only more easily manipulated by the media and governments.
It is because of this that it will get a lot of mainstream support, but many crypto people will move on.
Perhaps the HDB burn is working, we will see if HBD drops back to seventy cents or holds steady close to the so called magic mark of $1.00.
I think that it is having an effect, but the markets will take some time to realize it. In my opinion, the most important factors of the stabilizer is that it has taken almost 2.5 million off the total supply and added it to the HDF - that is valuable. If it runs until the HF25 similiarly, it would have in 3 months reduced the total supply by around 1.5% and added 5M to the DAO. Not a bd result. The HF will have additional stabilizer mechanisms too, so it will be interesting to see what happens.
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