
In Urhobo language is called Oreh

banane 😉

you mean banana? 🙂

Yep in french

beautiful my friend


I think this is the most common name it is known for 😂

Haha, indeed. Although we locally call it Saging

that’s interesting to know. Thank you @ifarmgirl

Cheers :) Have a wonderful day

Banana [pronounced Banana and not Bəˈnanə] (ITA)

Kluay [pronounced Kl̂wy] (TH)

Not me trying to pronounce it loud over here 😂 Thank you


Saging? Nice

And we have many kinds of saging here.

in hindi its called kay-laa

i have used hypen so that u can pronounce it properly

Easy to pronounce 😌 I have a friend named Kayla

Thank you for teaching me

@suchabeaut, Is that a real person, or u are refering to a banana :-)

Kayla is an actual real name

I love the pronunciation