The Culture of Control

in LeoFinancelast year

It is quite interesting with social media earning at the moment, because most content creators have to maintain several platforms concurrently, investing themselves into each, yet still owning nothing. Just like happens to content from rival platforms, there could very well come a time (if it hasn't already) where platforms will throttle user reach of those who have large following on competitor platforms, or use that creator as a way to advertise rival creators who they want to promote.


But, while there are many platforms out there to choose from, one has to strategically approach where they are going to spend their time and effort - and where what they offer is best able to leverage the algorithms. And, it takes a lot of effort to maintain profiles on these platforms as an individual, unlike the celebrities who have "people for that" doing the real work. And, not only is there no guarantee to get paid, there is also no guarantee that the platform will keep paying.

Remember, these are corporations that aim to maximize profits through algorithmic management. This means that they will also find opportunities to pay some content creators more, and some less, but ultimately to increase their own bottom line. They don't care who among the creators actually gets paid, as long as the platform itself makes money. They don't care about quality or impact of content, they don't care about whether the creators are good or bad people, they don't care whether what is consumed is harmful or helpful - it is just about money.

But, for a long time now I have been thinking a lot about how the algorithms of business are built around destroying relationships and communities. It isn't because of some super-secret cabal going after the family for population control, it is just incentive alignment. The incentive is profit at any cost, and that model will ultimately lead to breakdowns of society.

It is inevitable.

Because, disconnected, unhealthy, lonely, broken people, are better for business. So, even if the corporations don't intentionally look to destroy community, they do. There are even business models that facilitate relationship breakdowns, like Tinder, which is part of the productization of human relationship models, working off the degradation of interpersonal skills that has happened through the incessant screen usage for the last two decades. They call Instagram and TikTok social platforms, but they really are the antithesis of developing deep relationships. Instead, they encourage people to perform for strangers for the chance at money, while the pimping platforms rake in cash.

But it isn't just the social platform algorithms that do this, all business is essentially incentivized to categorize and compartmentalize the market, in order to find and target the highest profit sectors. And again, disconnected people are more valuable. For instance, recently divorced friends went from having a house with three bedrooms, to a house with three bedrooms and an apartment with two bedrooms, because their child will stay at both places. And of course, each place needs its own bed, couch and frying pan. As well as a fridge, a stove, and a TV.

Number of single-person households in the United States from 1960 to 2022


The population in the US in 1960 was 180 million, which means that the population hasn't yet doubled in that time. However, the number of single-person households has increased by 600%. You can also see the the GFC dip, where people lost their houses, or couldn't afford to move out. Yes, there are cultural elements to this, but what has driven our culture to become more isolated from each other?

United States marriage rate, 1900-2018


That is a pretty clear trend covering the last 50 years, isn't it? People aren't getting married, birthrates are falling:


Since 1960, birthrates have over halved in the US, and even more in Canada. But it raises an interesting question to consider, does more money lower birthrates, or do the activities that lead to making more money, lower birthrates?


In 1960, the per capita GDP was $3000 and in 2022 it is almost $77,000 dollars. Inflation? Well, not quite, because 3000 in 1960 dollars is only 30,000 today. That means that while it has 10x'ed, the GDP has gone 25x. That is an amazing difference. and interestingly, the median salary in the US in 1960 was $5,600 - you know what it is today? Yes! 10x! $56,420. So, whilst the average person is earning the same, we are each generating 250% more wealth for the non-average earners - The 0.1%.

So many of our living standards have improved, but we aren't necessarily happier for it as individuals, or better off in our communities. Depression has increased, addiction has increased, and we are escalating closer into large-scale war.

Debt has increased, ownership is decreasing.

All this wealth is being generated, yet we have never been more indebted, never owned less than we do now. We are renters and as such, we don't feel the need to be a value-adding participant in the communities. We can be in it for ourselves, earning at any cost, on platforms and through corporations who will drive their profit at any costs algorithms, no matter what it costs us as a society. We have never been richer, yet we have never had this poor quality of interpersonal relationships in our history.

And we should be asking the question why.

The entire economy is measured by how much the money increases or decreases, regardless of what the affects of the actions have on local, national, or global communities. The economy doesn't care about how we feel, or if we are fulfilled in life. Nor do the governments and corporations that use us to build their wealth and power. It is all about getting the numbers to go up, by selling us on a world of convenience and innovation, that keeps our attention away from the true costs.

And we keep buying in, and breaking apart.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


From memory of stuff I've read and lots of hearsay, they definitely do that already.

Business is cancer.

The whole profit no matter the cost concept pisses me off. I see it happening in my work over the 15+ years I’ve been in the industry. It was and still is a great area to work in but it’s so hyper focused on bringing in as much money as possible but yet it struggles beyond belief in retaining employees, having quality outcomes and treating the people that work in it with respect. The only reason it makes money is because it’s charging exorbitant fees and that is only going up. It’s a damn shame.

At the core of that is all of these damn societal issues. Failing families, costs ballooning. What the hell is going to be the outcome?

What the hell is going to be the outcome?

I really can't imagine that it amounts to anything good. There is a new class of the socially healthy, and the socially outcast quickly forming. When social fitness is low, costs to society are very high. Who is paying the costs?

It's definitely pretty crazy how these social media presences have become their own mini businesses. It makes you wonder how many people the big influencers have on staff to handle all of this stuff. It's also crazy the number of businesses that have popped up due to all of this. I get called about once a month from a vendor that wants to help me manage the archives of my social media posts. We don't need that sort of service, so we skip it.

It is a massive money spinner network - but just think, what tangible value is it adding to society outside of making money, and what are the costs? I don't think the "wellbeing statement" balances.

Yes, that is likely true. The returns are not equal to the layout. I can't recall a single social media post that made my life better for writing it or reading it.

I remember when I was younger how a lot of news were saying the world is getting overpopulated. Eventually, a lot of countries implemented some laws to discourage more children. I think Singapore had disincentives to having more than 2 children. China had the infamous one-child policy. I said infamous because I've heard a lot of female children were aborted due to this.

Fast forward to now, a lot of countries are encountering an aging population and a dwindling number of children being born. Some countries are now encouraging having more children and giving benefits, but it usually isn't enough.

The cost of living is too high and the wages of people are not enough. Unless something changes, I don't think the youth will want to have children. Something's going to give at one point, and I hope it isn't too late when it does.

I said infamous because I've heard a lot of female children were aborted due to this.

Yes - which only compounded the issue now.

Fast forward to now, a lot of countries are encountering an aging population and a dwindling number of children being born.

Needing migrants to come in and do the work no one else can or will, but complaining about their culture dying. All cultures die, if there are no children.

I don't think the youth will want to have children.

And they will get the boomer and Gen-X inheritances, have no kids, and then flush it into the hands of the mega rich again.

This is also one of the reasons a few years ago, a new growth index was created not to measure only economic profit, but also social and environmental. Anyone can read about Planned obsolescence which has been around us for several decades, just a clear input of the "only for financial profit" world we live in.

There is a very recommendable book from Serge Latouche anyone should read, it is about how the world should change its growth model


Farewell to Growth

You give me far too many things to read! :D

The entire model is wrong - every incentive for authority is wrong - none of it is tied to increasing wellbeing.

keep them in your library for retirement reading :)
You can also search youtube for any interview they must have done to him.

As the demand is high for monetizing contents in such platforms, they put some thresholds for users and during this process they make free money from the contents.

Exactly. They need to have x-amount of followers, x-amount of impressions, x-amount of shares - or they get nothing. And 95% of them get nothing, even though they are trying. All those shares mount up and it creates the mass for the marketing reach.

There are a lot of disoriented young people, in an almost aphonic solitude, lost in their labyrinth of incomprehension and loneliness who unfortunately have gringolas on both sides of their face, enigmas of the same silence and they only look at this Internet world.

Undoubtedly the experiences of each person is unique "every head is a world", Mr. Taraz

Every head is a world, and the majority are lost in their own.

Taraz, great post 👏🏻👏🏻, I loved the post because it made me reflect and you are so right or well I agree with the analysis you make.
It's amazing how in one way or another everything conspires to make us alone and how in this world everything is money, it is more profitable (thinking as a company) two people alone, than a couple, increases the profit. It is sad to see the path we are taking as a society and I do not think we are capable of rectifying, but we can act at the family level, in this case: my family has taught me very well what family is and the need to have loved ones (in the physical world) and that will be what I transmit to my children, I think I will do my part as an individual but it is sad to know that at the societal level you can not do much and as you say more and more broken but consuming more.

it is more profitable (thinking as a company) two people alone, than a couple, increases the profit.

It is the same that a sick person generates more profit than a healthy person.

I think I will do my part as an individual but it is sad to know that at the societal level you can not do much

And, your child will grow up next to the children of other parents, who likely didn't do their job. A scary proposition.

A sick person generates more profit than a healthy person

This is sad, I have heard many people who have suffered from this evil and as a doctor, it hurts me to know that it is a trend that has no way to stop (or rather no one wants to stop it)

And, your child will grow up next to the children of other parents, who likely didn't do their job

Regarding this, you are right, that happened to me, I have had several colleagues who better not to comment, I think I have done quite well (I would have to ask my parents, maybe they think differently) anyway, I think it is an aspect that is influenced by many things, I really hope to work hard and strive to make my close circle better every day, because I already think that as a society we have no solution, so sad

Technology has made things a lot harder. From what I see, I don't really think there is much we can really do when the internet media and social media is messing up things. It's bad to see so many single people but I can't complain because I am one of them and the birth rate is definitely an issue.

Have you ever considered what happens in a decade or two from now - are you happy?

This isn't a judgement, but I really am curious. I don't think I want to be in my 60s and alone.

I haven't really considered it too much. In a way, I wouldn't mind having enough money to retire and do what I want. Basically financially free.

Time changes everything and the comparison of households by year rate indicates that with change in economic status and people's cultural shifts do make that change.

With changing culture in money flow, depressions and isolation brought forth due to varied attitudes and of course, economic abundance has lead role to contribute - that affected peoples lives for years.

I think, social media trends have also made to reshape these changes also. No doubt.

It all has an affect and it is all connected together. The entire economy is "for profit", not for wellbeing. So, it is inevitable that all business models will offer little by way of health or relationship benefits, if it isn't in their best interests (make profit) to do so.

because most content creators have to maintain several platforms concurrently, investing themselves into each, yet still owning nothing.

I gave up on posting my videos on facebook and twitter. It doesn't take much time but gets me nothing.

To get consistent engagement there, it takes a lot of work - competing with a mass of bots too.

This means that they will also find opportunities to pay some content creators more, and some less, but ultimately to increase their own bottom line.

I experienced this a lot. People with content on youtube don't get much views and the following. But those who act like influencers but dont bring value tend to earn more. For example, if you open channel to teach how to drive car, your views would be low, but if you are a guy who talks on aliens and make theories on how we are reptilians you will be rich on youtube lol.

Yes - the incentives are there to drive extremist views. To stand out, a creator will look to polarize the audience. Sensible people rarely become famous.

Control mania

It's an addiction.

Teile und Herrsche. Das ist nun mal ein altes Laster unserer Spezies. Wir hier auf dem Hive sind so viel besser auch nicht, nicht wahr? Vielleicht machen wir die Sache mit dem Geld noch Schlimmer. Das ist auch der Grund, warum ich inzwischen darauf verzichte, es bereitet mir viel zu viel Ärger hier und den brauchen wir nicht.

Im Grunde stimme ich deiner Analyse zu, wie die Sachlage ist, allerdings sehe ich die Zukunft etwas gelassener, denn es gibt auch viele Bewegungen zu sehen, so wie hier die deine, welche eben darauf Aufmerksam machen, was so "Falsch" läuft bei uns.

Wir sind wie Kinder mit einem Feuerzeug in der Hand und dieses nennt sich Technologie. Es wird einige Zeit dauern, bis wir lernen damit umzugehen und dann wieder Zeit, bis wir lernen, ob wir damit Schaden oder Nicht.

Deswegen denke ich, das wir die Sache nicht so Schlimm sehen sollten und vor allem, als gutes Beispiel vorran gehen können. Denn mehr bleibt uns nicht über zu machen.

Ich wünsche dir alles Gute alter Bienen Kamerad. :-)



(Ich habe deinen Text mit Hilfe der Peakd integrierten KI in meine Muttersprache übersetzt, welches mir das Verstehen enorm erleichtert hat. Du kannst das hoffentlich auch so einfach mit dem Kommentar hier nutzen, was mir das Antworten erst ermöglicht)

My German is very bad. I can use Google Translate on it - but it would be easier perhaps if you added the translation here to begin with. Will get back to it later.

Ok, I have read it now in Translate :) The AI doesn't seem to work on comments? Will look into it more later.

When it comes to learning to deal with the new technology, our intuition tells us that it is like in the past, we have done it before. I think this is different though, as we aren't learning how to use a tool, we are teaching the tool to be us, to replace us. We are "getting worse" now, instead of better, and the slide downwards will likely only speed up.

Ok, I have read it now in Translate :) The AI doesn't seem to work on comments? Will look into it more later.

Yes, it looks like, the AI is not available in the comment section. Sadly but ok. Must be very complicate to integrate it fully. We should give the some time.

Dont worry, my English is also bad, so we have a funny conversation in spe.^^

I think this is different though, as we aren't learning how to use a tool, we are teaching the tool to be us, to replace us.

Yes, i got the point and i think that is exactly what happend to us now.

Maybe after the downfall there is a uprise in this evolution. I hope and work for it in my little space. My best tool for it is to go forward with the picture in my mind i would see from others. So they see that from us and they think about it can be another way. A easier way also. Maybe.

All in all i am happy to be a part of all that rise, becouse it is very interessting to life in that time we life in. Many is in movement.

I wish you a good time and stay forward with your mind and your point of view about the world we life in. Becouse i would not do that alone. :-) Don´t give up.



In my opinion, growing old alone is very bad. Human needs human.

In my opinion, growing old alone is very bad.

I agree. Yet, many of the young are yet to understand how they are going to feel when old. Right now, they can entertain themselves enough - but later?

Many follow the theory of living in present and not to worry about future.

It's absolutely true.
You found graphs! Numbers of single people and GDP are increasing while marriage rate is decreasing.

It's bad but what we can do is to think about good side of it: we need not to control population as china does.😀

You found graphs!

This makes it all real!

I am not sure what is worse for us - the overt control of China, or the covert control through digital algorithms?

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We also need to be very sure about the platform that we are trusting with all our lives, lol
Some of these platforms will only exist for a while and then go. That's why we need to be careful when investing

The incentive is profit at any cost, and that model will ultimately lead to breakdowns of society.

Makes me sick to my stomach, but I am guilty of spending hours scrolling IG and TikTok to view and share memes with my partner and my friends. I'm also 42, never owned property, and have two (lawyer-free) divorces under my belt. Whatever they're doing, I guess it is working. My interpersonal relationships are dwindling, although I always expected that among my same-age peers as I decided to continue dating younger, eschew having children, and spend most weekends in the club. At least I have my education career and successful students to fall back on to assure me I am making an impact in the world.

I like the mobility that renting provides me. I like having a management company take care of the property since I have no clue how to fix anything and would rather have a professional do it than try to figure it out myself on YouTube. But maybe if I knew my way around a house, I would be more willing to buy one. But it still seems like much more responsibility than I want to take on, and without the need for real estate assets to pass onto my younger generation, my desire to own a home just never materialized (outside of being a landlord and having a consistent revenue stream).

I read something once, wish I could find it now. It was a meme which said something like;
"It wasn't meant to be like this. You and your four brothers should be discussing economics and politics in the shared living room, while your wives chat and make dinner in the kitchen, and your children play with their cousins in the yard."
We could live so much more densely than we do. We certainly used to.

Oh, and "dense living" now, is tiny single-person apartments crammed together.

And people blame immigration for the housing crisis.

I read a funny (crappy) story today, where two girl "gen-Zers" were complaining about "how hard it is to work 9-5" and how "all the 100K jobs are for experienced people"

“People say get your degree, but they don’t talk about how you need experience. The degree was the experience,” she yelled.

One person pointed out that full-time work only made sense when there was someone at home to do everything else.

:D :D