Positively Reflected

in LeoFinance4 months ago

On my first day no longer at the workplace, I got a reflective message on Monday in a chat with two colleagues with one saying:

While watching the numbers go up day by day, it's worth remembering that Taraz, you introduced me to crypto. Not sure if I would have ever jumped on otherwise. Now this roller coaster ride looks like it's paying off.

After two years of deliberation, he started buying in when Bitcoin was around 7,000 and while I have no idea what his total is, I am pretty sure he is very happy with the outcomes so far, even if he hasn't capitalized on any of the gains yet.


In reflection, everything is easy.

However, I messaged him today again as of course we have also talked about the 100K threshold for Bitcoin for a long time, and for him, it was always a pipedream. Like most people and even many who are in crypto, it is hard to image what upper limits there might be, especially after all of the ups and downs in between. Zoom out and it is a pretty clear trend direction, but in those daily moves where our emotions reside, it can feel pretty rough.

My message:

I know it has been a bumpy ride, but hopefully your investments over the last few years make a positive difference in your life :)

And ultimately, this is what it should all be about. A positive difference in our lives. And I think that while there are many caveats to consider in this respect, crypto in general is about generating a positive difference in the lives of users, by making them less reliant on authority and government. Have a look at what is happening in the world of centralized governance today with wars, martial laws, forced budgets and no confidence votes, denial of the wants of voters, crushing of social services and profit-seeking - and realize that the best way to kill a community of any size, is to centralize the control.

Yes, there are optimizations and simplifications in the process that can give short-term gains to a society, but in the long-term, it always fails. And ultimately as a species, we should be looking at our long-term survival and wellbeing, not satisfying our short-term desires. And this is one of the major issues with governments globally and the way they operate, because they should be planning for the long-term future, because individuals are going to favour the short-term needs and wants. But, they can't and won't do that, because they are short-term positioned also, satisfying individual and small group wants and desires, at the expense of everyone.

Crypto doesn't solve this problem.

What it does do however is highlight the problems with the current systems in place and hints at possible directions where our technology and behaviours can go to improve the outcomes. There is more to it than financial freedom as some might state, because what is really at the core of freedom, is responsibility. For instance, the person quoted above is very left in his thinking, very social, very state can do good for society. Yet, over the last few years of being in crypto and spending a little time researching and reading, he has come to realize a lot of the floors in his thinking. He has recognized that the reason he thought as he did, was because he wasn't willing to take responsibility for himself, but hid it under the guise that he wants what is best for others who can't look after themselves.

Crypto doesn't solve this problem either.

But again, it can point us in directions where we can perhaps come to some kind of equilibrium point in society where we are able to look after ourselves and look after others in society who might be struggling. In the legacy economy, this just doesn't scale because of the centralized structures and the way they operate to maintain control over those who fund them. but in a decentralized economy like crypto, it might be possible to run it at scale, whilst still maintaining a sense of community and obligation to others.

We are not there yet.

We are a long way away from it in fact, because we are still largely conditioned by how we were raised and the habits that have separated us from each other, disconnected us from our communities, and made us believe that the ultimate goal is to maximize ourselves as much as possible, and then buy protection from others. As I said the other day and for a very long time now, the majority of crypto people are in crypto only to buy a better fiat life. This would have to change over time, but it is going to take time for the culture to shift.

A better life.

I don't know what that means for everyone, but while money can play an integral part in building one, it isn't enough on its own to have a good life. We as an animal are far more complicated than that and if we were to break it all down, money only gets us so far along the way before we realize we need more. We need people to share and care with, and we need to feel that we and those we care about are safe. Being locked up in gated communities doesn't cut it, because we will continually fear every time we are outside, and fear those who will attempt to break in. While nothing is guaranteed, safety as a society only really happens when society is functioning well, when the average person is healthy and living a good life, and those who are struggling, have access to the help they need to thrive.

Again, governments fail hard in this area.

And this is because they have forgotten that an economy is there to maximize the wellbeing of the people, not to maximize the economy itself. All of those numbers are utterly meaningless if not tied to the outcomes of society, no matter how much they grow. It doesn't matter what the GNP of a country is if only one company generates it with robots and AI, and everyone else starves. It doesn't matter how brilliant the technology is, if it only benefits a handful of people and plunges the majority into misery. Because, there will be rebellion.

There is always rebellion.

Every centralized control structure in history has failed, because of rebellion. At some point, too much control ends up in the hands of too few, and too many suffer who will get to a tipping point and fight back. It is an inevitability. Countless times and in many ways it has been tried in history, and it has always collapsed. We keep resetting the board, but instead of doing different, we repeat the mistakes of the past. And we do this, because we as individuals aren't willing to take responsibility in our communities, and pay others to do it for us.

We might want a positive life, but we keep expecting it to be provided by others.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Crypto doesn't solve this problem.

It reminds me of a recent video I watched from Samson Mow where he explains how wars are financed by governments printing money. With Bitcoin, as they can not print money, they would have to ask citizens if they would like to finance the war with their crypto, and most of the citizens would probably refuse
Minute 12:42

This is something I have explored in a few articles over the years too. Even without crypto - just imagine if governments only could use 50% of the taxes for services like infra and schools etc - but the other 50% was allocated by the tax payer. Not much would go to military.


That's pretty awesome for your friend. I was talking to my brother in law the other day and he had a similar experience. Bought in low and sold a while ago, but then bought back in at a low point and I have a feeling now he is feeling pretty good. I hope your first week off from work has been productive for you. If not productive relaxing. I think a lot of our issues these days is that we are almost programed to have an adversary. At least in America you can see it throughout history and while it might not be a military threat now, it has once again turned internal and we are divided one side versus the other. Nothing positive can ever come from this as long as we are divided.

Division between the masses only ever helps consolidate the control into fewer hands. It might not be a cabal that is organising it, but those alignments of incentives we were talking about the other day are causing a lot of divisions. The media benefits from division. Corporations benefit from it. governments benefit from it. The only ones who don't, are the divided.

Very true!


Well I am hoping your partner invite to you a cup of coffee as an grateful for your great advices in cripto I vestment.
Well enjoy some free time with small step, I am resting too with my family.

A coffee and a new car perhaps :)

I think there is no stopping this.
Let's hope that decentralization will finally be a lesson in world life.
I, for one, have been excited about this good of change since I first heard about it.
Thank you for your reflections, @tarazkp

No stopping it long-term perhaps. In the short term, it is going to get rough.


We might want a positive life, but we keep expecting it to be provided by others.

I don't want to depend only on my disability. To that end I want to make more art sales. But I guess that is still depending on others. Even Crypto/Hive is provided by others to some degree.

One of the reasons my dad didn't sell more, was because he didn't sell himself enough as an artist.


Everyone needs a good investor friend like you. Thanks to you, he increased his money 13 times in 4 years. We know that crypto cannot provide a solution for everything, but it is a very good method according to the current conditions.

he increased his money 13 times in 4 years.

That is some decent gain.

Congratulations on your ceypto holdings! I hope one day I could buy crypto too

Will you wait until it doubles again?

Nah, don't have funds. Living in a 3rd world country sucks


There are lessons to be learned from both our successes and failures, but we are the key ingredient in our success.

  • Choose to get up when knocked down…
  • choose to focus on the lesson, not the loss…
  • choose to take advantage of the experience and viewpoint of others to get a more complete picture.
  • Be the best version of yourself by living like a superhero who wasn’t always super or a hero.
  • But by work and perseverance became both to himself and his family.

Stacking Satoshis over the past 7 years has paid off for a lot of people. Even if it’s only 1,000 sats per day. It adds up. A lot of people made fun of people collecting millions of free Satoshi with Bitcoin Faucets….. 7 years * 365 days * 1,000 Satoshi = 2.55 Million Satoshi

And of you have the extra money to buy, it is possible to do it even better :)

Yes … a few dollars each day is the best approach.

Every centralized control structure in history has failed, because of rebellion. At some point, too much control ends up in the hands of too few, and too many suffer who will get to a tipping point and fight back. It is an inevitability. Countless times and in many ways it has been tried in history, and it has always collapsed.
