I wrote a post recently where I mentioned a question my wife asks in the interviews she conducts, as part of the evaluation process. She is a headhunter and recruiter and the company she works for has been growing rapidly and hiring many people, so she has been in interviews for all kinds of positions near daily. The question she asks is:
If you had all the money you could want, what would you do?
Normally, there are two main categories of response; I would use it to do all the things I want to do, learn, go. Or, I would use it to help my family out.
Today, she got a different response.
I would invest into startups.
The candidate did mention that if she had enough, she would also help her parents out, as they have hadn't had the easiest lives, but the investment comes first.
Out of what must be hundreds of interviews across a selection of backgrounds, often highly educated and professional people - given all the money one could want, only a single person has said they would use it to invest. I think that is quite illustrative of how narrow people think and how self-centered their view of what money can do in life.
Money is a tool and with it you are able to trade it for all kinds of things, including the generation of more money. However, as "selfish" as that sounds, when that trade is on an investment into a business model, it allows the business a chance to grow and perhaps flourish. Yes, there is a personal return, but that initial seed capital can be what ends up distributing wealth across a large number of people, which can be used to invest and generate further. Around these businesses, communities develop.
I believe that in the coming years, thinking like this candidate is going to be common place and a lot of that investment mentality is going to push into crypto business models, not just tokens. It wouldn't surprise me if this particular person is already a holder, as generally the people who mention they would invest "free funds" are, already invested and understand the benefits.
Speaking of investing, I read today that unsurprisingly, Tim Cook who is the CEO of Apple, owns crypto, sees it as a reasonable investment and has been interested in it for a while already. What was interesting is that he added that Apple has no plans of investing corporate capital in directly.
“I wouldn’t go invest in crypto, not because I wouldn’t invest my own money, but because I don’t think people buy Apple stock to get exposure to crypto,”
They don't buy Apple stock, but they do trade on Apple products, yet supposedly "rejected" the idea of taking crypto as payment for products.
Why? Because they already do.
The mainstream media seem to consistently drive the idea that the value of crypto is that it can buy products and services and seem to conveniently "forget" that this doesn't require a single company to say "we take crypto as payment" in order to legitimize it. Apple, being the data collectors they are, are likely very aware of how many of their products are being purchased with crypto, as well as how many of their phones are installing crypto wallets, exchanges, charge card applications and, how often they are being used. Google knows also.
They have been watching the industry grow for years.
Through the data they collect, they can see culture change, they can see who is dong what, when, how, who with and they know that people like that candidate mentioned above, are a growing part of their consumer market. They likely have some pretty well-funded teams working across various aspects on how they are going to approach the next three, five and ten years in regard to the changes in the habits of their users and the effect it is going to have on the economy, including the impact on their businesses.
I think it is safe to say, that while governments are looking for ways to control crypto so as not to lose grip on their citizens, the corporations the governments have already lost due to the globalized economic structure of business, are looking to capture its wealth for themselves. They don't have to race into the scene with a big bang, as they are already large enough to feel they can take their time, limp in quietly, while slowly building the infrastructure in the background to enable profit advancement. For them, this is an opportunity to further break their own chains of legislation, and they don't want to rush it and spook the masters.
They know that younger generations are suffering economically and feel they are unable to accomplish the dreams their parents were able to meet. They know that these people are more and more throwing caution to the wind and either ending up taking on more debt with a "what does a bit more matter" attitude. They also know that there is a growing number who are looking for alternatives, with more being attracted to higher risk opportunities that were being overlooked by the traditionalists. They know that like us, all they need do is bide their time and the market will come to them, as long as they can keep facilitating the tools needed for their market to get invested.
The companies are calculating and they are patient, because like someone who has all the money they need, they don't have to sell in order to spend and, they don't need to get some shiny bauble return straight away. They can sink their money into startups, they can build a market place for apps and, they can keep doing what they are doing, while going long in the background, waiting for that market to fall into their network.
And that market is maturing, both in age and investment value and within the next decade, many of them like the candidate above, will be seniors in companies, making executive level decisions on the directions and allocations of corporate resources. A decade from now, the percentage of thirty-somethings with 5+ years of experience with crypto is going to be enormous.
Every business who is expecting to be able to capture the consumer attention ten years from now, has likely already put teams together to work on how they can best position themselves in the marketplace of the future. They might not have it all under their belt yet, but one thing they do understand well enough is, follow the money.
One of the things that people fear in crypto is if the large companies commandeer it for their own, but while some might try, that is not how they will generate the most wealth for themselves. The value of the future is not by trying to monopolize the market in order to squeeze profits, it is to build decentralized ecosystems that enable people to build freely and generate wealth that can flow in and out of the ecosystem, attracting more users, more transactions, more value to build.
It might be on a much smaller scale than what is to come, but Hive has ben doing this for years already and has surprisingly for many, been able to generate wealth in the ecosystem, without having to trap anyone into the market. Everyone is free to do as they please, whether that be spend what value they have on consumables as users, or invest them into assets and startup business models to become owners.
Perhaps the question of all the money in the world is too wide for many people to work with, as in general, we are not from a position of abundance and we can't imagine infinity. We think with a scarcity mindset, so perhaps a question that might evoke more thought would be;
You have one more dollar than you need, what do you do with it?
Spend it wisely.
Turn it in to two.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have some solid idea what to invest such sums into. With about 2500 % quarterly return. I don't expect me sharing it here to lead to a tremendous pump in price but... Who knows?
It's seeds.
A pack of seeds of any common local plant goes for under 1 USD around here. Even if you do not own a plot, if you're just renting the land, the square footage needed to plant that pack of seeds might cost you another dollar but you could get lucky and fit into the same 1 USD. A few months of protecting your investments and there's a good chance you get more than 25 USD worth of carrots.
Well, if you calculate your time spent protecting your investments, you're probably at a loss, after all...
But that's just because carrots are heavily underpriced!
And I can see a scenario where they can easily go to the Moon.
Matt Damon planted potatoes on Mars, so...
But I guess, if you enjoy gardening anyway, may as well work at growing something edible.
Right, I am going to stock up on a cellar full now and wait for them to reach their potential! :D
Well, we kind of ate through our fridgefull before two thirds of autumn were over. But I also have the warming memories of giving bagfulls away so that they don't go to waste. One of these years I'm going to make it to a real carrot DEX or something. A cellar full of seeds could maybe feed the world.
It's great to see someone with an alternative idea for what to do with money. I love those situations, when someone throws you completely off.
It's funny that companies like Apple say that they don't invest in crypto. Of course they do! They have dozens of subsidiaries that do it for them, just not directly by the parent company.
Yep. I think this is in the subtext of what Cook was saying, and he know it!
Yeah, gotta read between the lines lol
I would buy multiple maxed out decks. With some of them I would play in champion league and others I would rent to others. I would also become a whale on hive.
It is quite scary how well people we don't know know us.
Wouldn't two maxed decks be great! I know a couple people who have and they hire people to play the second and split the rewards.
The data collectors know far more than they say they do.
I think corporate companies such as Apple, Samsung, Google have already their plans, products for the coming years. They just wait for the right time to launch them.
You have one more dollar than you need, what do you do with it?
I think that one more dollar should be invested in crypto business models, too :)
I assume they have products they could release on short notice even - if pushed.
If I had all the money in the world, of course I would invest part of it to continue having money, because if there is no investment, it is logical that no matter how much there is if only expenses are covered, it ends; and with the other part I would use it for my expenses, help my family and low-income people, ha,ha,ha, dreaming does not cost anything.
Dreaming is free!
Thankfully. I am a dreamer.
I’m not smart enough to understand things like investing into startups but I like investing in people.
I think investing into people is a good way to invest into startups. The team matters.
Well there is that as well I guess XD
My investments tend to be much smaller (individuals that seem worth spending time and money on/with that seem like they will make some world better for being in it).
Scratch off lottery ticket.
lol - A friend said the same an hour ago when I asked. He was joking that given a million, he would buy a million in stratchies and "double his money". He was joking in this case - though I know people who might do that.
Thats a pretty good response and what a wonderful support.
Do you know anyone with all the money in the world looking to invest in a start up? I have a start up atm lol
I wish I did!
Hahaha don't we all!
I would be doing the same but also need to be little cautious and Do your own reasearch where you investing.
Research is always necessary, though wouldn't it be nice to have a small team working together for finding opportunity?
For us it was a different story from a different time. One when our grand grandparents lived. When a boy should ask for a girl hand, and needed to prove that he is a good man, worthy of a family. This one was a normal guy, working hard, but every time he would get paid 2 copper coins, he would save one and use one for what he needed. And soon copper turned to silver, and silver turned to gold. In a world where people would rarely see silver, in a small mountain village, when he asked for his beautiful girl's hand, his dad asked if he is worthy, And then, he got his hand in his belt pocket, and got not one, not two, but six gold coins. And they lived hapily ever after. Lesson learned.
Things were simpler back then in many ways - as there was less distraction to draw the eyes away from what is actually important in life to accomplish.
Priorities, this is the lesson we need to learn today.
Priorities, this is the lesson we need to learn today.
NB: A lot of that legislation they wrote, themselves.
Whenever you hear that 'Legislators sat down with industry groups', know that doors are being slammed closed on lean, hungry, start-up competitors.
Borderless crypto will kill a lot of monopolies.
For sure they wrote it, but I suspect that this approach will be easier/ faster than rewriting it and this way, they can play the "control" side in the interim while they position long. They play their cards right and they won't have to face the legislators much at all. Of course, they aren't going to have an easy time of it in the long run, because a lot of the wealth funding will be used to slice away at their market share and tear at their top-heavy business models, stealing investment capital in the process.
Can't wait :)
If nothing else, it is going to be disruptive :)
I suppose if you had all the money you would want then you also wouldn't be at the interview lol. Did she hire her or don't you know? Start ups is where the money is made and a smart answer. One reason why I am so happy to be involved with the SEED token as now it is primarily used on investing in launches via the DAO. Early bird gets the worm and all that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
"I'd buy this company and demolish it" ;D
Hasn't got that far yet I think. It is a pretty intensive process for some positions.
And, it means that there is often an alarm clock to wake us up, and help finding the next worm.
I have to admit I would hate the interview process as you are either good enough or you aren't. I used to find the right skilled people and then look for the personality that would fit in adding to what we already had. I suppose it is more complicated today and must be way out of touch with what is really going on. Was headhunted once and turned the down as it was in the insurance industry and that wasn't me sitting behind a desk.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Finding the right skills matched with the right personality is hard - getting people to come to interviews seems a challenge in itself these days. A lot of people don't want to work.
Funny world we now live in as I would have thought earning a decent salary would still be at the top of the list. I love working and hate having to sit around waiting for things to happen when you aren't in control. Business on hold till January due to raw material shortages countrywide. Still out shopping for new clients but it is not the same knowing they can't buy right now. Only 2 more months or so then hopefully business as usual. Can't keep this going forever though as still no salary and Feb will be 2 years. Been too scared to take out the company coffers just in case we need it later on.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah it is strange, as it is a decent job, relatively decent salary and the company is seen as a desirable place to work.
Raw materials is a huge issue for lots of my clients too - which means it will start affecting my business, as they shut down production... Sucks. Hopefully things pick up on your end!
That's what personal finance is so much important. People think about today when they earn, but they don't know if they invest small percentage of their earning it can be huge in coming years to come. Whenever I find someone like that, I do try to convince them to invest, I have done that for few.
It is hard at times to get people to look even toward the next day now. I think we have created a world that encourages instant gratification, but as always, rewards those who can delay.
If i had all the money, i would probably buy an island and move to it while helping humanity from afar.
What would you do from afar?
I would help the younger generations by investing in scholarships and grants, I am a product of different scholarships so I know how important they are because I wouldn't be here today without one.