While I didn't come close with DICE, after 3900 packs and some extras bought on the market, I now have a full CHAOS LEGION card deck, up until this point at least. This includes the 3 airdrop cards that were released today with a 1:350 card to pack ratio, which means that I "should get" 11 cards of each - enough for a single maxed legendary.
This is my legendary set so far:
Not all cards are created equal though and while I have played Queen Mycelia from the Earth Splinter hundreds of times, I don't think I have ever played Zyvax Vuul from the Dragon Splinter. However, I am pretty happy with the haul of Legendaries, even though I was hoping to get a little more "gold" action from 3900 packs. But, I did get not one, but two of this fellow today, the only playable card with Bloodlust:
Which means I had to head to the market to buy two regulars in order to MAX mine. While slow, I think this bad boy is going to get some air time with a lot of players and I suspect more bloodlust is on the way. For good measure and since I already was half way, I also bought 2 gold foil versions early after the drop also - if not for the appreciation value, for the 12500 CP each is worth that might be needed for LAND.
These are the airdrop cards (so far) based on number of packs:
Blight, Baakjira, Uriel, Lira, Iza and Grum. Other than Doctor Blight, the rest are going to be available in packs which if I heard correctly, have a drop rate of one Legendary for every 12.5 packs opened.
These are all the CHAOS LEGION Legendaries that have been printed so far and it is quite interesting to have a look at both the printed so far and what is circulating. For example, if 100 Legendary cards were printed and 5 were maxed (takes 11 cards each) there would be 50 in circulation - (45 singles + 5 maxed cards). Because combinations can't be reversed, they are counted as one card and the BCX for the circulation would still be 100. This means that the "Regular circulation BCX" + the "gold circulation BCX" adds up to the total print. This chart is loaded on the fly, so there are discrepancies in the numbers as people are currently combining some of them, but as an example for the Blights that are out of print:
Regular BCX = 19818
Gold BCX = 783
= 20601
This is the "total BCX printed" you can see in red.
However, gold foil versions only take 4 cards to max, however, most people don't combine their gold cards, at least at the moment.
But, this is where at least for me, it gets interesting. As you can see, there are far more total GRUM, IZA and LIRA cards printed than BAAKJIRA, and this is because more packs have been sold since the release and airdrop of Baakjira, even though the airdrop was calculated at 1:300 for Baakjira and 1:350 packs for the latest three.
This should mean that based on scarcity alone, Baakjira should be more expensive than the latest ones, but demand is also going to have an effect on price here. But, there are other things to consider with this too, as while they are all "available" in packs, the more airdrop cards that are released, the lower the chances of getting any individual one.
For example, if there was only one legendary available and a person bought 125 packs, they can expect (based on odds) that they will get 10 copies of it, as the drop rate is 1:12.5 packs on average. However, if there are two legendaries available, while they can still expect 10 legendaries, they can expect to get 5 of each. If there were 5 legendaries available, they can expect to get 2 of each. Currently, there are twenty legendaries that are available in packs (Blight was presale only), which means that out of 125 packs, a person can expect to get 10, but that is statistically going to only mean 1 copy of half of them.
While my math isn't great, this should mean it would take 35,000 sold packs to print 100 copies of an individual card at 1:350. However, if one legendary is 1:12.5 packs it would take for any individual one to be printed 100 times, 1,250 packs sold, which is far less. But, with 20 legendaries out there, it will take 25,000 to have each of the cards printed another 100 times - which is still less than the airdrop.
But, there is a monumental difference here, isn't there?
For example, I have 3900 packs which attracted 35 airdrop legendaries today, but lets go with the "average" of 33 for this number, which is 11 of each and enough for maxed versions. However, for me to be able to get the chance at the same cards (1:12.5), I wouldn't need to just buy 137.5 packs x 3 (412,5 packs), as I would also get one of the other 17 legendaries available in that mix. This means that I would have to buy 2,750 more packs to be sure. But, since I already have my 3900 packs, I don't actually (if it stays at 1:350) buy any more packs in order to max legendary cards. Now, I know that they won't all be legendary cards, but hypothetically, as there are 13 airdrop cards that will also be in packs, it is a total of 143 legendary airdrop cards guaranteed.
In order for me to get the same under the hypothetical scenario of buying all packs after all airdrops are available, I would need to buy 137.5 packs for every legendary available, so that is 17 normal legendaries + 13 airdrops for a total of 30, which equals 4125 packs.
That is not that much more than the 3900 I have already bought, but again, there is a difference, because there is no guarantee of which legendary a person gets, which means you might get 30 of one legendary and zero of another. This means that if you want a particular maxed legendary and your luck isn't there, you will have to buy it on the open market.
But on top of this, it also assumes that all of the packs are bought after the release of all of the airdrops. Buying earlier increases the chances of getting a particular copy the already released one, but will increase the requirements to buy to get the later ones, as it is in "competition" with all of the ones released before it.
Yet, there are other factors to consider too. For example, there is a market for cards so it is possible to buy what is needed to max there, but this requires market liquidity. However, as more people are buying and opening, these cards are being spread more broadly throughout the players, meaning that one individual looking to max a particular legendary card, might need to buy from 11 other individuals, willing to sell. Since a lot of people are looking to combine (especially the strong cards), finding these 11 willing to sell will get increasingly difficult the more players there are.
There are two ways to look at scarcity of cards, the number of a particular card and, the demand on that particular card. If there are a hundred cards and 10 people want them, only 9 maxed versions can be made, and one person will be left with a single. However, if there are 1000 cards and 100 people want them, only 90 maxed versions can be made and 10 people can't even get one each. If there are 200 people, it halves. There are 500,000 active accounts on Hive and all of them want these cards (and others) at some level. But, all of these people could be competing to max their cards, even if statistically, 10 will miss out, what is more likely is that all of them will have some cards combined to some potential level, meanaing there might not be many maxed versions available.
For instance, while there were 20,601 Blights printed, there are only 12,621 regular cards and 633 gold cards that are available to play. This means the vast majority of playing accounts don't have a blight At any level at their disposal. But, I have 1 Maxed and 8 singles, plus a gold.
If I were to sell them at current market price, the max would fetch 1089, the singles 99 each and the gold 1090, for a total of 2,971 dollars - that is for 9 playable cards in total.
On top of this, these CHAOS LEGION cards will have a league created especially for them, with the ability to play in both the open and the CL league simultaneously, which should attract those "more players" as the cards can do double duty. Doubling the potential usage of a CL card incentivizes building a strong deck to compete, so while there might be more cards printed, there are also likely to be more people looking to combine these cards to play in both leagues.
This all sets up an interesting dynamic that gives reason to collect and buy to combine, but also distributes the cards to more accounts, forcing purchasing in an increasingly high-demand marketplace, especially on the "drawcard" cards. This means that some of these cards are going to potentially rocket in value as they will become key to success, but it is unknown which they are going to be.
Then there is the LAND factor and I am so in the dark on LAND and what it might mean for the game (and for me) in the future, but those "in the know" are very excited about it, so I have to be also. Bandwagon investing at its best. At the very least, if it all crashes and burns in a heap, I am not going to "lose alone" within a group of strangers - I will be in good company with friends - "shared experience" is important - even shared loss.
Now, this post is me trying to understand and visualize some of the market forces and potential for the game, as well as justify why I have spent so much investing into these cards. When it comes to the drop cards though, at least for now I am able to sit back and relax and not worry about chasing after the cards on the market, as I will get them dropped automatically. I hear there are some summoners to come, but I have no idea about them or the drop rates.
What I do like though is that pretty much, the game is at least rewarding those who have put significant early investment into CHAOS LEGION packs and for the new people to join now, once these packs run out and the cards start to become very scarce on the markets, they will be glad they got those drop cards along the way.
If player demand suddenly increased by 100K accounts, and they all wanted a maxed CL deck, they would need about 4200 packs each. that is, 420 million packs.
There are 8.35 million packs left or to put it another way, only enough packs left for 1988 more max CHAOS LEGION decks, or about 4000 gold level decks.
With a league all for itself, is that a lot or a little?
[ Gen1: Hive ]
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So I can expect to see you battling in champions league with your max deck?
I am hoping. Last night I got hammered in D2 though. Will try again tonight :)
That was a very long, but interesting, way of saying, "If you want your Chaos cards, better get them now." lol
I totally agree, before the sale I was generally of the opinion that card prices were going to come down. And they have to a certain extent. But as people start to figure out which cards are the most valuable, some of them have started to creep back up.
The interesting dynamic here in my eyes is that while there are literally going to be of thousands of some of these cards printed, the fact that a little less than half the decks have been sold means that there aren't nearly that many on the market. More will continue to drip out...but how much will you have to pay for them at that point? Will the demand outstrip the supply at some point and prices shoot upward? Could happen.
I have almost maxed my Gold Level deck. I've got no shot at fully maxing it. Way too expensive for me. But I went ahead and bought most of the ones I needed early. I overpaid for some of them, but, surprisingly, there are quite a few I got for a bargain.
We'll see what happens from here. Congrats on being able to just sit back and watch! I'm sure it will be pretty fascinating now that you don't have to worry so much which way prices go.
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But, it wouldn't have been as fun to write :)
And I think this will continue, especially as scarcity starts to set in. It will take some time to sell all the packs, but a lot of people will want to buy or rent along the way, to get what they want. However, once those packs do sell, it changes again.
That is awesome. Some of them are crazy... I do have a few key ones that I took in gold, as well as some that I thought were "cheap".
I am just trying to work out the new cards - I wasn't great before them - not any better with them! :D
I want to clarify: Gold League level deck. Not Gold Foil. lol Like I said, too rich for my blood. It kinda sucks but...it's almost double the cards to go from Gold League to Max leveling. I didn't get started in the game until July so nothing has been cheap. I'm about tapped out for this game. Just a couple more to go.
I have managed to at least get a dozen or so of the cards to my levels with the Gold Foil. In some cases early on, it was almost cheaper to buy 20 GFs of the common cards than it was to buy 220 of the regular, which are the number for level 8. In the cases where I've got the GFs, I'm trying to take the regular to level 5, and vice-versa. That way I can play the one and hopefully rent the other. Probably not going to be worth much but...worst case is hodl and sell later.
I am 100% right there with you. I've come to the conclusion that if I want to actually get good at this game, I'm going to have to do some studying. The hardest part for me is getting my lineup set in under 3 minutes. So many choices. I think the good players know which combinations to go to for certain rulesets and where they are in their decks. They then just have to guess what their opponent is going to do and adapt accordingly. I'm just trying to get my numbers to match the mana total. lol
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Ah... that is a bit different - still :D
And depending on the card, not really worth it. my "non-BL" are mostly not maxed, though I have a half decent DICE set too, with max summoners. The rest, almost nothing but key cards here and there.
I think this is a good way to go. I have done the same for a few cards, where I have a max that I play and a potential max that I have combined a little to rent a bit.
lol yeah. I have come close to timing out, where I have to randomly choose cards in whatever order, just to get into the round.... rarely goes well :)
If I ever run up against you in a battle, I should probably just hit the surrender button and move on to the next one. 😁
One of the Splinterbites says something to the effect that cards that are taken for granted now will be hard to come by in a couple of years. Yeah, that might be right.
I lose so much!!! Especially tonight.
Something that most people don't seem to think about is, a slight change to rulesets and suddenly, what was useless is the most valuable. Doesn't take much to jig.
As soon as Equaliser ruleset was announced, I snapped up hundreds of gold foil Exploding Dwarf cards.
Combined 4 to get to level 6 with 3 abilities and put 50 up for rent.
Turned $500 into $9000, and 350 DEC/day indefinitely
Just need to know the game, keep an ear to the ground, and keep some powder dry.
that card hammered me in a round the other day - I don't think I got a hit in as it pounded through my entire lineup.
The ultimate glass cannon. If he survives for more than a few rounds, you've won the match.
I should rent one to try it out. I don't think I will ever be able to buy - but I have said that before too....
Loaned you a max one for a month or so. Careful; he's volatile ;)
I thought you were going to by decks and hold them. I didn't realize you were going to open all the cards. That's interesting. I bought one CL pack for $4... the cards are worth something like $0.30 so I reconsidered whether I was going to buy more, and decided not to. I can say Splinterlands is way harder than it was when I used to play it years ago.
Just talking about this in a chat. This is the thing - even opening 100 at a time, there were a few that were 50% loss. However, I bought 3900 packs = 15600 dollars worth at $4 a pack (I paid a lot more for vouchers early on) and the total current value is 18400. This includes all the drops and blight, so it is likely about even overall.
I almost forgot to ask you, did you get your champion points? How many? I never understood that calculation. Since this is first for you I plan to learn it.
Regarding card market and airdrop; most professionals card traders try to get as many airdrops as they can. They are free and depending on meta, can be highly valuable in future. Of the current generation, dr blight remains at the top because of the versatility and just pure usage
good question. Just checked:
It is 1:1 by the looks, as I finished on 3724
I think that for new players coming in - the summoners are going to be huge. They close the gap to older players and, they have that "superpower" of being playable in two leagues simultaneously.
What a nice collection you have there! I'm slowly buildling mine, and have a ton of unopened packs. Curious to see how fast (or not) will packs sell, and wonder how valuable will they get in the future; my main question now regarding legendary cards is... when do the summoners come out?? ;) See you on the battlefield! !BEER
More willpower than me!! THis is the problem with "usable tokens" - hard to hold still.
These are released on the million sales, right?
I think so, but have no ideia at which! One of the reasons for restraining myself from opening them all is to be able to have the chance of legendary summoners dropping in my current packs. Lack of high level legendary summoners has its toll in my win/loss ratio! ;)
Tell me about it!!
It's a nice way of thinking about the maxed level cards but I wonder how many people want to go that far. I am happy with where I currently stand because the investment into summoners itself is quite frightening. Maybe I will think about maxing out cards later in the future.
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No one has to go that far, but it also applies to optimized decks for gold and silver. it just means that the amount of potential "max" doubles :)
This is the weakest part of my deck by far. I have no legendary summoners (other than quix) and it shows. I rent.
Wow! Guess I have missed quite a bit seeing you so involved in Splinterlands! I also missed DICE in terms of packs but had an epiphany and went in and bought a maxed set for $1,000; not bad. As I have learned, I have never regretted buying anything Splinterlands related in thr last 3 years!
lol yeah... "who'd of thunk it?"
It has been seven months so far and... I think I will have to sell the house soon ;D
I didn't realize you went in so deep either, but I think you can say that it has given you a decent ROI!
Hope you are well mate!
I got lucky and flipped two gold foil legendary cards for 250 packs, I was quite happy with that. My second gold though was a Quix the devious! I wasn’t expecting it to be a summoner at all for sure so now I’m going to have to focus on trying to buy another one so I can get it to level 3 at least. I’m not really one to have maxed out stuff so I’m settling for level 6 summoners and 3 for the legendary ones. Hopefully I don’t screw myself and miss out on some awesome other cards coming but I think they shouldn’t all be legendary cards. An epic and a rare like they did with untamed would be better, to not focus so much on the top stuff.
Some awesome cards you have there man! I’m getting mine up there slowly but I’ve been scaling back at the game. Competition is too intense and I’m taking a breather so I can gain back some sleep and hive funds hahaha
Nice move!
This is what I was hoping for.... none.
I hear that the summoners to come will not be legendaries and yeah, there needs to be some other cards too. One problem with having legendaries is - when there are no legendary allowed :D
See you back next week ;D
Damn this game can get complicated.
meanwhile I still just play it when I can and not much else
I know this was an "unusually" long-winded post, but it does help me get a better understanding of the ecosystem and reduce complexity... whilst highlighting all the things I don't know to increase it again! :D
I know, i kind of FOMO a bit, and I max leveled first two of them, and got the third to level 3. When CL finishes, i am sure the price will go up.
It is a waiting game for price - for now, it is time to play :)
I am curious to see how the split quest will go, for old school and untamed/chaos separately. What do you think? !PIZZA
Where did you get that stat table on the Legendary pops?
Good site:
But check the links at the top for gameplay and tool. Have fun!
I too have bought around 114 cards, and opened around 10 to get 1 standard legendary and 2 standard legendary airdrop cards. I am still on Silver 3, hoping to increase my CP when I open the card to get to Silver 1 or even Gold 3.
Getting a little lucky with a GFL makes a huge difference for CP in those leagues.
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Hey @tarazkp, here is a little bit of from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.
Let me know if you will need a ghost
writerplayer.But seriously maybe someone would hire me. you said that my win/loss ratio is good...😜
There is a market for hired players. But it's a difficult market. Dominated by seasoned players. Just like anything you have to establish yourself. There are professionals guilds like YGG which you can check out. @tarazkp was correct to refer to me. I do have a professional who plays a max deck for me. But that’s a business relationship that is based on many years of trust.
Thank you!
I see. thank you.
I am not sure how to set this up, but perhaps @azircon has some advice.
I like to play! :D
thank you.
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Hi Taraz, I've gone cross eyed looking at all those numbers lol
I am one of the few that didn't get into the game but watched with interest has it took off like a rocket.
I still don't own a single card that I'm aware of but the land sounds interesting.
On the chances of getting the desired cards I would imagine that depending on the randomness of the distribution. It may be much more difficult to get those legendary cards? Or is there a mechanism to guarantee buying a completed set of cards in one hit?
If so I'd be tempted to buy a completed set as my wife loves these type of games. So I could give them to her. 😇👍
I'm more inclined to play call of duty when I get the opportunity.
The moment I faced you on the battlefield I knew I would lost 😅 Great cards you have 😎👌