It is well out of date numbers-wise, but good for a visual of the dropping rewards pool.
I think a lot of people have forgotten about this, or never knew.
We are in year 6 now I think - so next year it will be slightly smaller than this year. But 5 years from now, 20% smaller, 10 years from now 60% smaller.
I don't know what it is with the current numbers, but I would assume that @demotruk has an idea.
Edit: Once it hits 1%, it starts to climb again, as the rate stabilizes and it is just growing based on the supply.
Come to think of it, this might be near impossible to predict. There's a known "de jure" rate of inflation that decreases by 0.42% per year, but the "de facto" rate swings up and down depending on what's going on with HBD conversions.
Yeah, it is more a rough guesstimate than anything else, but it will start decreasing in size at some point.