific.

Available Here

This costs around $30 (US Dollars) so thats 3 about $10 a piece not a bad deal for the rest of whats on there. I may try Temu, don't judge me I'm not made of money like some of you out there. I'm a single dad trying to get through these harrowing times.

Second Thoughts... Power ?

I have used some of the funds I've acquired here to buy a small solar panel which is on route from somewhere in depths of industry. I bought it the least expensive I could from Temu. It comes with a panel, a solar controller and some leads. I also bout a step down transformer to 5V DC from 12V DC depending on how I connect these batteries.

I've been gathering these from old exit lights. Some good old Lead Acid batteries baby. Explode and Corrode!!! I'm actually going to be some AMMO boxes to store them in, I do have old fans I may affix to the lid of the container and drill a few holes for ventilation.

Algorithm I'll Use

At this point I'm not exactly sure. I'm thinking of trying to mine CPUChain, I would love to mine Hive but I don't know if thats finacially beneficial. I don't even know how to mine it if I did.

Where am I getting the money for this?

Here from your upvotes... and your help. I'll put together a video once I begin to receive the things I have ordered with your help. I greatly appreciate it from all of you.


Good luck! 👍🏻

Appreciate that. For sure.