You know what would be nice?
One really green month before a little bit of collection period until summer. Like, really, really green. I would love a chance to make some profits on what I have been holding for far, far too long and unable to sell. Well, I am able to sell but don't want to sell at a loss - silly me. I got absolutely wrecked on RUNE the other week though.
Me and a few others.
That was nice.
Greed kills nearly all of them in the end, doesn't it? However, I think that this is somewhere where Hive has an advantage, because while lots of individuals are greedy on Hive, overall the protocol is developed without a lot of greed in mind. Hopefully it keeps getting developed and people will build some awesome projects on it, that are attractive and compelling beyond just a way to make some money. When a project has nothing else but a way to make money, it is destined to fail eventually.
Perhaps one day, all this tech that is getting developed will be applied to actual usecases for problem humanity face, and can aid the decentralized organization of value transfer, without having to go through those greedy asshole banks. Their greed works because they have legislation to protect them and politicians to bail them out when they get too greedy and fuck it all up.
I am getting off track...
Where was I?
Ah yes. Green markets. So far, while BTC has "pretty well" so far in the last few months, the alts have been largely underwhelming. And no, don't point to memecoins as examples of "doing well" - they are fucking nonsense. Nonsense can still make money, but that shit is like snake oil in the wild west - a scam.
Again, what I like about Hive is that it isn't just an interface full of pools to attach coins to for earning, or some gambling thing with random number generators, there is a community here. Yeah, at times it is a pretty messy community, but it is filled with all kinds of people, from decent folk looking to live a good life, to the slimiest bastards looking to rip them off.
And everything in between.
Where are you on the Hive user spectrum?
Good ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- Slimy
We probably exist at multiple points on the spectrum at various times, but there are some who stay much further to the good side, and some who are never dwelling far from the slime.
Ah damn it. Off track again.
I should just give up and head to bed instead of trying to write what is in my head right now. You know, sometimes (more often these days), I have this thought in my head I want to get out, but it just doesn't translate into text. It frustrates me when I can't get the right words out, but it happens now in real life too a lot since the stroke. I want to say one thing, but a similar sounding or similar meaning word comes out instead. It is like my brain is reaching into a draw of unpaired socks, and choosing what to wear, even if they don't match in colour or style. They are all words, but that doesn't mean they go together.
HIVE is sitting at 30 cents at the moment, so perhaps a quick pump up to 60-70 again before settling back down for some 25 sideways action until summer. That would work for me I think. I reckon that would give me a decent opportunity to sell some and buy some back, before selling some again after summer when it goes to 2-3 dollars.
Ah, the confidence of youth....
Unfortunately, I am an old prick, so that means I am just bitter at all the missed opportunities throughout my life and have very little to look forward to in the future, other than perhaps my own funeral. I don't actually want a funeral though, and my wife has very strict orders on how to deal with my body after death.
Someone will take my arms, another will take my legs, and then it is "1,2,3!" and into the forest.
I don't want my ashes scattered, I want to be food for the plants and animals.
That was very off topic.
What are the chances of me getting my wish of a month of super green alt coins do you think?
20, 40, 60 or 100% ?
I will hold you to your call.
Alright, alright... That's enough for now. A lot of people don't like my rambling, but that is okay - no one is forced to read it. It is a funny thing though, because people get their panties in a twist whenever something is created that they don't like. It is as if there is the expectation that everything on the internet has to be suitable specifically for them. Perhaps it is the entitlement of the internet generations after having everything on-demand for so many years, driven by algorithms that are targeting them in order to maximize engagement and the money made from ad revenue.
Read or read not, there is no must.
And on that profound piece of wisdom, adieu.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Posted Using INLEO
Who actually admits that they're scum? They always tell themselves that they're "smart" or that they're "brave" because they "do things other people aren't willing to do" or "anyone else would do the same thing" (and basically grind to a screeching halt when it's pointed out that they're objectively wrong, or they splutter about how they'rre smart and everyone else stupid forr not taking blatantly obvious opportunities and suckers deserve to be scammed, basically anything other than admit that they are actually just a straight up terrible person) xD
I don't know if yeeting into the forest is entirely legal and may freak out hikers and such who then report dead bodies to police and whatnot. Maybe donate yourself to forensics instead (that's my rough plan anyway as they do basically the same thing).
The entitlement thing isn't just an internet generation thing, I've seen older people who didn't grow up with the internet (would have come about when they were in their 20s or sometimes older) act in exactly the same fashion.
Hitler thought himself an impeccable person too, right?
There can be a sign. "Here lies someone who didn't give a fuck how he was buried".
I know many doctors. They play games with the bodies.... I'd rather be eaten by a family of foxes.
Entitlement isn't internet only, but it is likely more prevalent in that group I think.
Forensics dumps you out in the middle of wherever to see how and how fast your body decomposes/gets nommed on by wildlife so not too many games should be happening O_O
And anyway you probably won't care coz you'll be dead? XD Or if there is some afterlife after all you probably still won't care coz you'll be doing that, and if you do actually turn into a ghost or something you can haunt them.
I don't think entitlement is any more prevalent in the internet group/generation/thing?! Unless by "prevalent" you meant "way too easy to spot" in which case yep agreed. In my experience though I can't even say it's because they don't feel a need to filter coz they're hiding behind the delusion of a screen and a keyboard, I've heard so many people legit just run their mouth without thinking and then get defensive and pretend they're "just telling it like it is" when they get pushback (other people just telling them how they are is rude though 🙄). And these days they don't even have the young and stupid high school/uni student still learning to regulate and moderate excuse.
I'd really love a prolonged period where I can pull some regular passive income from some of the tokens I own. I'd also be okay with one bug mini pump early in the summer too. I'll take anything at this point.
Yeah, it would be nice to get something convertible to then get that sense of progress :)
The desire for a «green» market reflects a common hope among crypto investors: ‘the opportunity to see their long-term bets pay off’. However, beyond volatility and profit, the true potential of technologies like HiVE lies in their ability to build communities and solve real problems. While greed can temporarily obfuscate this horizon, as we have already seen, projects that prioritise human value over monetary value are more likely to endure. The key is to balance financial expectations with tangible purposes that transcend speculation.
My purpose is to keep my family okay, even in my abscence.
And so it shall be, my friend; so it shall be, do not be anxious. Blessings.
The green candles are coming, but there needs to be some printing first. Once there is stable coin legislation, governments will be able to print currency to these stable makers in a huge circle jerk motion to prop even more leverage into the system. Yeeeeehaaaaawww!!
Have to make sure not to round trip it Taraz!
Both of my parents have very specific plans as well, prepaid and in some folder. They were very particular about it. Good for them! I also hope to be food for an important tree / place that's special to my close people.
Hasn't the printing been going on for the last year or two already? :D
If I die first, do you want to grab my legs or my arms?
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this, but I'd go for the legs because there's more meat on the bones!
I meant to throw me into the forest with - but you are right. I actually have pretty good legs too!
I think your plans will come true. If you do your transactions gradually, your risk will be a little more cruel. Try to do it with 50 %, not 100 %of what you want to do. If things are not okay, be patient, do new transactions.
I like to ladder, but I am not bold enough to go all in, or even at 50% on anything :)
Greed kills most businesses eventually, which is why businesses that build strong communities like Hive have a better chance of survival.
As for the green market you wish for, who knows? Volatility is the rule, not the exception, but I guess a little "optimistic hope" doesn't hurt.
Yeah I was just talking to my friend on this "phenomenon". Maybe BTC and SOL. Let's see what happens over the next few months.
I think there is no need to establish any percentages when one has true faith. "Everything eventually turns green" Even though if for that moment of greening, they have already taken us by the arms and legs and thrown us into the forest as to one be really able to witness it.
Well, after this statement... I have to confess that I am a little surprised by this final decision. Because anyone who knows you well through what you write and the way you think, would say that your final decision rather would have been to be an "organ donor" and try to live eternally scattered through other beings providing life to others with your already not used human assets on your way towards eternity.
Because frankly, why let everything you've fought for and accumulated in life in the end only serve to feed the worms, bugs and critters in the forest?