Gold Horses

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Instead of getting to bed early like I had planned last night, I stayed up and traded just a little on HIVE. It really was just a little though, because I am too greedy, or too attached to HIVE to let it go cheap - even if buying it and more back. Over the many years of this and the cost of wanting more, you'd think I'd have learnt by now, but no, I am still too attached, still making stupid decisions.


Will I ever learn?

Unlikely. But it was fun to watch charts again after a long hiatus (for the most part) and to see HIVE moving against the stream, picking up some decent gains. It was also pleasing to see my account value move into triple digits again in comparative value against the dollar. I say comparative value because I haven't made more HIVE, but it is worth more in dollars.

I want to increase crypto. Not fiat.

Of course, increasing crypto is easy with all the shot coins our there, but the value of the numbers needs to be tied to something real, goods and services. What can I do with it? what can I buy with it? How does it affect my life?

People often forget that money itself is meaningless unless the economic activity is tied to human experience in some way. It doesn't matter what the numbers are, if the human experience is shit. But, we live in a world that incentivizes the collection of numbers by reducing the wellbeing of the masses. It might not be intentional, but that is the outcome of how we organize the current economy.

However, while I want to increase my digital crypto holdings, I also live in a world that is predominantly tied to fiat currencies, which means I have to operate in both worlds, with a foot in each. I have never been a gambler on card games or horses, but I do feel that I am playing a pretty big hand in crypto, hoping that my horse comes in. But, unlike a big score, I am betting on a long-term win, one that benefits everyone.

I don't think it is good enough to be wealthy monetarily, because it is just the number component of the equation. While idealistic, I still think, how the wealth is made matters. In my opinion, a healthier economy is one where the generation of wealth is tied to the wellbeing of humans, where the majority of people are continually improving. Where the most profitable businesses, are those that do good for humankind. Wellbeing of humanity shouldn't be an afterthought, it should be at the core of all of our activities.

As said, idealistic.

But I don't think it is "too far fetched" if we consider that we are entering into a period of life where we are going to have many tools that are going to replace what we do now. Perhaps, what we will realize is that a lot of what we are currently doing, doesn't actually help us a species, so making it more efficient and optimized, just doesn't help us faster and cheaper. When the majority of us are out of work, replaced by a robot, what will we demand?

Better conditions?

Perhaps, rather than waiting until we are in poor conditions as a species and struggling to survive, we should consider the economic models we use, and how and what businesses create. It shouldn't be that hard, but it is going to be terribly inconvenient. And unfortunately, most of us put convenience above all else - even our own wellbeing.

Gold horses don't win the race.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I want to increase crypto and fiat :) Ultimately though, I get what I get. I think we are still too early to be going 100% all in on crypto. The world just isn't there yet. We will see how this current cycle plays out. I've been waiting for HIVE To get a bit higher before I move my liquid stuff back in to HBD.

I think we are still too early to be going 100% all in on crypto. The world just isn't there yet.

Definitely too early for all in, unless already a big-ass BTC whale.

I've been waiting for HIVE To get a bit higher before I move my liquid stuff back in to HBD.

It might have a go at a bit higher tonight.

I'm thinking over $1 so that the conversion to HBD is actually worth it, but I am not sure we will see that again in the short term. Then again, who knows!


I think you will be far and away ahead of the game by your holding practices. I do understand people make great profits by trading in and out of one crypto or another, but as for me, I am disinclined to trade like that. Being comfortable trading like that would make it much easier I guess lol.

Hive is uniquely suited for people of all locales and stations in life to advance their finances, even with nothing to invest but time. There are many more benefits to Hive than simply monetary. Where else can an average person knock heads with like minded folks from anywhere in the world? It doesn't even matter if one is wealthy and one is not, the like minds keep them on a level playing field, for the most part.

I have rarely traded, especially since the stroke. I don't have what it takes anymore!

There are many more benefits to Hive than simply monetary.

I have learned a massive amount since being here about many things and the reflective experience of writing has brought me a lot, and hopefully the audience too. I think that there is a different kind of openness here that might not exist elsewhere.

Yes! That's it exactly!! I was trying to put my finger on what it was about this place that made me feel comfortable talking to complete strangers and you nailed isn't me that feels different here, it's this is open and unjudgemental, after the initial frostiness, that is. It can be a little daunting just starting out.


Willing to learn while using both, many good things could happen from new ideas created using currency like crypto, it is taking a long time to reveal to it's full potential.

Never been totally sure it will fill void of physical potential in humans, or simply become the next game on a chess board.

People need purpose where functioning transaction may take fruition or it will crash and burn along with many fiat currencies in the past.

Never been totally sure it will fill void of physical potential in humans, or simply become the next game on a chess board.

I think at least for now, it is just another game, but there are positive signs. However, things tend to take far longer than we think they will :)

Patience, change has taken happened quite rapidly in my lifetime alone, monetary is bound to attract conflicting ideology.

As for people not being productive mentally, physically or trading I have my doubts, historically we have always taken pride in attaining results.


The same for me. I didn't convert some HBD to HIVE when HiVE was at $0.2. Now I don't want to convert at all. Perhaps, it will never come down at that price anymore :)

I was converting, so I don't mind selling some back now :)

I must be happy with the HBD interest for now :)

It is not easy to win in the stock market. Because it is not suitable for human psychology. It is important to increase the number in crypto, but this number we will increase should be more than the annual inflation.

Why do golden horses not win the race?

but this number we will increase should be more than the annual inflation.

Do you mean the value of it?

Why do golden horses not win the race?

They do not run :)

I meant quantity


what can I buy with it?

buying things with hive would be nice. But I would still prefer paying for everything with my paintings. I imagine coming to a shop and paying for few days of food with a fairly quick drawing. I need briquettes? I change it to my painting. I need new glasses? I change it again.

But I would still prefer paying for everything with my paintings.

People should be buying your paintings with Hive too, right?

That would be great.


It is a great moment to convert some hives, we do not feel bad for take Profit.

I don't feel bad about taking profit - I feel bad about reducing HIVEs :D

I know only wait one year and you could get a lot.


Beautiful article, I think fiat especially in my country is getting devalued every day, so for me crypto is the way for now.

I think it is the same everywhere, but it is more noticeable in some places at a daily level. Here, it is more like a death by 1000 cuts.

Oh my.
That's so bad

I would want to know more in this

More what?

How you traded in Hive


Remember that HBD gives 15% profit. $0.40 is a good price to exchange for HBD 1/2 or 1/3 HIVE. HIVE will probably be at $0.05 in the next cycle.

And we had a mini-flash crash, immediately after I put in my buy order for NEAR token :)

Hehe I am also trading between Hive and HBD lately. Considering the absolute amounts involved, it's probably not significant to change my wallet in a major way, but it's fun to speculate sometimes.

"a healthier economy is one where the generation of wealth is tied to the wellbeing of humans"

I think this is your core statement and I agree with it. Think about dictatorial economies they also generate a lot of wealth, but eventually the economy declines because the wellbeing of humans isn't taken care of. Extreme concentration of wealth leads to the decline of empires. That is why it is not good to have a dictator who is concentrating all of the wealth in his family or a tiny circle of people. It is also not good to have a few people who concentrate wealth via free market mechanisms (including concentrating it even further via the use of AI) to the extreme degree.

Kind of like it is not good to have extreme concentration of anything on blockchain, some decentralization of control is good.
