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RE: NO Financial Security in POB Investment

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I don't know much about H-E tokens - but PoB has been suspect from the start in my opinion, just based on many of whom hold a lot of it. There are a few different people like onealfa in now, so they might change it - but if they are going to stop those who want to improve the content, it will quickly become even more of a dumpster fire.



you see, not my word, trust your fellow aussie at least!

it will quickly become even more of a dumpster fire.

Ultimately content quality is down to opinion, so hypothetically that could be why the community was created, to support what they still believe to be quality content. Whether it fails or succeeds depends on how many people agree with that.

Personally, if I don't like the content of a community I leave it alone.

Would be interesting to have a community that is invite only on the second layer. People like exclusivity.

When it comes to content quality, it is subjective and when it is open to anyone, anyone can have an opinion. On Hive and at least all the H-E token communities, the payouts are at the discretion of the stakeholders. I have no issue with this. The funny thing is that the communities want stakeholders to buy, but also want to limit what they are able to do with their stake and in this case, they muted a person and took away all of their stakeholder rights, while they are still a stakeholder. Quite strange behavior for a community called Proof of Brain, a Steem/Hive concept that encourages stakeholder freedom. Perhaps they should have called it, Proof of Hypocrisy instead.

There's a lot of proof of hypocracy all over Hive of late. Hey-ho it's the way of the world, I guess. Can't exclude human nature, even in a virtual world.