The Investment Bug

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I have put a lot of time and effort into crypto over the last five years, but the fact is that I haven't actually put that much money in. Yes, I have bought some along the way with my first purchase back in late 2017, but considering my total holdings, I am well and truly "up" on my fiat investments. I could be up by magnitudes more, but I have made enough silly decisions along the way that I am not.

However, I know quite a few people who have significant holdings in crypto who have never bought any at all, with everything coming from earnings on platforms and then making some good decisions with what they earn. It is incredible to think that there are quite a number of people who are or will be millionaires literally from scratch. I don't know if I will ever be counted among them, but perhaps in a technical sense, a 6x HIVE spike would push my account worth past the magical 7-figure mark. Which even from a technical sense, would be amazing.


But I was thinking about it today and regardless of what an account is currently worth, I wonder how many people would be willing to invest an equivalent amount to have the same. This is an interesting thing to consider in my opinion, especially considering that those who hold do so with at least some expectation that the price will rise.

For me, there is no way I would be able to purchase my account size with fiat, as the value is worth about half as much as my house, and I have a mortgage on it. I just do not have the resources in my life to purchase even a fraction of it. That is quite insane, isn't it?

It is crazy in several ways too. Firstly, the value has been obtained mostly through time, effort and the use of my skills and experience to earn. Secondly, these things have been able to earn on a community-directed platform where there is literally no centralized controller. And then there is the fact that I am willing to keep participating here in a very volatile environment with suck significant amounts, rather than go out to the "safety" of fiat.

What this means is that at the current prices, what I am able to put into HIVE doesn't change my position on Hive or in HIVE very much. For example, I might be able to manage to buy 500 dollars worth of HIVE a month, but each month that is only going to affect my account by around 0.2% in token volume and therefore, draw on the pool as well. Not only this, it opens me up to increased HIVE exposure, when I am already "exposing myself" very heavily. I have traded into a lot of HIVE over the years.

However, if for example my account was a tenth of the size, buying that same amount would change my holdings by 2% a month or in a straight line referencing the first, 24% in a year, which is a massive difference in holdings, especially since that will be also increasing the curation capture performance, which would add about another 10% to the total volume of tokens each year. Even putting in half the amount makes a significant difference.

This is actually something I have liked to see over the bear market, where some people who were quite small accounts decided to powerup their accounts with HIVE and take a punt on the future. Many of these people were content creators who were earning some, but not necessarily very well, but once they started buying, they often shifted their attention on the platform too, from earner to earning investor and started to learn more and explore more, as well as become more proactive in their participation.

I believe that the people who both have the most fun here and take this the most seriously, are those who are invested in their experience. Paying for usage and having some skin in the game makes it like a real hobby, where for example paying to use a tennis court for an hour, generally isn't wasted sitting on the sidelines. But, I wonder how many of the people who bought back then at say 10 cents, would be willing to pay the current price for their account today. Also, how many people who bought at two dollars (like my first purchase) would be willing to pay todays prices, if it is a quarter of what it was then?

Probably not many on either side, yet if the belief is that it is going to go up, then there is still a reason to invest, other than overextension and overexposure, especially if looking at cost averaging on the downside. However, what is "too exposed" on Hive if say, five years down the track there is the potential for the base price to be ten dollars, the pool is still available, the masses are now onboarded into crypto and the significant amounts of investment capital out there is looking for projects to support?

Sure, under that scenario I'll be fine with what I have, but I would be pretty happy if more of the people who are here today would be fine also. However, it is up to us as individuals as crypto (at least for now) is entirely opt-in, no one is forced to buy, sell or hold. Some will argue that their life circumstances dictate terms, but that is actually not the case, especially for many on Hive, as Hive is essentially extra money that wouldn't be available (and wasn't) earlier. While I know that for some people, Hive has literally saved them from starvation, five years ago, they would have just starved - or found another way.

Hive hasn't impacted on my life at all financially yet, other than given me the potential to potentially have an investment position in crypto future. Without Hive, due to my personal circumstances I would have likely never bought in at all, as I never had anything extra to buy with, as my life sucked all earned away again. Again, I find it insane that knowing what my life was back then, I am still willing to risk what I have earned in crypto, by stating in crypto. As I wrote the other night, I am a believer in the future of crypto and Hive in particular. I know there are no guarantees and I may be proven wrong, but this is the thing with belief. Based on what is known today, what does the future look like?

For me, I think it looks very bright and I think that once that investment money starts rolling in from the traditional vehicles, the entire crypto space changes in ways that are going to fundamentally change the industry and this platform. This means that those who did make a few small purchases back in the day are going to get some pretty insane returns on their outlays, and still have been earning more tokens along the way. Tokens that get used daily, tokens that create other tokens, tokens that underpin games - tokens that empower thought, creativity and conversation in a multitude of ways.

Some people will have never bought and still get massive gains, some will have never bought and lament the decision. But as said, all the decisions made in the crypto space are up to us as individuals, which means we have some say over our outcomes - for better or worse.

Over the years I have met many people who proudly proclaimed how crypto is a scam and they would never buy in. This was when Bitcoin was under 1000 dollars and was ridiculed by all. Many of those same people today, are about to make their first purchases at 50x the price.

And they will be glad they did.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is what I did as well early on. I also went in several grand initially over the first year. Oof. Lol. But I loaded up on the down times a bit as well, always powered up, and never took any out.

Although now I’ve decided to take whatever liquid hive and hbd I earn for the next several months, to put into splinterlands assets.

Not a bad idea to go into SL at the moment. I really hope Chaos Legion is a hit :)

When Hive is 5+, you won't worry much about what you have spent on it in the past :)

I luckily held a small amount of assets from early on…most of which was gifted. So it’s at least a nice head start. But I do think I’m going to make a strong push to beef up assets there. I finally see the light! Lol

I don't think we'd fully be able to appreciate how easy it is to 'get into' the space right now until we experience a major upsurge in adoption and suddenly the airdrops and whatnots become projects requiring major capital to buy-in.

Yep. People complain about the "early adopter advantage" without realizing they are still early adopters...

I surprise if Hive will flip Facebook in future from top social platform because everyday i see little new update in hive ecosystem regarding development and upgradation. Splinterland bringing million account registered users on daily basis, transparent and upvoting for quality contents those are key factors which make hive more valueable.
People mentality has been changed ,every user want little worth of value when they spend time or post something on any social media and in this scenario i again put in example of Facebook as it is one of the highest using site around the world but Users get nothing for posting and spending their valueable time over there.Hive has great opportunity to lead the social media to the next level and definitely it will happen where your every post ,comments gets rewarded in different form of token like #ecency a great app on hive .Apart from that if you interested in Sport , Game, Travel, Writing, Engineering ,Home care etc everywhere has huge potential for getting rewarded on hive .Hoping to see Hive more in better Form in near future...

People mentality has been changed ,every user want little worth of value when they spend time or post something on any social media and in this scenario i again put in example of Facebook as it is one of the highest using site around the world

It won't flip Facebook, nor does it have to. All it needs to do is be well established niche in the crypto industry.

Will they also have conveniently forgotten how proudly they proclaimed crypto was a scam and that they would never buy in? XD

The tokens and tokens and tokens still confuses the hell out of me never mind everything else x_x

Yes - they do conveniently forget.

There will be a lot of different tokens for everything, but most of the management of it will be well managed so it won't require constant effort like it does now.

Hey Taraz

I enjoyed your take on Hive and I was so happy that you did that maths and laid it out, I am very bad at maths, but this made complete sense. I think that in the next year we will see a large influx into Hive (in terms of users) and hopefully in terms of investment too.

For me personally I am happy to invest small amounts when I can in terms of actually buying Hive, but I think I am also investing by putting in the time and effort here and that's what should be more important. People will only reap the benefits if they do apply themselves. It's not difficult either, they just need to put in some effort.

Have a great day


I am bad at maths too, so do your own calculations!! :D

Make sure you keep some investment diversity in crypto, just in case. I used to be 100% Hive, but it is quite risky in such a dynamic environment.

Lol Taraz, I'm more inclined to trust someone else's maths than my own - it's just that bad. I loved it when I was a kid in school (a long freaking time ago) but then again I also enjoyed trigonometry and just thinking about that now makes me tired.

Yup, that's always a good way to go. I actually lined up other cryptos before I got into Hive, so I have a few that I tend to favour.

Hope you have a good weekend


I was the same - great at the early maths I could visualise - totally lost interest once I could no longer see it being used in my head.

I actually lined up other cryptos before I got into Hive, so I have a few that I tend to favour.

This is a safe way in - as often, starting in Hive makes it hard to get out of only holding Hive :)

I was just thinking the other day about how much all of my holdings are worth and what a small percentage of that is from money that I actually invested from my traditional funds. The majority of my holdings are from my time on Hive and the platform before this one. It is crazy to think about!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is pretty crazy to think what the actual potential might be in a few years, where there could literally be tens of thousands of people wealthy and able to live off Hive.

Yeah, I can hardly even wrap my head around it!

There is this fear sometimes when it comes to crypto investing and finance in general.

For me, hive has changed a lot in terms of finances.

But that was before I started working.

Since I started working, there is this fear of loosing all that has been gained over the years.

I guess life is a risk and the most risky thing is not taking a risk.

I have chosen crypto and I guess I can stick to it.

I might not be needing to pull out at least since I earn now from my profession

A lot of people will be happy to buy at 100000$ too

Since I started working, there is this fear of loosing all that has been gained over the years.

I have this fear too, but I see it as my potential for the future that I couldn't have otherwise. If it is lost, then I wouldn't have had it otherwise anyway.

Having a job that covers life costs is imperative to good investing in my opinion. Not only does it mean that more can be invested, it also means that there isn't as much desperation or impatience.

it also means that there isn't as much desperation or impatience.

I totally agree with this

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Most of my invesment comes from earnings on HIVE and some other platforms, too. Last day, I thought what if buy some HIVE in my local currency? I calculated it, then saw not worthy and I didn't want to take risk "for now".

While I know that for some people, Hive has literally saved them from starvation, five years ago, they would have just starved - or found another way.

I have seen such a situation in Venezuela Community. Sincerely, I was proud of HIVE after seeing this.

How come HIVE has not impacted you financially yet? If it was me, yes has not impacted yet :) but I hope in 5 or 10 years.

, then saw not worthy and I didn't want to take risk "for now".

As said, it is up to us (thankfully) to take our own risks in this area.

How come HIVE has not impacted you financially yet?

Because I don't need it to live my life, so I don't use it. One day, it will be significant enough to make a large difference, not just replace my daily income.

I am extremely grateful for hive because my little espère here has seen people achieve what seems kinda impossible in the fiat world on Hive.I love the feeling I felt when hive got to $1. I can literally see lots of wealthy people in the future that can give hive credit if not through earning but through education, information and access to investment opportunities

It is funny to see that some who it has already benefited heavily, negative on it because they feel they don't get enough.

Over the years I have met many people who proudly proclaimed how crypto is a scam and they would never buy in. This was when Bitcoin was under 1000 dollars and was ridiculed by all. Many of those same people today, are about to make their first purchases at 50x the price.

Love this! I guess the sh*t they were throwing around has come back straight to their face... 😂😂😂😂 Sorry but I just couldn't resist ahahaha

I blame crypto for having distorted my views about money and investments, before crypto a 50% or 100% gain was reason for celebrations and parties! Now if it ain't a 10x we're not even thinking of it as money... 🤪 at least for my damaged brain works like that now... 😂😂😂

Great read as always! I enjoy a lot your publications! Wish you a great day/evening and the best of luck in your investments! 😁🙏

It is funny what kinds of percentages people are looking for, though if there is already enough in the pool, the gains don't have to be nearly as large. 10x on a 1000 is great, but 10% on a million is enough :)

Ohoho oh yes, I'm a small fish so a millie is still a long way for me, but yes you're right! It's all about perspective!

If I had a millie now I'd stick it in a nice dividend portfolio and I'd live off the dividends 😎 problem is the millie, I'm missing that ahahha

Yes, that is the problem for us all!

Live off the interest is fine, as long as we have enough capital. :)

yes, you are right some people lament their decisions. but I think this is because of their lack of investigation about crypto or maybe they heard stories of being scammed. for example me, I heard stories like scams and fake crypto blah blah its not easy to you know believe ,i think information about this matter should be elaborated carefully so more people can join crypto like you. because the world is full of wolves. @tarazkp

A lot of the people who regret their decisions because they lose money, is because they were led by their greed, not their research.

yes this is also a fact.

I buy potential coins and forget about it(literally) hoping it will pay off someday

Make sure you do a little research :)

There you go boy. Looking good. Just keep going!