I work in the sales organization, but I am definitely not a salesperson. What I do is Sales Enablement, which is supporting the front office, customer-facing teams to sell more effectively. This takes many forms depending on needs, but it isn't about sales techniques, methodologies or even processes, rather it is about helping them build the skills to apply them. Yet, because of this, it also reaches into other fields, like supporting the development of techniques, methods and process.
While there are many metrics to evaluate success, ultimately it comes down to making more money.
In a few months (by my estimation), the company will gain centaur status, which means that it will be generating over 100M in Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR). This is a metric for SaaS companies to measure their value, which is typically more accurate and useful than market evaluation, as it directly measures current business situation and gives a ballpark on the future, all things remaining equal. As long as churn is low, the ARR is pretty steady, meaning that all new ARR generated adds to the yearly tally, continually increasing the value, year on year.
However, the way sales operates between a perpetual license or SaaS model is different, and since the company transitioned from one to the other, there was not only a lag in profit generation, there was also the internal change management process to consider. In the early days, there was a bit of skepticism that it would be successful, but four years later, things are growing well and the cynics are becoming believers, based on the results.
This is the way with all development really, as in general, most people cannot see far enough down the track or, do not consider how long ideas and processes can take to mature, which slows things down even more. This is not necessarily a bad thing however, as it allows for them to use the evidence of the change to change their minds, rather than blind faith that in some future, things will be better. But, in order to get the ball rolling and get to those proof points, it takes believers.
Is that what we are?
I was thinking about this the other day in terms of the "value" of my crypto holdings and the negative change they experienced in the last couple years from the highs of 2021. Essentially, the value of it has decreased by more than what I have earned in my entire working life, which is quite a staggering realization, but also points to how little I have earned at various periods, like the first ten years I was in Finland, living off what was essentially the poverty line, whilst working full-time.
Yet despite this, I am not concerned, because I have a belief that the future is going to be brighter than the past. And even though I know that there is far from certainty in this, I still think that the potential for a better outcome is worth more than what I have now, and this isn't just in terms of the personal value. There is more at stake in the world than individual success, because if we keep heading down the path we are, the world is going to become more volatile along every metric, becoming an increasingly worse place to live.
Money can be a higher level of security, but that doesn't mean it brings a fundamentally better life experience. Living in a gated community, unable to move freely on the streets out of fear of violence, and watching people struggle make ends meet, are not pleasant, even if one isn't struggling themselves.
Similarly to my role in sales enablement that crosses over functions and affects concurrent processes, the development of a better society means being involved with multiple "departments" and requires improving the whole, not just individual pieces. Like a football team full of skilled stars, unless all are working to play the game together, the results are going to be quite poor. And it is because of this that I think decentralized governance will prove a better methodology than what we have now, because currently, no matter what is actually needed, political parties are made to oppose each other. The best interests of those affected are not actually considered.
For example, one of my colleagues who is from the US was saying today that people often ask if he wants to go back to live there and he answers, "only if wealthy". He said that it is a great place to live, as long as you have enough money to live well, otherwise, it might not be so great. In Finland however, it is possible to not be wealthy and still have a good life. And "not wealthy" is the condition that we are nearly all going to have in our lives, as that is the way an economy works.
This means that in order for the majority to have a good life, we have to build conditions that support it, which means that it isn't about maximizing the value of the individual, but rather, maximizing the value of the group and ensuring that there is adequacy of wellbeing. There will never be equality and merit should always matter, but how much it matters and the value of being slightly better than the person next in line needs to be better valued. But in order to do this, everything needs to be better evaluated and tracked with transparency.
Obviously, this can get dystopian very fast, but so does the current track we are on with massive wealth gaps. This means that if we want to avoid that dystopian future, we can't keep heading the way we are with the tools we have, we have to take the risk and attempt to build better tools, believing that there is a chance that it will lead to better outcomes. But, it takes time and a mass of energy, as well as trial and error and adjustment to even get started, even though there is very little proof it is going to work. But if things go well, the Annual Rate of Return on the activities will continue to increase, except rather than money, it would be value of experience.
Idealistic? Yes.
Possible? Yes.
Likely? That is up to us.
No matter how good a process or technology is, if it isn't supported, it does nothing.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I read around these parts that education’s the best value-add from a productivity and I’d argue quality of life standpoint. It creates the capacity, at least.
I think like my contemporaries, offering some sort of information while entertaining generates the value and in essence, merits attention.
But of course, random facts and trivia aren’t exactly lucrative.
Quality of life trumps education in my opinion too. There are a lot of over-educated, very sad and lonely people in this world.
You see that's exactly it... People are unwilling to take chances... Even if it fails.... You can still learn somethingg from a failure.
Or am I wrong?
You are not wrong. Normally the lessons learned are more valuable than the cost of the failure.
I agree with you on the vision of the future, I don't know why but from this point of view I feel optimistic; in general, however, I speak of a personal future, as far as the future of humanity is concerned, I don't know how to express myself at the moment.
these questions with the relative answers should be printed and attached to the PC monitor to keep them as a reminder while working on one's future; a lot depends on us, there are the possibilities and there is also the ideal to move us which, in my opinion, is always an advantage because the gods give us even more strength than we sometimes really have.
For the rest we have to put the effort into it and see how it turns out, right?😉
There is always the chance of better, but rarely does it happen in the realm of humans without people believing enough to make it so. We have the ability to evolve ourselves, yet we squander it currently in the pursuit of more useless.
Yes I fully agree.
However, I believe in it and I believe that things can go better; I'm trying to build a better future for myself and my family and I hope for a better future for everyone of course; but I'd be lying if I said that I don't give priority to my family, unfortunately I can't think or convince everyone, so I first try to change and improve what's around me starting from me.
Of course I always hope for a better world, from all points of view.
Yes. As they say, charity starts at home. Yet, building the systems that enable good personal results, can also help others build good results for themselves. The current system is about building process that help a few, by costing the many.
I was in a meeting the other day giving my board an overview of what the tech department has been working on and will be working on in the future. I had to put it out there that software as a service is not going away and our budget is going to have to adjust to plan for that. In the past we could write a grant and pay for something and we would be done. These days the budget needs to keep growing to allow us to use those services that we used to have as a one and done.
Interesting subject this. It seems companies/vendors are being a bit "cute" or sneaky, looking to monetise everything they can. I must say I much prefer a perpeptual license and one off known cost rather than having to raise POs and CERs on an ongoing basis. One and done is a far better model for the buyer and the buyers should be pushing to retain it.
It really depends on how much talent you have on site and the skill level they possess. For example, we use a hosted VoIP service versus hosting our own. That way we don't need house any servers or do the regular upkeep and patching of them. Instead, I just buy the phones, pay a fee per month and my vendor handles it all. If we were a bigger district I might have someone who could specialize in VoIP, but being a one man shop this fits better into our model.
In-house ICT services are being cut back I feel as there is less need for specialized people in some areas. However some industries will always have some level of on-prem service and infrastructure by need - for example military.
For sure.
Ya that's a good use case. My gripe is more on the switch and router vendor side where these Pay as you Grow models are being pushed on customer s. It's great to have an option, but it should be just that, an option.
There are some things I prefer to keep in house. Servers and networking is one of them.
Perpetual seems like a better deal for the buyer, but it depends on the product being sold. If it is continually being developed and advanced, the perpetual license falls a foul of being outdated quickly. If there is the expectation that it will be upgraded for free forever, that will never work, as there is no incentive to develop.
Yes, and while the overall cost might increase, there are also savings to be had in terms of productivity. With the perpetual licenses, the products tend not to update for too long, losing efficiency. SaaS companies have to keep developing in order to keep the subscription. The initial outlay is also far lower.
Yeah, I totally agree with that. Usually you get some kind of support too. Any time that I don't have to spend my resources troubleshooting is a good thing for me.
Yep. The support is a big thing, as well as the training involved. Most SaaS is cloud-based service, so there is less for the on the ground admin to do.
Thats one of the biggest failures of many things in life, there is not continuation of things, like goverments the president even do doing a good job almost never gets reelected, when it comes to projects is the same thing takes years to build something efficient and reliable, takes patience and been persistant to stay with the project, sometimes I think that in the future groups without physical limitations will be identify with certain crypto currency of preference, like a country without borders or flag just a preference of crypto currency, just an idea, thx for sharing ✌️
The democratic system is broken, as it is run by the average and below. The intelligent people are always in the minority.
Wow, when you talk about the drop in Hive value vs your all time earnings, it's pretty crazy! Hopefully over the coming five years we see Hive grow back towards ATH and retain them this time.
It is insane! I mentioned this to a good friend the other day. He was shocked :D
I think I wouldn't like to work as a salesperson because they sometimes have to lie or even deceive people. It is not my personality :)
It is a funny thing, because it depends a lot on the company and salespeople within. For example, Where I am has just closed on of the biggest deals ever and the buyer made a press release that highlighted that the reason they went with us because of the way the focus was on value and building trust and accountability :)
Unfortunately, most people will not be able to understand this. It is even more difficult to understand this - at the stage of planning your investments.
At some point, it will be worth mor than I have ever earned and hopefully, will ever earn in my professional career :)
At some point, you will stop measuring your assets by salary :) Successful investments are the way to that small group of people on the planet that you wrote about earlier.
There are many things that are pretty nice but if it isn't known, then they probably won't be very successful. It's a harsh reality and business tends to involve more than just a product. In a way, I think building things are a good alternative incase something happens.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
In the B2B SaaS world, the product is vital of course, but what really matters long-term, is the relationship of trust and value in what is offered.
You have a good role in the organization you work and that how we can make technology benefit us and others, better life requires hard work.
You got it. This is the reason wars happened in the past. This is the reason left vs right, x vs z happens. All of this just to have the good conditions to live a good life. Each one of us have different definition.
However since last 10 years we have pushed this world too far. We forced lazy people to use mobile and the electronic cryptos etc. I guess we have to take things slow.
I think a lot of people would be shielding themselves as the AI would be disrupting the jobs and the market. And every bit of money in the bank or in our hands would have some value.