Coming to a country which has crypto illegal,Hive was my only option to get into this space. Which i fact I used to the best, joining most of the projects that almost ended up. I feel with the belief to stick, a new user will fall into the trap of jumping up in coins. Thats a regret. However, coming up to this phase has been a great ride, I still believe things could have been way better if I just had powered up every week/month. I often travel looking to only use Hbd if needed
You put everything thay I feel from now in Right spot. And, can relate more with the possibilities of sticking to "what you believe in". Its never late when eyes are opened, I am way looking forward to making my best "Hive year 2022" bring in the time , effort, and engagement for the community. I felt the whole ride from 2017 after reading it all. Thank you. Wish you the best✨
You have my respect as well for the whole setup you been through and pulled things up. Hive has been a boon for many of us. And, will always be.👏
I really hope Hive can help you like it did me and so many others. That's what this crypto stuff can do for so many. Hope you have a very prosperous journey here!!
Sure. Thank you so much. More into how i can pour into hive as well. Way more to explore ahead. Best wishes ✨