which timing do you mean? the 5 minutes? or the order at which votes come in?
If you mean the 5 minutes, large voters will just vote at zero as there is no penalty.
If you mean having static rewards based on stake, the large voters will likely earn more than they do now as currently they lose some to the frontrunners.
I'm suggesting that curation rewards not be tied to timing or order.
That way, you'd stop incentivizing band-wagon-voting.
Simply amping-up the top earners doesn't give people a lot of faith in the "fairness" of the system.
If I wrote 3 fantastic posts every day, the best the blockchain has - would you be happy with each of them getting 2000 dollars? There would be no reason at all for anyone not to vote on me, would there? I'd deserve it too, as since it is the best on chain - it would be fair. Winner take all?
And, I actually think that it would bring more attention to Steem than spreading to the small accounts as it would make the news and everyone would want a piece of it. I'd be a whale in no time earning ~18000 Steem a day.
The best strategy currently for maxmiizing voting return is to spread it out, especially if you are a large account. Without the game in the system, it may as well be just give 1 vote a day to plonk wherever one drops it, as the return is the same regardless.
I'm in favor of a completely free and fair marketplace of ideas.
You earn whatever you can and I'm not going to take any of that away from you, unless you're violating some specific, quantifiable community standard that EVERYONE is held to equally (including the top ranked whales and witnesses).
The only "problem" seems to be when the game itself is configured to protect and boost the winners.
Yes, and this, I would argue, would be more fair than rewarding people for band-wagon-voting.
Band-wagon-votes are not intelligent critiques of content, they're just cynical money grabs.
YOu're the one who seemed to be suggesting that the top-dogs should "take a break" in order to let the small-fish have more of a chance.
Randomizing upvotes might not produce "headlines", but it would encourage Organic Growth.
You don't want to entice new steemians with visions of huge payouts, they'll only be disappointed and start bad-mouthing the platform (like @starworld).
What we want to try and do is give everyone a fair shot.