What do you expect from Hive?

in LeoFinance3 months ago (edited)

What do you expect from Hive?

I think that we are living in a world where people have expectations that are increasingly detached from reality. It takes many forms and I have mentioned entitlement before, but there are other expressions also, where people expect to have some result, irrespective of their behavior, and with no consequence or pushback. There is this sense that everyone is free to do what they want, and still get the results they want, no matter if their behaviors are not aligned with achieving what they seek.



It isn't the majority of people's direct fault that they were spoiled. Rather, it is the way they have chosen to live their lives, to be conditioned by their environment, to keep taking what they are fed because it is the easiest decision to make, even though it leads them in a direction they don't actually want to go.

In January it will be eight years since I have been on this blockchain, and over that time, I have seen all kinds of behaviors. I have seen some great behaviors from people who were keen to hit the ground running as they started here, only to fall away quickly into oblivion, like a new year resolution to get fit. The gyms are packed in January, and then rapidly digress to the average by February. The baseline stays the same.

Because consistency is hard.

Not many people are honestly consistent. It isn't physically hard. It is mentally hard. Because building habits for the long term requires effort and planning, but also the ability to push through, even after the motivation and excitement of new has dissipated. It is not that it gets boring I think, as much as it gets to be routine. Routine is seen as boring, because it isn't explicitly exciting. With so many dopamine triggers available across the content space these days, there is always something "new" to view, even if it actually doesn't offer much in value.

I think the crypto space is obsessed with new, without recognizing that what we should be looking to accomplish, is longevity. I am not saying that every token needs to last forever, and there should be no innovation, but there has to be a maturing of users in order to stop chasing the high, and start supporting the foundation. That foundation is strengthened by usage and commitment, and consistent activity. It is like any relationship, it takes work.

And, that commitment is important, because without it, nothing lasts. For instance, imagine buying one of the latest electric cars from a Chinese startup, and then two years later, the company no longer exists. Are you happy? A lot of the crypto tokens are like that, though many don't even last two years. This is because the initial hype will always be replaced by indifference and abandonment as more hype hits other tokens.

The people chasing that kind of hype aren't crypto enthusiasts, they are fiat enthusiasts. They aren't looking to build an industry, they are looking to trade to a better place in the legacy economy. They aren't a world changer, they are a status quo supporter. While at this point at least, the vast majority would have to be hybrid with one foot in both pools at best, there has to come a point where there is more in crypto than in legacy. I can write more on that later at some point.

For now, I have always seen Hive like a business, as well as a schoolyard playground. It is a space to explore, to interact and to learn in. As well as a place to build and develop knowledge and skills to be part of a new type of economic and governance structure. At some point, this kind of space in the economy is going to be ubiquitous, and those who are able to get in early with the right understanding, are not only going to make themselves wealthy in multiple ways, they are also going to play a hand in shaping the future, at least at their local level.

So, here is a poll of twelve options (you have 4 votes) to see what are your top 4 expectations from Hive. If you have other suggestions, just add one to the "other" field, and write it in the comments and we can discuss them there. If you are new into Hive, please comment and give your perspective on what you are expecting here too, and we can have a good conversation on it.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Oh, if you can't see the poll, you might have to view through another interface:


https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@tarazkp/what-do-you-expect-from-hive https://ecency.com/hive-167922/@tarazkp/what-do-you-expect-from-hive


To never have to use money again.

Imagine all the people....

This is great. (Nice post, sir.)
Seriously though, I liked the difference you draw between crypto and fiat enthusiasts, wouldn't have occurred to me. I wonder often about a lot of great writers who disappeared from here. Who seemed to enjoy the community/freedom element as well as the money thing. Just gone. I keep thinking, why? I mean the ones who left...where did they go? What did they find that was better and offered so many things in one place? And how come they didn't pop back to tell the rest of us:))

Personally, I'm not business/money oriented. It s a problem. So while I'll probably have money as one of my options, right now my main attractions are the community (in 7-8 years, you build some pretty strong connections) and the freedom. I write around online a lot and have yet to find a place that's as open and unrestricted (for one) in terms of what you can say, and where there's such a broadness of open-minded people. There's willingness to dialogue which is dying out in many parts of the Internet and that's pretty awesome.

I mean the ones who left...where did they go? What did they find that was better and offered so many things in one place? And how come they didn't pop back to tell the rest of us:))

The last one is a good question, right? If there are places that are so much better, where are they?

yet to find a place that's as open and unrestricted (for one) in terms of what you can say, and where there's such a broadness of open-minded people.

On average, the conversations are just better here and, there is the ability to speak to the same people across the space of years consistently. I feel I know people pretty well, even though we have never met in person - unlike you, who I have met in person!

There's willingness to dialogue which is dying out in many parts of the Internet and that's pretty awesome.

Nearly all the other platforms encourage point scoring against other users, not development of personal skills. It becomes a place for voyeurs, not collaborators.

I went with Education, Freedom of Speech, Vibrant Community, and Money. I've always been honest about the fact that money is what brought me to HIVE. I realized quite early that it wasn't going to happen the way I thought. Now that I have been here a while though, I see HIVE as more of a hobby. I enjoy the community and learning new things which happens pretty much every day here. I've also gained new interests because of HIVE. Ultimately yes, I want my years on here to be worth something, but I have gained good connections, and by default autovotes and regular curators that now that dream of some form of passive income isn't so unbelievable.

Your years here will be worth something. Everybody's years here will be worth something if we can create value and have some patience.

For sure!

Yeah, even a small passive income can be significant at the right time of life. I would love to be able to be debt free, and be able to live off a little bit of work and keep building into the future for Smallsteps here.

That's definitely a worthy goal for you to have! Giving her the best life possible is most important. I'd love to be able to retire from my main job in a couple of years and just do HIVE as a secondary income, but I don't think that is feasible.

I expect a value of $1 as I get 100K, so the curation will provide a nice steady income.

Would be pretty awesome, wouldn't it?

I didn't have a steady income as an option, but it is something that I have often spoken about here. Not many might be able to live off curation in the grand scheme, but it would be grand!

I see Hive as a universe of possibilities, it's an interesting place. Of course, not everything is perfect, as in life and on the Internet, it has its pros and cons.
But, in terms of the project, the organization and everything you can achieve, it seems pretty good to me.

It is a pretty amazing place in many respects. I really wish I was able to code and create infrastructure and experiences for the place :)

You don't necessarily have to be able to code. You can always share ideas and work with devs to make them happen. The people with ideas for things to do seem to me very important, it's not just about coding something up.

With HIVE, he was able to travel, meet people and cultures without taking a plane to get to those destinations. In January 2025, I will be 7 years in the network.

That is part of it, though can you really know a culture without visiting it?

I included "Other" because Hive is a place where I can practice my creative writing - it's more nuanced than the freedom of speech one, because it's less blatantly political 😀

lol - yeah, I get the desire for distinction. Technically, we all have freedom of speech always - there are just a lot of consequences for what is said on some topics :D

I went with these four, I have since learned not to make money the primary motivation of anything because then I do not ever get the best. You know I have since realised that it is easy for people to throw money around and avoid commitment relationship wise. Talking about hive, one must seek to create value in order to enjoy the financial rewards and other multiple benefits that the system has to offer. While money is a good incentive, it should not be the primary drive if we want sustainability.

Money is rarely an incentive for long. Without some meaning, even people earning very well in life, fade.

I see Hive as a place to earn some money for blogging with a potential long-term upside. I also think it is a great place to learn. It is also a modern day diary :)

Just imagine if people only used it to reflect on their daily thoughts - it would still be great!

I tend to go into everything with low expectations XD

I did put down "money" because that was the thing that differentiated hive from other socnets at the time I jumped on (I was also on diaspora but I think my activity on there may have started dropping off at that point), my low level disdain of it persists though x_x

I'm also very big on freedom of speech and censorship resistance but think anyone that expects freedom from consequences with those two aforementioned is kinda dumb.

I tend to go into everything with low expectations XD

Are you closet Finnish?

Many do assume that it comes consequence-free. It is like they expect to be able to jump off a cliff, and not get hurt.

LoL maybe?! XD It's just a balance point; if I go in with low-no expectations (just basically see what happens) then you're either pleasantly surprised or "well okay then" but not disappointed/feeling like it was a waste of time/money (though if it was actually disappointing then that happens sometimes but even then sometimes we can pull something out of it).

Now if you used that analogy to explain why things aren't consequence-free watch them get butthurt for assuming they're idiots?

Money, a place to vent, crypto advice, freedom of expression and new experiences will probably describe my foray. I just haven't been properly motivated/disciplined to slug it through thick and thin like you guys

What do you reckon would be the right kind of motivation for you?

Interesting poll. I chose money, community, crypto, experience, in no order of importance of course. Haha.

Do you feel "richer" in your life because of time on Hive? I don't mean financially in this case :)

Definitely. I have found myself a hobby that ticks many of my personal preferences. Hive allows me to hone my writing skills, engage with like minded people all over the world, and learn so much about cryptocurrencies (gaming, liquidity pools, tokenomics, etc). Best of all, unlike some hobbies, there is no commitment required (e.g. how many hours a day or week), it's up to me when I want to log in to write and read posts, and I could take a break for any amount of days when I feel like it.

What a great exercise! Yesterday night, just before falling asleep, I've entered in Ecency app in my mobile, and saw your fresh new post. I had to read it, and after that, I voted... Well, I voted on three of the presented options, and it was the vibrant community, freedom of speech, education (not in this order, off course). When I woke up today, I thought that I voted in a misleading way. I see also a financial potencial in Hive. I know that the token has been in almost 10x of the lowest value, that we are just a few cents away from it. I think that it could be a great move, to double the value in Hive in couple of years. I had mostly every "hivecent" converted in HDB and staked in Savings, earning the 15% APR. But weeks ago, a good friend mame me see the possible potencial of the Hive growth in the bullmarket, dragged by "tradicional" coins movement. So I took the HBD from savings, and converted to Hive, that now it "lands" on the wallet, just waiting to a good opportunity to convert back again to HBD, and luckily with a good margin of profit. So TBH I also see Hive as a "money" thing, if I might say :)

That trade back and forth can be really valuable over time. But, it can also be a hard lesson if caught in HBD when Hive goes up in a bull market! Have fun with it regardless :)

Thank you! And I'm always considering the "first rule" in investment (crypto or not)... Never "gamble"/"invest" money that you need to your normal daily expenses. 😉

It will be a deception if anyone here will deny that he needs money from Hive. Money is the blood that makes life worth living. There might be other benefits but business put all of us here. And in business, money is what we are looking for.

In many respects it is true, but I wouldn't say it is the blood - it is more the hands that open doors :)

I was tempted to put other and my comment would have been...

A place to call each other "dear"


It is one of the few remaining bastions.

I chose "other" and I mean a whole new world on the internet for people to hanging out and interact freely, out of the prison of an algorithm. Yes, Hive is already that, but what I expect is to have more and more people joining and Hive being world renowned so it gets all the good it deserves

out of the prison of an algorithm.

The algorithm mafia is strong. Just when a person finds a way out, they pull them back in through a different mechanism.

It is really a good place to express myself from opinion in relation to multiple topics that may be of interest to me, or from creativity, I love creative writing and photography. I am also encouraged to learn about new places. The latter is great for me as I would love to travel and I don't have the possibility to do so. So virtually doing it and also being able to share first hand with those who do it is wonderful.
And the money is the plus. There are many options to learn how to manage yourself in terms of this financial issue, grow your assets and so on. Before knowing Hive I already had contact with cryptocurrencies and trading. Therefore, I have found in this Blockchain a house with many rooms. It is a great joy for my life.


Therefore, I have found in this Blockchain a house with many rooms.

I like this analogy. I have posts going back a long time talking about it being like a growing city, with subcultures. But on a personal level, a house with purposed rooms works well!

I am so guilty of inconsistency.

I really do love this community and this tech though and I keep coming back.

It is hard to leave! Unless going to Blurt of course :D

Earning enough HP/HBD to not have to worry about money at my old age would be great. Earning enough to buy a rope would be decent as well...

Either way people here seem to like my art more than my fellow countrymen. I don't think that I have received a really negative comment on Hive about my art. People who posts here are interesting. That is more than I could say about most people I know in real life. So I think that many poll options would be correct for me.

Earning enough to buy a rope would be decent as well...

Go for a long swim is cheaper than rope.

There are lots of interesting people here, because they share. In real life, people are often more cautious.

I'll go with this 4.

Money not to be milking away, but as a store of value due to the inflation in my country.

Immutable community because I believe it is the foundation; without it, there is nothing. The other day I said, I don’t want more people to join, but rather those who are already here to empower themselves and help Hive grow.

New experiences, it’s very easy to open communities like worldmapping or weekend experiences and explore the world out there without even leaving home.

And Education, because although it’s becoming easier every day to open an account on Hive, I think there’s still a lot of education needed on crypto topics, personal finance, and everyday matters.

In a year, we'll see what happens and what doesn’t

Some more would have to join for it to grow, but not as many as people think. Niche can still be valuable.

Education is a big thing for me here too. I reckon I have learned more about how the world works in the last years, than I have in the rest of my life.

Interesting point about people chasing moon coins being more into FIAT, that's FAIR.

I went with immutability, security, money and a vibrant community, I think Censorship resistance and Freedom of speech depend on immut and sec, as does money, and well the later is crucial to the success of this place.

It is pretty amazing how secure blockchains can be, but it is no longer really talked about, or utilized.

It's one of those features that people just take for granted, maybe!

And it will have been seven years by Jan since I joined this blockchain. I have always seen HIVE as a part-time job for myself. In this seven years, what I have seen on HIVE is that consistency is not a main rule and post less than 250 words could get higher votes than a quality post.

consistency isn't that common here, except from a few. It does help to stay in practice and in sight though. Do you remember how much some crappy posts were getting back in the day?

I chose this 4


I mostly write for myself. To get things out of my mind into a journal. So that:

  1. later I can look at it, its permanent (hopefully)
  2. my thoughts are organized
  3. helps with my personal education, as I research when I write
  4. and I get paid for it, I get paid to write my personal journal

What not to like? :)

Community also helps! That is something I didn't see as a choice

What not to like? :)

Yep, I don't understand why so many people have dramas! Though, I think it is mostly those who would put four votes on number one :)

I am much the same as you. I am "better" as a human for being here I think. Probably a little more knowledgeable than I would have been too. The downside is I get less sleep than I should.

Community also helps! That is something I didn't see as a choice

Fourth option

Discord Server.This post has been manually curated by @steemflow from Indiaunited community. Join us on our

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Here are some handy links for delegations: 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP.


100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @steemflow by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

I expect fair curation rewards from HIVE for content. Now I notice that the ones getting good curation rewards are those that post very long trying to "beat around the bush" writing style of 1500 words or more.

Oh, you are talking about me! :D

It is okay. I have been writing very long for cents also :)

Well said!😄

I expect great turnout of more than $1

turnout of what?

Turnout of $1 = 1 hive

I will just give a simple answer: growth. Growth personally and financially. Hoping to forge myself a financial future here, developing something and contributing.

Other vote:

'Meet' people from all over the world. Practice languages (Spanish and German). Cultural exchange. Help to keep an economic ecosystem healthy that is valuable to people who do not have access to stable income/money.

Nailed it right in my Top 4... would likely put Education 5th just for all the strategy I end up reading about Splinterlands. 3 and 4 are the most important IMO and even money is a distant 3rd.


I completely agree that consistency and commitment are key, both for individual success on Hive and for the long-term health of the blockchain itself. In a space so driven by hype and short-term excitement, it's easy to get distracted by the "new shiny thing," but real value comes from sustained, meaningful contributions and interactions. Hive has a unique opportunity to be more than just another crypto token—it's a platform where people can build lasting relationships, create valuable content, and help shape the future of decentralized systems.

I also appreciate your point about the relationship between crypto enthusiasts and fiat enthusiasts. Many people come into crypto looking for quick profits rather than trying to create something transformative. That mindset can be a barrier to real growth and innovation. Hive, in particular, has the potential to mature into a robust ecosystem, but it requires users who are in it for the long haul, not just the quick win.

I'm definitely excited about the potential of Hive to become a foundation for a new economic model, and I think that as more people adopt this mindset, we'll see the platform grow in ways that matter beyond just price or token speculation.

The people chasing that kind of hype aren't crypto enthusiasts, they are fiat enthusiasts. They aren't looking to build an industry, they are looking to trade to a better place in the legacy economy. They aren't a world changer, they are a status quo supporter.

This! There are so many people who just want to increase their fiat holdings, instead of build a new economy based on crypto. I think that will change when the banks/governments increase restrictions on profit from crypto sales.