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RE: In Introspection: Digital & Physical Assets

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Great discussion! I didn't see it that way before. I was with the impression that digital assets with eventually replace physical assets. I guess it's because of our progressive nature like josediccuss pointed out. We're always going into the future while ignoring the present or past. Digital assets indeed enhanced physical assets through overcoming its limitations but it's purpose isn't to replace physical assets in its entirety.


It is just exactly as you have pointed out. The truth is that any advancement that is technologically innovative isn't actually means to completely replace Or destroy but to majorly complement and enhance. The truth is that having digital accept compliments physical except means people have more opportunities to create balance and reduce the aspect of uncertainty when it comes to ownership of property and wealth. This is what the US government is currently not understanding. Crypto is meant to enhance and not to really destroy or replace

I'll be looking it that way going forward. Finding ways to combine the two for an optimized investment portfolio. I think they can compliment each other beautifully.

The US government missed the point with crypto, it indeed isn't here to replace the tradfi system in its entirety.

True, Jose put it easier and better there. As much as we the younger generation tends to like the digital life, we can't entirely ignore physical assets because the digital ones are now here. This is where diversying comes in. I
I like the idea of us now having both options and one (digital) being a lot easier to acquire than the other.

Many thanks for watching.

Indeed! Having more options on how or what to invest in is a great thing. We can best design it for our individual preferences. I tend to prefer digital assets too but physical assets seems to be the ultimate asset.