ETH is really cool with what it brought to the table. No one at the time could even touch it, it was so shiny and fancy and new! Look at all the fun stuff you can do with it!
So... Why hasn't the fabled "flippening" happened yet?
It's always due to the UX.
The fees have always been annoying. The transaction times have always been awkward. The wallets have, until semi-recently, been ugly & unenjoyable.
ETH is literally only surviving due to name recognition. Microsoft is also quite popular, despite it's usually horrendous UX. But, it's the name everyone knows.
If ETH 2.0 really does fix this shit, then obviously that is where the party will be. And honestly, I'm rooting for them. Be it ETH, XLM, ATOM, ADA, HIVE, TRON (lol, just kidding 💩), I hope that eventually one crypto ends up on top with great tech and a large audience, so we can finally stop bitching and start building.