The problem with immigration?
Well, this is a narrow problem for now at least, and isn't going into all the complexities of different aspects. Because, there are many problems with immigration, many of which aren't about immigration at all, but the way culture and society function. However, an article from the Finnish news on needing practical nurses reminded me of this issue, as the estimate is that Finland will need 31,000 more practical nurses by 2040, which is almost a 35% increase from current levels. This is because of the aging population in Finland, as the birth rate is well below the replacement rate, and the only thing keeping the population growing, is immigration.
During 2023, there were approximately 45,000 more immigrants than emigrants, while deaths outnumbered births by nearly 13,000.
The population grew by 33,000 people. And of course, while a lot of that is immigrants, even a percentage of the births in the country are going to be to immigrants already here, right? This is what fuels the narrative of the "great replacement" theory, which has claims of being debunked. But is it really false?
I don't think so.
I just don't think it is driven by any purpose to do so, but rather, it is the economic incentives that are making the change, because the economy as we know it is a Ponzi scheme that is driven by growth. That growth isn't just population growth of course, it is also efficiency growth, which means that businesses driven to increase profits (money) will find more efficient ways of doing things to maximise the productivity of their staff. This leads to more being produced for less, increasing profits, but also decreasing the people needed to do so. This has other effects on the economy too.
Number of jobseekers in Finland rose by 27,000 last year. The unemployment rate still hovered around 9% in December, virtually unchanged from the previous month.
So, 33,000 more people in the country, 27,000 more jobseekers. This isn't a one-to-one correlation, because a lot of the job seekers are professionals who have been put out of work (myself included) due to profit-maximisation strategies.
Companies are not at fault.
All they are doing is sticking to the economic algorithm of increase shareholder wealth. And shareholders are not at fault, because all they are doing is working to maximize their own wealth through the available mechanisms. And the mechanisms aren't at fault, because all they are doing is what they are designed to do by the algorithm creators, which is to maximize money generated, because that is classified as improving conditions.
The lack of "fault" keeps going.
It is a cultural issue though, isn't it? Because this game of maximization has been in play for a long time in human history, and perhaps for its entire existence. The problem is that in the relatively recent past of the last few thousand years, the growth has been done through mechanisms like conquering, slaughtering, resource theft, slavery.... you know, all those lovely things from the past that we think are no longer present in our world.
But they are, aren't they?
While countries are largely unable or unwilling to expand their borders through war, the corporations are the new states that are warring on their behalf for market share. Wealth is largely the state, not the land itself anymore. Population size doesn't equate to high value anymore either. Conquering the marketplaces is the driver for expansion. Slaughtering and consuming other players in the market to expand borders, increase population, and consolidate resources to increase control and defences. Theft of resources both natural and human happens to maximise profits, such as taxes paid in places where the income wasn't earn to reduce tax burden. And slavery, well, just look at where production is in order to lower costs and increase profits.
The colonial times are not over. They have just shifted from land to wealth.
It is more efficient. Just imagine how much time, resources, bloodshed and effort it would take to conquer the lands to swell population size to 3 billion people. Yet, Facebook has done it successfully in less than twenty years. TikTok and Twitter are similar, as are Apple, Alphabet and Microsoft. These companies are generating more wealth than many sovereign states today, with far higher efficiency, and far lower obligation to the people.
Imagine if states said "You're fired" to citizens who didn't produce enough.
Corporations can be shadow states, without requiring any citizens, nor having to defend any borders. Not only this, they don't have to provide much relatively for those that generate the wealth for them, they needn't maintain infrastructure, they can reduce their costs of social obligation, and they needn't worry about dying, so they never have to even pay an inheritance tax.
Replacement is happening.
But I don't think it is any conspiracy to replace white people. black people, or whatever lays between, the replacement is of us as citizens, and the protections that citizenship used to bring. We are not people anymore at any level, we are human resources that are used to maximize profit for the organizations. Yes, it is a few at the top who benefit in their lifetime, but they themselves are just resources too, enslaved to the algorithm of maximizing wealth growth.
The base layer of the economy is at fault, because it isn't designed to improve human wellbeing, it is designed for wealth maximization. Wealth maximization untethered from human condition improvement, is always going to lead to consolidation of wealth and therefore power, into the hands of a reducing few, at the expense of human wellbeing.
See the problem?
Our culture is one of maximisation, but what we are looking to maximise is not human growth, it is wealth growth. Even if we were looking at human growth and wellbeing, perhaps we wouldn't care about the colour of skin at all, or perhaps the religious need that we seem to have, would have moved away from all of the religions as they currently stand, as well as all of the political ideology, and focused our religious needs on maximising human wellbeing in this world, now.
The need for nurses in Finland due to an aging population, isn't about replacement of Finns, it is because the current system is imbalanced and it has led to conditions where Finns are going to be unable to look after themselves. The global business models have no obligation to do this either, and instead, they will look to capitalise on the situation to grow wealth, by offering goods and services, including nursing staff at a cheaper cost to improve their bottom lines. And the governments don't care about citizen wellbeing either, as they are only looking to persist, to survive, to hold onto some control for relevance, so they can maximize their own interests, which align with those of the corporations.
Society is fucked.
The way things operate is fundamentally broken at the core, and as such, it drives the worst of us result, not the best of us result. This is always the result, because that is what profit maximisation drives through efficiency. It is about getting as much as possible, by offering as little as possible, rather than trying to offer as much as possible, with the resources available.
The potential of the resources we have available to improve humanity is immense, but that is not what we are doing with it. Instead, we look to generate wealth for ourselves as individuals, but that ends up generating an increasing amount of wealth for a few individuals and corporations, meaning that the Wealth gap keeps growing, as it should. It "should" grow, because that is what the economic algorithm has been designed to achieve, and it is working as planned.
But, people (including myself) are not encouraged to think about this macro view of the economy and the implications the system has in order to change our culture and behaviours to improve it. Instead, we are conditioned to focus narrowly on aspects that we have been told are important, like the colour of skin, or which religious tenet is correct. Useless shit that doesn't make anyone's lives better, but does create the conditions for marketplace maximisation of profits, and increased efficiency to improve the chances to further conquer, slaughter thieve and enslave.
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We have a more complicated situation. Many health workers have immigrated from my country in recent years, particularly to Germany, and we got immigrants from Syria during the war. Besides, our population has been going to be older as well because young people not willing to marry due to economic crisis.
It is more complicated everywhere, than I put it here. Most countries are doing the same because they will maximise wealth, but it will have major impacts on wellbeing and more so, the more time progresses.
As long as governments do not open their eyes and do what they were elected to do, things in the world will not change. If we first lay the foundations for a balanced economy and equity for the citizens, only then it is possible to implement social policies that focus on the use of the human resources available in the country, but it is easier and more profitable. To use foreign labour for economic reasons, because of the conditions of need of those people who migrate in search of better positions, in search of a livelihood. Change is not just around the corner.
Governments have their eyes open - it is us who are the blind followers.
Yes it is. Worse is to come.
Yeah, I have heard a lot of talk about this great replacement theory as well. I personally don't think it is one concerted effort. The businesses that drive a lot of this don't really care what color the skin is of their workers. They are just looking for cheap reliable labor to pad their bottom line.
All skin colours are still just resources to consume.
Yes, wars are no longer between states. The companies that states have grown are like a powerful army. They manipulate and exploit people. They make them fight among themselves. And most people are not aware of this.
Don't you find it strange that people don't put 2 and 2 together?
Heard this new 8 days ago, Finland is recruiting Filipino workers for a job to nurse there aging population. The package is $2,000 dollars/ USD monthly salary plus the whole immediate family of the be migrated in there country.
The average salary in Finland is about 4000€ - so it would be tough for a family to live on $2000
Salary very poor. How much will you pay for your rent ?
That's the sad truth, many will grab that oppurtunity since $2,000 is equivalent to 100,000 php in the Philippines, compare to minimum wage / month at around 15,000 php or $300.
Absolutely right communal era is still present there, it's just transformed its nature- land to wealth!! A few never stop capturing land though!😭 For sure, consolidation of wealth in the hands of a few is the symbol of disbalance of overall wellbeing.
There is no end to tyranny.
Africa is growing in population so perhaps European government should learn from Africa
Some parts of Africa are. But, that model is not the solution either, is it?
I think that perhaps by a combination of natural artificial conditions there is a population count we are destined to approach, and we are on the wrong side of that. Adding immigrants will eventually lead to mostly childless or low birth rate 2nd gens. Western countries have become rather antinatal in the 3 branches of government.
There is a government program where people are paid and given a home to move into in Italy. Now there's a video about countries you should not move to. One such country is Italy. Why not? There are too many rules too many regulations too many taxes all of these things make raising families very challenging in these places. No jobs in these rural areas so where is the money to come from that the government will want to collect from you? And how does the Italian government expect you to somehow pay for everything?
Perhaps we need to reverse all legal changes that have happened since the time when the population growth was the highest. That was the '60s. The African countries are doing something right. I don't know what it is though
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All the people doing the not at fault things are at fault because they're doing it and thus perpetuating a problem (whether or not they realise or accept that it's a problem is irrelevant, much like apparently ignorance of rules doesn't excuse breaking them).
government don't care, it isn't their problem. All they care about is taking tax from citizens and even collecting from where it wasn't generated to keep empowering themselves with wealth while leaving the citizens to poverty. Once the government refuses to perform the duties they were elected for, the systems is corrupt. There are no more wars with physical weapons, yet there are still wars; war to increase wealth by all means, war to keep the citizen poor while promising the guarantee of citizens' right; the right the fight against secretly. The system is corrupt.
Yes, the whole system is designed to concentrate wealth in the hands of just a few. Also those on top politically are always finding ways to enrich themselves.
Look at all those fools thinking that Trump is like them, cares about them and will help them... A day before he takes office he releases a meme coin to become one of the richest people on the planet 😀
That is all you need to know about where his priorities will be in the next four years.