seems like you need to either cram into a little known niche or know someone.
It is an interesting thing to consider though, isn't it? People live in a society, but think social connections shouldn't matter. When it comes to employment, the people who have been introduced to a company and have social connections with it, tend to stay longer with the new company and work better. There are some complex relationships in play there. However, what will be interesting to see in the future, is how people who don't leave their home fare in the stranger marketplace for employment.
he's 14 and apparently no matter how desperate for staff places are, they're not desperate enough to hire teenagers.
This is a pity. I had similar issues as a kid, but once I had one under my belt and proved I could stick with it for a little while, it was easy to get another. mid-teens are not necessarily the most reliable section of the workforce. :)
Middle child was also struggling to find a job and currently has one...which we lucked out on because there were openings at the centre we were working in and we're there.
Was it a "who you know" opening? There tends to be some trust built on network.
What apprenticeship is he doing? I think trades are going to see a bit of a renaissance in the next decades.
It was very much a who you know opening.
His first preference was something about heavy prefab and his second one is something about fitting and machining. All I know is whenever I mention either of those things to anyone most of them magically know people who know people and are already offering to take him on when he starts so whatever he's getting into is apparently needed.
Was funny though, he was looking up what he needed to get a tertiary smartrider (which he has to get through TAFE as I suspected) and there was a dropdown to select what institute he was at and he was looking at the list of unis saying all these places he could go to and he was going to TAFE. Told him he was smart enough to get into any of the unis if he really wanted to but he said he wasn't sure if it was worth the effort as it seems the pieces of paper don't quite hold the same prestige they once did.