I assume there is a hierarchy of right and wrong, which is not necessarily universal, but there are probably overlaps. I think with all that has been happening in the world (and is currently), the discussions on morality and ethics are going to become far more frequent.
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Morality and ethics are pretty touchy subjects, the discussion though does need to take place and people need to I think re-learn what morals and ethics are. I hope that people can discuss it, but lately it seems that discussion means "you sit there and listen to what I have to say". If society can survive this upheaval I hope we learn from it.
I think it is going to be driven largely by political positioning, where things like the events in the US are raising questions in people about what is right and what is the right thing to do. I think a lot of people have lost touch with reality that they do not understand what real violence feels like, so they are happy to incite it.
I think we are very close to becoming the Northern Hemispheres Venezuela here in America. People think that because they have shown some violence on TV over the last 10 years that Americans have become used to if not immune to acts of violence from various and sundry groups of peoples with grievances. I think the government and the vast majority of people in America are about to have some very wide eye openings as to what it is like to live in many middle eastern, African, and S. American countries.
I feel fortunate I live in one of the last States that will experience the violence but I can still see it encroaching even in Alaska.
I think it is going to spread far more widely and Europe won't be far behind. Much of the world has become complacent and takes peace for granted.