Ketika melihat lebih jauh kedalam perjalanan banyak pengguna hivean atau penciptan konten di #hive blockchain, banyak pengguna yang mulai melirik kedalam arah yang membuat mereka dilihat oleh paus di blockchain ini. Namun sebelum kita berbicara lebih jauh dari untuk mencari perhatian dari paus, Apakah kita butuh perhatian dari paus..? Atau kita harus menjalani setiap hari seperti biasanya untuk menjadikan diri sebagai paus...?
Pertanyaan diatas mungkin bisa anda jawab sendiri atau kita membutuhkan paus untuk menjawabnya...! Menurut saya tidak ada pekerjaan yang berhasil tanpa adanya rancangan yang jelas. Termasuk Anda yang berprofesi sebagai blogger, photography dan pelukis dan lainnya. Idealnya, sebelum Anda menciptakan tujuan jangka panjang, Anda juga perlu menetapkan tujuan per hari yang harus dicapai seperti apa yang mereka dapatkan dari perhatian paus.
Hari ini saya sadar bukan seorang ahli dalam segala bidang di dunia blockchain, namun hanya memiliki sedikit keahlian untuk menciptakan kontent. Saya akan terus menciptakan kontent walau tidak ada perhatian. Berbicara kesalahan, tidak ada seorang pun didunia blockchain ini yang tidak membuat kesalahan. Tetapi jika kesalah itu terlalu banyak mungkin sangat sulit untuk mendapat kepercayaan. Sekarang kembalilah untuk membuat apa yang bisa kita lakukan untuk memiliki suatu perhatian. Terima kasih sudah melihat blog ini, semoga kita selalu mendapat perhatia.
What Must Be Created To Get Attention From Whales When looking further into the journey of many Hivean users or content creators on the #hive blockchain, many users are starting to glance in the direction that makes them be seen by whales on this blockchain. But before we go any further than to get the attention of the pope, do we need attention from the pope? Or do we have to go through every day as usual to make ourselves whales ...?
The question above may be answered by yourself or we need the pope to answer it ...! In my opinion there is no successful work without a clear design. Including those of you who work as a blogger, photography and painter and others. Ideally, before you create long-term goals, you also need to set goals per day that must be achieved as they get the whale's attention.
Today I realize that I am not an expert in all areas of the blockchain world, but I have little expertise in creating content. I will continue to create content but no attention. How about mistakes, there is no word in this blockchain world that does not make mistakes. But if there are too many mistakes, it might be very difficult to gain trust. Now come back to make what we can do to have. Thank you for viewing this blog, hopefully we always get your attention.
Thank you for reading my blog,
Untill next time on hive,
@suheri Aceh
The source image below is TheTerminal Assets and Gif created by me.
Untill next time on hive,
@suheri Aceh
The source image below is TheTerminal Assets and Gif created by me.
Twitter #hive #indonesia #mycountry #posh
The attention is not your starting point it’s a privilege that a few only have so leave that and maybe you will get lucky
Hopefully I'm lucky ... but that will all change, because the whales are not robots, their choices keep changing one day.
Thank you...
Wel who knows , maybe they dont even curate themselves
Hehehehe... that's right
I guess the key is to be passionate about your own work. If the whales see your content or not, it doesn't matter because you're having fun and you're doing what you love ♥️
Thank my freind...
Is it just me, or are there currently 11 people who have commented here to support ganja, as per request?
He won't cough it up till @ganjafarmer pays him 150 Cad . Extortion at its finest .
Sorry my friend did not know about that ... if I knew I had not done it and asked your permission ... and the hivecannabis account does not belong to me, it belongs to @phusionphil
i wouldnt worry about it, he is in control of his group and this is a dispute over an individual username, not the community itself which has its own account. There will be no harm done, especially as its a non profit group there should be any conflicts of interest.
You can feel free to make me an offer.
I will remind you of 2 things, I stood up for you while you were down as well as constantly upvote your content Mr. Farmer.
2 legal threats, are threats. I am not here to make enemies, and I was not aware of your community which doesnt seem to have anyone else interested.
I made the account litterally as a vote bot to support decentralized cannabis content.
I dont owe you an apology, but since I respect you in this community I would just ask you show me 10 users who wish to use your new community, I will give you the master key in that case.
To be clear,
I will give you master key, and let go of the ownership as soon as 10 users comment here stating their interest in your platform, as a measure of good cannabis karma litterally to be kind I would do this.
On the other hand, I would want more the simple cost of an account creation to secure yourself the Master Key to Hive cannabis. My time is worth about $50 an hour, there was 3 posts there that too about 3 hours of my time total.
So $150 Canadian Dollars or 10 Users commenting to pledge support for your project and I will turn over the key. I am not open ti negotiating the terms and I will take ANY cryptocurrency as payment but reserve the choice to decline shitcoins although I will attempt to take any form of payment since this situation was unexpected.
Please dont take this out of perspective, I made the account with a free will and I did look around to see if the term Hive Cannabis including the word Club was being used. I should have made it @hivecannabisclub now knowing this.
I definitely support ganja and his community. I am also friends with an upcoming commercial pot farmer who plans on joining and being actively involved once he has purchased his farm.
Ganja has personally asked me to promote the community on my live show, which I have indeed done and could provide the audio if needed.
Ganja has done a lot of work to generate interest in his community. I like to see everyone succeed, but I do think it is very nice of you to offer giving him the name back so he can keep it in line with his community, assuming you can't come up with a way to work together.
He has the community, this is over the username @hivexannabis, and from rule #5 it seems he is okay with any account affiliated with the name not profiting from the ownership of the account, so irs confusing what the conflict of interest is until I do something aside promote cannabis content. Or "high quality content" as I originally stated.
As for the community, the hashtag was dead for an entire week, which is an entire curation cycle, which is considered not active by the usual standards on Hive and previously steem.
4 posts per week is the minimum last I checked. I still fail to see any conflict of interest until I have done harm to the community.
I would support this user either way!
exactly what I am doing, the only one making a fuss about anything and acting selfish is @ganjafarmer so I have provided him with an offer to resolve this, he seems to have declined.
Basically right now the consensus I see is that $150 Canadian Dollars or the cryptocurrency equivalent in any coin is too high of an ask.
Perhaps within the next 24 hours, ref. the 24 hour rule, a counter offer will be made, as for now its a bunch of interesting mediation and arbitration going on infused with #cannabis.
I usually don’t get into things like this, but I do know that @ganjafarmer did start the Hive Cannabis community. So throwing my vote for him
I wholly support ganjafarmer. Legendary dude who is helping our skate community . Emphasis on community!!!!!
I enjoy his participation here too, but with the assumptions made towards me and the lack of consideration for me as a member of the community, who is now on a downvote trail according to @ganjafarmer, I dont really see much if a dynamic for inclusion in this situation.
I made reasonable offers, didnt even get a counter offer, just got assumptions and attitude to work with on the other side of the fence.
C'mon man, what do you mean that the hashtag was dead for a week? There is no tag ownership on Hive but we must respect others. There are a ton of names to choose from.
I support @ganjafarmer in this case
What exactly did I not respect?
I made an account called hivecannabis, that belongs to no one.
I had claims of plagiarism made against me, which is false.
I also was put on a down vote trail by @ganjafarmer, so explain to me how this is respectful to see when I log in for the day and have done ABSOLUTELY NO HARM TO ANYONE.
I personally wasn't gonna create an account with a name that's already been taken by a community out of respect to the other community owner.
I hate with beefs on chain. Hope you can sort things out peacefully.
I am a very monetary being. $$$ speak louder than words and the Hive Cannabis community isnt even worth $150 CAD is all we can get from this.
I am looking at joining leofinance, interesting community.
LeoFinance is awesome and leo token is pumping hard.
I can vouch for @ganjafarmer is the person behind the Hivecannabis community. I suggest you don't charge him anything for the account as that looks really bad my friend.
he has the account and the community, what does my ownership of the username @hivecannabis have to do with that?
Rule #5 is that it is not for profit, so what exactly is the conflict of interest?
Because that is his community. You know what you did.
I used an account creation token to create @hivecannabis, that's what I did.
I could claim any name I want with an account creation token. You're very confused about how Hive works I think is part of the problem with alot of the dynamic of this debate.
I'm not confused about how accounts are created. You are confused about how not to be a dick in this community?
Extorting someone for money isn't how any of this works you do realize that right? I'm now involved because you are playing games with me and I don't play games.
You must be mentally challenged. Or addicted to some hard drug.
Your time is NOT worth anywhere near $50. Especially for blogging. Let's be honest it's not worth $5.
There's nothing legally wrong with making a hivecannabis group: Personally I would never just copy another community even if it was a small group. however, THIS post seems borderline illegal. it's certainly morally disgusting.
Well a counter offer would be the logical response in whatever mentally retarded reality I must live in.
I made a username, @hivexannabis (wrong name on purpose, I could have chosen anything) it was a username not a community I used an account claim.
If he doesnt have $150 CAD I dont see what this community is worth and wont be wasting my time mediating with illogical people.
Rule #5 on the Hive Cannabis (community) is non profit, to upvote the community, so explain the conflict of interest you see?
Its a name, like if I named myself @nikecannabis on twitter no one would care...
$50 an hour is what they give something like secret nuclear scientists.No blogger earns that much.
I didn't say blogger, I said my time. It's also a rather low offer considering what most of these communities will be worth.
I plan to use the community very soon...I'm forming something I'd like to promote. Not ready yet, but keeping an eye on things from a distance. Ganja is a great guy. He's very active in the discord community as well. I support him.
Good to hear. I have supported him for a long while too, before hand even on steem.
It's very lame to see blind accusations of plagiarism throw at me and being added to a downvote trail, so this is going to complicate things.
Where is your introduce yourself post? I cant use steem anymore due to being banned at the API level, is it on Steem?
That shit is whack yo. Bad form. You know it, I know it, and obviously other Hivers know it. That is a dick move Santa Claus.
What exactly is a dick move?
IDK I always wanted to use that phrase.
Also am curious about the bad form, I was accused of ??? all false claims, never given a chance to defend myself, obtained the @hivecannabis account with a account claim token, so explain to me what exactly is bad about the form considering rule # 5 on the Hive Cannabis community.
What this is, is an intellectual property debate, so would you care to enlighten us to a better "form" or are you going to just play peanut gallery, because that would undermine what I understand as satanism, if you are claiming to be a satanist.
Bruh, you aren't going to be able to do with anything with that account anyways if you start to use it people are going to trash it. You might as well just give it to the rightful owner who was starting that community. Next time I check in you better have done that.
No one is going to trash anything, I am the rightful owner, that's what this debate is about.
The veiled threat is not helping this situation either.
You missed the point. You won't be able to use it?
So...wait....was this premeditated? Like, you knew the guy, obivo. Was this a "domain squat" type thing? Now you are asking for him to make you an offer? Was that the plan all along?
It was not premeditated at all, you didn't even read any of the post on the account in question. It was created due to a comment made by another user and a logo the other user made.
You can go read the comment thread we're both me and the other user I have chosen to leave out of this drama because he doesn't want to proliferate the drama unlike me who actually owns the account.
It's on a post from over a week after the last time the Hive Cannabis community was posting and there was ZERO response for over 21 days to the account.
I counted 11 users.
They are not official without an introduce yourself post that includes a selfie, I guess you didnt read the rules to joining steem?
Best of luck making wild assumptions about people and ruining your chance to resolve this in a way that could monetize your community.
The funds from the purchase would be powered up and voting for cannabis content for the most part either way, it would be voting on Hive.