Hi, thanks for the read. I discovered your recent articles via my interest in HoloZing, which I discovered via Splinterlands/Risingstar/Golem Overlord , or you could say a general interest in Web3 games. Splinterlands was my real introduction to Hive a couple of years ago, but I have to say, Hive has really gone over my head to a greater extent. The problem for me is that it is so dang hard piece together all the little bits of info. Holozing has introduced me to more aspects of Hive than anything previously, for example what the heck is delegation , how do you do it, what does it mean, all things that are probably obvious to you but just meaningless words to me, they have no association with anything. For example, you mention, curation, I've no clue what that is. I'm going to dig about and find out more, I have a slight idea, but what are the in's and out's of it ?, very opaque. I even joined a curation trail once, no clue what I was doing. So, all that to say, thanks for the read and I'm going to rummage through your articles for nuggets of Hive info, but if you can point me to any good resources/writers, I'd be very grateful.