Out the Window

in LeoFinance2 days ago

A friend was joking how Hive is struggling to reach 20 cents today, and I was stating about how the real value of it should be around five dollars. However, my "reasoning" behind the number is because it would make my life a hell of lot easier if it was up at around that level. Having said that though, I do think that Hive is undervalued, because I still believe that it is heavily underutilized.


Time will tell if it will ever get the traction it deserves.

I am guessing a lot of us live in hope and another friend in the chat said that if Hive did reach five, he would fly to Finland just to take me out to dinner. That'd be a nice surprise. It is rare that anyone offers to pay for my dinner. I wonder if I could squeeze for a movie and dancing as well?

Yet, I am guessing that I am not the only one that would be pretty happy with a 5 dollar Hive token, but it is also hard to imagine what it might look like here at that value. It is easy to calculate the values of what is currently held, or even what a post might be worth given the current voting, but that is not actually what would happen if price of Hive went up significantly, as voting habits would change.

A lot would change.

If this past is anything to go by, there would be a huge amount of social volatility, as a million accounts get created, plagiarists and shitposters run rampant, selfvoters, scam and another million alts hit the post button. Arguments will break out about who and what is earning what and how much, and data divers will be unearthing all kinds of dirt, or attempting to.

Fun times?

For sure.

The place would be alive. Those that have been grinding away for years and stacking their tokens, would get to feel what it means to be an owner on Hive with value. Even those with a lot of value now might not realize how different it would be if it is 25x up from here, and what kinds of feelings they might have, or how they might behave.

One of the things that we often fail to underestimate in ourselves, is how quickly we can get accustomed to conditions. And while we often talk about how entitlement can settle in in the good times, we can also get used to the shitty times also. And as such, we can start to feel like they will never end. When they do, it can seem like it happens very fast, and our habits no longer no what to do with the shifting conditions and tend to overreact.

Or freeze.

Then of course, there are the reactions of the people who "missed out" by choice. Those who threw a tantrum and left, or didn't have the staying power to grind for pennies. The amount of bitterness can get quite extreme from some people. They feel cheated by those who were here, even though this is a completely opt in platform. Another thing that people forget is that no one is forced to be here. Good times, or bad. Though, as you can imagine, no one wants to leave in the good times when they think they can benefit.

What would also be interesting to observe at a 5 price, is all the people who sold for 50c, 1 or 2 and then watched it go up further, and further. Anyone who has been around a while in crypto has had this happen on a token multiple times, but the difference on Hive is that there is a community making the loss of potential visible daily, in multiple ways. That'd feel even worse - even if making a bundle on another token. The reason is that even when up on something else, we still feel the "loss" of the alternatives.

It feels like it has been a very, very long time since I have felt that sense of wealth that comes with a high value vote, or that bottom line in the wallet. I am looking forward to it though and, I am looking forward to those who haven't experienced it before, but have been consistently growing the last three or four years, getting that feeling also.

What I have observed over and over is that many people aren't very good at predicting how they will behave under different conditions that are well outside of their norm, even though they confidently state otherwise. But when things change, we are all quick to throw away what we knew, onboard the new normal.

Everything we know, goes out the window.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I'd like to think I might handle it quite well. My account is much bigger now than it was at $3, but I also know that all of that is very fleeting. It's what I have left after it goes up and comes back down that really matters.

It's what I have left after it goes up and comes back down that really matters.

Do you have any percentages already in mind for how much to take, keep, convert, etc?

No, not percentages really. I'm trying to get about 10K liquid to have on hand if the price goes over $1. If it did get to $5, I would likely power down maybe 10K to 20K Hive and move that into HBD to be ready for when it drops back down. At $5 there is a good chance I might start shifting my rewards off the chain, but my stake or my HDB would remain on chain. Unless some major real world emergency happened.

When Hive is down in the token value is where you learn who the real-ones are. Of course, it does not guarantee they will behave the same way once the price goes up. Some grinders actually might feel more entitled to draw some value then. Maybe rightfully so, in comparison to all the scammers, farmers and other abusers. Or those who come here only for the good times.

I would love my vote to have more weight though! Back to stacking I go.

When Hive is down in the token value is where you learn who the real-ones are.

I completely agree!

Some grinders actually might feel more entitled to draw some value then.

Not a bad thing to do - though there are the maximizers who draw everything. That doesn't sit well with me.

I would love my vote to have more weight though! Back to stacking I go.

It was a good feeling, right?

Well, if Hive would reach the 5 dollar mark it would be quiet impressive. But I must confess that Hive community has a lot to grow. Just like you said:

If this past is anything to go by, there would be a huge amount of social volatility, as a million accounts get created, plagiarists and shitposters run rampant, selfvoters, scam and another million alts hit the post button.

Hive has the potential to grow, and all we have to do is to continue to post original content, and giving value, true value in form of a token. When Hive surpasses the dollar value, I think that the grow would be greater from that point further. When many users are "forced" to exchange hive for having some dollars in their pockets to fulfill basic live purchases, or by continuous exchanging for other tokens, without creating a true valuable one, would be much harder. But we got to have faith that bad times would end... someday, right?

Community is an interesting aspect of society now, as there is far more division than there was before. There seems to be less "for the greater good" and more, for the "maximization of the individual" these days. I think it leads to a worse world for everyone.

There are people living off Hive now, which I understand based on their circumstances. But at the same time, what would they do if there was no Hive? It really should be seen as an extra, not a need. And at least put some percentage away, just in case it does go high. A lot of people might have fed themselves daily, but missed out on food for life.

what would they do if there was no Hive? It really should be seen as an extra, not a need. And at least put some percentage away, just in case it does go high. A lot of people might have fed themselves daily, but missed out on food for life.

Couldn't agree more... Penny won, penny spent... It are absolutely right. Not seeing the "full picture" of their own lives.

Hive at 5... now that is something nice to see. At its current price it would take a big jump to get there. At 1-2, I think we would already see a lot of adoption and new users. If we reach 5, I think even smaller content creators would be switching over to our apps. I do hope we get there, and soon.

The place at least for a short time, would be pretty insane while prices were up. If it did ever reach 5 at a peak, it might mean 50c at the bottom. That in itself would be great.

At least low HIVE prices have curtailed a lot of plagiarism and spam. When crypto moons, we need to be more vigilant as more abuse comes with it. I don't think the wider population will see the value of HIVE until another round of corporate and political censorship shakes them up.

At least low HIVE prices have curtailed a lot of plagiarism and spam.

Funny isn't it? The people who are willing to try for a bit of quality, tend not to worry that much about the price.

I don't think the wider population will see the value of HIVE until another round of corporate and political censorship shakes them up.

Yeah - probably at the next GFC.

After all, our life is determined by our choices and how we perceive it. Not by some arbitrary 'what if'!

When the conditions change, what if we have no plan?

Like Hannibal said going to Rome, "Aut inveniam viam aut faciam" = "I shall either find a way or make one."

In the human world, the faster you can adapt and change, the more succesful you are in everything you do.

For sure it would be great for everyone here if its price hiked at $5, however I don't think it will happen in near future. I would not draw any HIVE from my wallet as It is still time to stake HIVE now for me!

Nope - no time soon. In a massive bullrun though, crazy spikes are possible.

Well the charging is coming soon, I always pray waiting for do not modified the plan, I have a plan during 3 years ago it was set.
But you have reason we do not have idea how our mind could be changing in one week.

I think it is when we change too fast, we tend to take the biggest losses. Having a plan for change is also a good idea :)


Do not forget the plan, it give you the way.

HIVE is a wonderful coin. And in order not to be mistaken in forecasts, I will give a wide price range for this coin until 2030 - from $0.05 to $5.

5 dollars in 5 years from now would be okay too - just think of the curation between ;)

On this social run and wallet builds, a price like that would make a lot of sht posters scam comment spam etc...
... But would help so many people at the same time.

It's hard to say it like something easy because we don't know what happen tomorrow and the votes we earn are hardly deserved, on my opinion.

... But would help so many people at the same time.

Yes. It is quite an interesting environment and there is a lot of "game" in it to be played also.

5? That would be nice. But I would prefer 50.

It feels like it has been a very, very long time since I have felt that sense of wealth that comes with a high value vote, or that bottom line in the wallet.

I feel rich each time my post rewards go to 10+ dollars.

I think rich needs to be longer term than a seven day window :)

how different it would be if it is 25x up from here

only if it stays like that for a long time :) And for that to happen, we need to have a real use case of the chain, like a cool game, or an app, that people can use every day and earn, without writing big blogs...

It would be different straight away, though long term would be far, far healthier.

Honestly, my friend, I don't know at the moment what a $5 Hive could be like, the certain thing is that those who took the loot and ran away when it was worth 50 cents and even less will surely be kicking themselves for a long time.

However, I think that if that value really did arrive, there would certainly be much more volatility because many would start to take something out of the ecosystem.

In any case, I don't care now... To reach my goal, about 8 more years must pass and then I will think about what to do, eh eh!

It would be very volatile :) lots of opportunity to screw it all up..

Yes, I totally agree.

I agree with your premise that it would create great change.
I personally witnessed the influx of professional content creators when Hive is flying high, and their stark invisibility when hive is down on it's luck.
I also notice the increase in scams and plagarism, and also the increased scrutiny by Hivewatchers as people get very angry with the sudden increase in plagarism that they strike out at accounts.
It would be a different place around here for sure.
A good time to keep your head low, your post number low and site all pictures and quotes for good measure.

professional content creators when Hive is flying high, and their stark invisibility when hive is down on it's luck.

The people who said "I'm here to stay!" and then disappeared... :D

A good time to keep your head low, your post number low and site all pictures and quotes for good measure.

I think it just makes sense to do it all the time :)

The people who said "I'm here to stay!" and then disappeared... :D


I think it just makes sense to do it all the time :)

Yep, I am learnng... :D

If Hive goes to 5 $, I take you to Ibiza for a 4 day trip!

Sounds like a plan!

Deal 🍾

One of the internal factors that occurs is too many large accounts with small Hive Power.
And big accounts keep hitting them but they don't maintain account strength

What do you mean?

Wonder why hive keeps dropping though. But its an Opportunity to take advantage of the fact before it go up

Having said that though, I do think that Hive is undervalued, because I still believe that it is heavily underutilized.

Agree with this too. I think over the past couple of days, we have seen price movements of 20-30% a day in the crypto markets. So it is definitely possible for Hive when the time is ripe.

Who has been on Hive for a long time knows how to make the most of the price movement. Sell high and rebuy when low considering that this blockchain is quite solid and continues development. Next big thing can be around the corner and if you are around, you might strike it rich.