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RE: Generate passive income with your Hive Power

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Dumb question, I know, but I am not a Hive veteran, so please forgive me: Did anyone make work for him? I have added rather a lot of users to Fanbase (including myfreebtc), Daily Limit set to 5, Weekly Limit set to 30, Status green and still it won't vote for me :/ Only voting I see on blocks are my manual votes

"Upvoting status: Normal
Current Upvote Mana: 96.99%
Upvote Mana threshold: 5%"


That is very strange, I decided to see if mine is working and it is... I have 100% voting weight, wait time 5 minutes, daily limit 2 and weekly limit 10. status with a check mark.

yes, I have no clue... tried to enter your settings.

I think if I entered a wrong key at the beginning / the sign-up, but I guess if that would have been the case HiveSigner or would have made me aware of it...

I think that you only need to give them the posting key since the point is only to vote on content there's no need for them to get the active key but I'm not sure 😅
That might be the issue...

mahdiyari answered this question. the riddle is solved... need a minimum of 15 HP to use

You need more HP (Hive Power). We don't broadcast low-value votes at At least 15 HP for 100% votes. I recommend getting +100 HP.

ahhh, that is it! really thanks a lot for the input! :)