Just so you know, Lucylin has said that he considers paying poor people for sex so they can put food on the table as charity work. The conversation is on the blockchain from probably somewhere in mid-2018. I assume he moved to SE Asia for a particular reason.
I am pretty sure he wasn't a prostitute himself, but I suspect he was a pimp.
His information is often delusional and contradictory across time. After hundreds of hours of interaction in comments with him over the space of 2+ years, I tuned him out as it was a complete waste of my time. He is dishonest, untrustworthy and a blatant troll.
Now that I appreciate. Thank you @tarazkp. They are not a person I've had many interactions with although did read them from time to time and quite enjoyed their content.
Doesn't change the fact I think @azircon is bang out of order but certainly sets me straight about the character and the reward farming so thanks again.
It was the Frot connection which I couldn't figure as I've always had him pegged as an obnoxious scumball...anyway.
Have a lovely evening :-)
Say I am "bang out of order" to Taraz a few more time, and he will send me a good Finnish vodka by mail :) :)