I think I have become a bit the opposite - taking risks where before I took very few. However, I haven't had the greatest outcomes through life so I kind of feel the "roll the dice" approach is as good as the wait and see.
Two hyped up air drops coming soon. And I have no clue what I'm supposed to do with any of that shit.
Absolutely no idea either.
LOL I kind of want to say, while our trash blows into their yard, but that might be pushing it.
Unfortunately the wind of desire blows the trash back sometimes.
I come from being reckless and that nearly took me out multiple times. Not exaggerating. I'm not saying you're being reckless. Just saying I was. Probably wise to say I still am and most likely always will be. That's being honest. So I'm being careful because in order to see how far I can push it, I'll need funding.
It is funny to consider, because I think that plating safe has almost taken me out multiple times :)
Well, perhaps it is fair to say that I almost gotten taken out, regardless of playing it safe.
So much of life opportunity depends on funding...