How many people visited in last 6 months?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Here are the data for Bitcoin official website during last 6 months period.

  • Total visit to is around 2.65 million with average duration of 2 minutes and 2 second.

  • US is the first country with traffic source of 16.80%, Korea at second with 7.89%, similarly china, Russia and germany respectively at 3rd, 4th and fifth position.

  • 67.71% people visited through direct searches via web search engine.

  • 2.2% of the traffic source is from social medias among which Reddit at first with 45.21% and youtube at second with 24.71 followed by twitter, Facebook and Ning at 3rd, 4th and 5th position.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Maybe more people learning about BTC?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta