We live in a world of regurgitated content and low thought shares, while critical of people who actually think.
This is why we can't have nice things. It takes all kinds of people to make a platform a success, snobbery and insults won't get you there. I would never think to rob you of the high esteem intellectually that I regard you, one reason I was drawn to you in the first place but none the less rubbing elbows with others isn't going to catch you a bad case of cooties so relax. You write the serious thought provoking stuff and let the rest of us regurgitate whatever it is that inspires us even if momentarily, nobodies forcing you to read it, if that time ever comes I'll defend your position.
Interesting. This wasn't directed at you at all, yet it seems to have hit a nerve. I didn't even know you were still around.
Being a blogger with the virus, the election and basically fighting the information war and censorship I just haven't had the time to give your articles the attentions they deserve. With the market swings being thrown into the mix creating a lot of drama respected opinions often helps put things into perspective. You'd think I'd done learned not to try poke a bit of fun with you because you take things seriously, maybe a bit to much, but there is nothing wrong with that at all, hence why I call you my Mr Douglas of the blogs.
Well, it is good to krrp busy. I don't think I have seem anything from you in almost a year, just after Hive started.