Time into Money

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I do a fair bit of recording video whilst using some memory intensive programs on top, which can be a bit of a strain on my work PC, so I asked for some more RAM yesterday and had another 16GB installed today to take it to 32GB - that is nice - can never have too many resources.



If we want to do something, anything at all, it is all about resource acquisition, management and application. If we want to run, we will have to learn to walk, but we will also have to ensure that our muscles are conditioned, they have fuel and we are able to use what we have to pump our legs in a systematic manner - everything takes energy of some kind. And, if you want "the job" done well, you have to make sure that the energy is provided, in whatever form it requires.

To make what you want to happen, what do you need?

Many people want to be rich or healthy, they want to be highly skilled at something or have a relationship they value. Everyone (I don't care what someone says) wants something. And sure, it might be the root of suffering, but unfortunately as humans, we seem destined to suffer - one way or another.

What are we willing to suffer for?

Obviously, what we are willing to suffer for is a personal position, though it can be influenced heavily by our environment. Look at all of the people who suffer in order to have a "Brazilian Butt lift" and we act as though that is normal behavior in this society - because it is. Sure, we might not want to do that ourselves, but take a look at Instagram and the "influencers" on the platform - how many of them are "just like" the normal, average people who consume their content?

We are influenced, we are also influential. We give energy through what we consume and that energy gets used to meet the goals of others - nothing is lost, it is just transferred. The question is, are we making sure that we are getting what we need to accomplish our goals, or are we so focused on consuming, that any energy we do manage to gather, gets moved on before it has had a chance to be used by us, for us.

And, this is not just money on consumables and entertainment, it is also the other forms of energy we have, like our motivation and attention. Use them poorly and we have no opportunity to reach our goals, unless our goal happens to fall into our lap through sheer blind luck - like a winning lottery ticket, handed to us by a stranger.

I waste a lot of my resources or at least, my potential, because there are just so many things that need attention I don't have to give in order to make them work. And, I think this is part of the problem for many people in the world, as our attention is drawn this way and that, driven by FUD and FOMO, the moving gif, the beep from the phone, the clickbait headline and all the other pulls so that, we no longer have the bandwidth to attend to anything else, including meeting the needs of the things that we say we need, or say we love.

I don't have time.

No one does these days.

It seems that no matter if someone is working a 70h week or unemployed, no one has time to spend on working toward what they say they want, to get to where they say they want to be going. And, without time, there is no energy, without energy, all the time in the world is useless.

Unfortunately, unlike a computer, we can't speed ourselves up to have more time and resources with a stick of RAM, we have to actually upgrade the hardware, write new software - change our programming. For some, they see this as meaning to cut out activity to save time, but really, there is no cut, it is just redirection and doing less, doesn't mean the energy isn't used in transfer to someone else.

It is a funny thing though, isn't it? Just imagine that every time you sit down in front of the TV you are not only limiting your own ability to perform, you are transferring some of your resource wealth to other people, you will never see, know or interact with. Every Netflix show makes a Netflix investor, a fraction wealthier. Every Instagram influencer you double tap on, utilizes that metric to extract a fraction more from an advertiser. Every clickbait article link followed,, ensure that the algorithms learn and tomorrow, there will be more of the same.

Everything is designed to extract energy in some way, in some form, whether it be the coins in our pocket or where we focus our eyes. Demand drives Supply.

This is economics.


And as many people like to point out, wealth comes in many forms and all are transferrable, even if they change form in the process, time into money, money into investment, investment into production, production into consumption - time into money again.

I need an upgrade.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The attention economy is particularly fertile ground, as people don't yet understand that their attention is valuable.

Which is why they spend it like it is an endless resource. Those that don't value their own time and energy, are going to find themselves with limited options to build value.

I could use an upgrade too. Blogged about it hours ago :^)

Talking about upgrades and TV shows, just now, I watched the very first episode of Westworld and upgrading was one of its themes ;^)

Change is as good as a holiday they say - what would you upgrade first?

Westworld is quite a story and I wonder in the next two decades, how close we will get :)

Have you ever seen the 1973 movie that this was based on? 43 years later ( and now 49 ) this sure seems a lot more plausible.

I would probably upgrade my focus and energy levels, although I do like how I manage to change gears over and over again :<)

No, I haven't seen the original - but it is a decent storyline and yeah, it is getting closer. What I do think though, is that while the physical version might be a while away, the digital version through virtual and augmented reality, might not bee too far off. Even now, people are often unable to tell if they are chatting with a bot and reading articles in the news that are all AI.

I have a feeling that if we upgrade, we will focus on the wrong things and upgrade poorly. Look at all the money spent on cosmetic surgery.

What I do think though, is that while the physical version might be a while away, the digital version through virtual and augmented reality, might not bee too far off. Even now, people are often unable to tell if they are chatting with a bot and reading articles in the news that are all AI.

True that. I honestly hope it takes a little longer before the physical becomes undistinguishable from 'reality', although dinos would be cool ;<)

Most upgrades seem to lead to things clogging up and slowing down, performing worse. I guess the same happens to people ;<)

Ah man Westworld is one hell of a show! I don’t normally like watching shows but shit that one is epic!

I already struggle with seeing that it's 5 seasons but it sure is quite intriguing. I have seen the original 1973 movie, ages ago and liked that one a lot. That was the main motivation for me to check this out ( that and hearing that a lot of people, with taste, like this ).

I am curious how long this show can hold my everchanging attention.

The first two seasons were the best in my opinion! The others were okay, third was decent but the fourth was great. I don’t know if I’ve seen the fifth but I could be mistaken. I’ll have to take a look!

It becomes quite scary as we age...all the wasted time I mean. Those who are lucky to realize this early and devote themselves to their goals are often the ones we celebrate along the line

It is interesting how we celebrate people who have been successful at something, yet we don't necessarily translate their practices into what we want to be successful at ourselves.

I guess it's cause we only see the end results...

time into money, money into investment, investment into production, production into consumption - time into money again.

Time being the scarcest of it all...while I am currently looking for nice assets with consistent and attractive ROI, etc., stuff that saves time should be in the endgame, shouldn't it?

stuff that saves time should be in the endgame, shouldn't it?

Yes, if that time gained is used well I guess :)

Pink Floyd should be studied during the course of Time Economics in High school or even earlier. Instead, we sometimes say stuff like...

I'm just killing/trying to kill some time.

You can't kill Time, fool.

, says Mr. Common Sense. But only when...present.

That's what I like about Hive . The content and people are real. With the expansion of Hive I hope content doesn't get diluted like Asstagram.

I watch too much T.V. I admit. but since I joined Hive I've cut down because I'm motivated to create more than consume.

I'm motivated to create more than consume.

I wonder what changes in the world if more people did this?

There would be an over supply of stuff. We would reach an era of abundance. Our attention would become even more valuable as we would need even more skills to filter things out.

Not to say that is a bad thing. Because an over supply would open the possibility to find what you truly care about, you truly have the option find it, or the opportunity to make it yourself and share it with others. If everybody creates, stuff becomes more affordable and wealth transfer more distributed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

it the truth that no one has time to do anything, but if some are worthwhile then I think that what one needs to focus their time on, on daily basis we make other people rich and even wealthy the more without thinking of upgrading ourselves and elevate our status to become better on what we do. we spent our time and energy on upgrading other people's lives.

What I have found is, the better we become at something, the more people we involve and empower.

yes that the truth

This is a motivating and educative content, everything in life is a process,time and hardworking,this will take you through the journey I will love to see more of your contents it's really helping me @tarazkp

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is a shortcut (well not really a shortcut, it is a solution to this) it is called ultra-learning. Learning how to learn, faster. Even a 5-10% increment will save you a lot of time, during your whole life. That, and training to read faster.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

take a look at Instagram and the "influencers" on the platform - how many of them are "just like" the normal, average people who consume their content?

It is pitty to see them giving poses in a so called sexy way to have more followers. I see this mostly with aestheticans, dietitians and lawyers. Also, some writes "DM for collaboration" despite less followers. I think this is the same with selling body.

I would love to get an upgrade done as well. Starting with something that helps me to get an efficient amount of sleep, and then hoping that is cures my current lethargic approach and lifestyle.

It’s funny I was talking with a colleague the other day and he was mentioning something on horse shit American TV and he asked me what I thought about it. I simply said “sorry I have no idea, I don’t watch TV at all, especially the news” and he was shocked! He was then agreeing that TV was indeed a waste but what did I do when relaxing? I didn’t want to go into details of hive since this wasn’t someone I was close to, and work doesn’t know about this side of me (nothing nefarious, just not into showing people I’m not too close with) so it was an interesting conversation.

If only we could do upgrades without nefarious things being added to it lol. I’d go for an upgraded knee and wrist!

without a doubt that the environment consumes us much more even if it is only to distract us and not get anything productive, television often do that, distract us and do not leave us any teaching but rather consume us energies that we can use in other aspects of life more significant, but it is important to nurture and deliver that daily energy to enriching situations that motivate you to go the next day.
Thank you very much for sharing your publicationhello @tarazkp

how many of them are "just like" the normal, average people who consume their content?

Once upon a time...

I waste a lot of my resources or at least, my potential, because there are just so many things that need attention I don't have to give in order to make them work

Is it actually a waste then? :D

in real life i have one rule, if something cost less than what I paid for hour, but can be done by somebody else, i pay for it, hence, I have a external windows cleaner (i am not much of a climber to do it myself) and a guy who is cleaning the garbage bins. people think i pay too much, but they do not understand the concept of saving time instead of money.