I understood 'Solo Mails' from the start but didn't have the fiat to invest in buying one, so everyday I read every mail that came through my inbox, once in the morning, & once at night. It took me approx. 4 weeks to earn enough mail credits to send out a solo mail.
On Feb. 24, I sent out a solo mail and even back then was a little disappointed in the result. That mail went out to 23,122 people, got 76 opens & 74 clicks, and I only got 3 verified votes so this mail would not have gotten paid had it not been a solo mail. Payout was 16.870 not bad for free but not good considering what others had been getting paid in just prior days, the whole reason I wanted to use the feature.
About a month later (March 23rd) I sent out another solo mail, Here's the Results;
Sent to; 23,393 people
Opens/Clicks; 79/71
Click thru rate; 89.873%
Verified votes: 5
Payout; 32.6
Here the payout was better but I do better with my regular mail, I send every 3 days & the highest # of people I've sent to is 1684. most of the other stats are around the same and the payouts are as low as 50.042 and 109.027 per email. This was before they changed the algorithm.
I have not sent a solo mail since and have been thinking about trying with this new algorithm they have but looking at your results it seems to be a waste of my mail credits. We'll see....