For much of the lows in crypto, I was in such a bad financial way, it was very hard for me to put in. I was able to do some here and there, but not consistently enough. It is funny to think that some people with a few hundred or thousand dollars, have made literally millions as it has compounded across the industry.
I know that the dream for many is to live off of Hive or crypto, which would be great, but I like the idea of having multiple streams come in from various places so that in the advent of life adversity, I am not reliant on one source of income. I don't have a lot of faith in the current economic conditions and at any time, the world can quickly descend into manipulated chaos, all for corporate profits. I want to own outside of that system.
Moving about the ecosystem is great in many regards, same as engaging with users of all sizes. I know some people who really only talk to the larger accounts or the ones who are well-known, but in my opinion, everyone should be given at least the time of day, until they prove themselves not worth being given the time for whatever reason.