The world does not understand how powerful this truly is. One of the reasons is we never saw this before.
While many talk about the printing presses going at the Central Banks, the reality is far different. Money is not created simply by "printing" it. Instead, in our debt based monetary system, the banks are the ones who actually infuse money into the economy. This is done through lending.
In other words, to create "new" money someone has to take out a loan. That is either individuals or companies going to a commercial bank or governments doing something similar via institutional banks.
Either way, the money is really debt.

The challenge with this is that for each unit of currency, there is interest tied to it. Hence, even if we pooled all the currency together, we could not pay off everything that is owed. This means there is built in failure since someone is going to be left holding the bag. It is like a game of musical chairs, when it stops, there is not enough for everyone.
There are many reasons why the present system is struggling. We will not cover them in this article. However, ultimately, the scarcity that is prevalent is causing major slowdowns over time. Cryptocurrency can change all of this.
We now have the ability to create as much money as we need. While this looks fatal on the surface, when we shift our thinking to understanding what is really taking place, we see how this can be a major boom for the global economy. In the end, it will help to feed into the major technological explosion that many are expecting.
In a scarcity based system, trade-offs have to be made. Banks are no different than any other business. Thus, they want to lend as much money as they can since that is how the profit. The downside for them is they want to be paid back. Hence, they have to balance wanting to put money out to everyone with the likelihood of getting it returned. Here is where lending standards enter the picture.
Ultimately, this means many people are left outside the system. For whatever reason, their scores will not merit the bank giving them the resources required. This stifles innovation since potentially productive ideas are not funded.
As we can see, in a debt-based society, this makes a lot of sense.
The next area to look is with money that is already in circulation. Here again, scarcity enters. While there are people out there who will fund things, they have the same problem. Anyone who lends money wants to be paid back. Therefore, one has to establish standards or make up for lowering them in some way.
When a lender lowers standards, they offset the increase in risk by asking for more upfront or putting a higher interest rate on things. Hard money lenders, for example, will loan to most anyone but it is very expensive. They are near loan-shark level.
In the end, we see the inability to spread the funding across the entire spectrum.

Here is where cryptocurrency can fill a tremendous void. As more wealth is generated in the crypto world, the monetary system can shift from scarcity to abundance. We do have the ability to create money out of thin air. And, unlike what we deal with now, it is not debt.
Thus, anyone with an idea can tokenize it. Of course, it might not be something that gets much interest, meaning it is a concept that could require a bit more work. Nevertheless, the potential exists.
Ideas are limitless. People have them all the time. We live in a world full of problems. This means there is plenty that people can ponder in an effort to come up with solutions. A few of those could be extremely valuable to society, both financially and the benefits it provides.
Hopefully, this is starting to register how powerful this really is.
Money is really a tool for collaboration. It is a short-cut to getting things done. Instead of having to barter using goods and services, money allows us to streamline the process. If, one needs some coding done, there is a way to collaborate so both parties get what they need. There is no discussion about swapping a few cases of eggs for a certain number of hours of coding. Instead, a monetary price is put on the work.
Cryptocurrency enables us to do this with anything. Ergo, the collaborative efforts can keep increasing as more ideas are brought to the table. This will help to usher in a new era of creativity and innovation. The problem is not a lack of ideas but, rather, a lack of funding. The scarcity-based, banker driven system is comes up short on the funding end of things.
Obviously, this is such a radical concept that it is going to take some time for it to penetrate the psyches of people. We still are conditioned to think scarcity so the concept of being able to fund any idea is beyond us.
"What if I lose my money?" Do not worry, we will create more.
Success have value. Whether it is an application, a network, a community, or a company. Tokenization ensures that the holders are tied to the success of whatever the entity is. There is simply no way to separate the two.

Does that mean every idea is successful? Of course not. There are a lot of dumb ideas out there. That said, some of the dumbest ideas do end up as wild commercial successes so we have to be careful on that end. Nevertheless, there is going to be failure simply due to human nature. We tend to reject that which does not interest us. Collectively, this happens resulting in failed ventures.
The difference is there will be a lot of ventures that are successful. When we step back and look big picture, we can see the financial explosion (as well as technological) that can take place. We have the ability to take collaboration to unforeseen levels. This will increase the overall productivity of the planet to a degree never witnessed before.
Money is not designed to be idle. Economies thrive when money is flowing at a rapid pace throughout the entire system. This allows people to engage with others, producing greater output than before.
Sadly, we are seeing the exact opposite with the present system. Money is starting to look like molasses, barely registering a heartbeat. This is showing up in the numbers as we see growth struggling.
Cryptocurrency is going to change all of that. We can count on the growth of this idea taking place. As more people realize the true realm of abundance, there will be a lot more ideas funded. This will, inevitably, lead to greater innovation. Over time, we can see this helping to put us on a much higher trendline in terms of our output.
And all because we can create money out of thin air.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea its so weird since money comes out of thin air likes its nothing. But wasn't it already somewhat doing that in the stock market? Those companies were constantly issuing new shares over time. The only difference is now more people can print money out of thin air.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The difference is that stocks are not used for economic activity other than, perhaps, be collateralized. Outside of that, stocks are now utilized to facilitate any economic activity.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
crypto printer go brrrrrrrrr
hahaha nah this actually makes a lot of sense. The only money being injected into the economy is when someone takes out debt. That pretty much means if no ones taking out loans inflation is going to be very low. While times of barrowing lots will increase inflation is that right?
It's pretty awesome what crypto is able to do even more so what DeFi is becoming. We are not even a full year into it yet but I expect some new cool stuff coming out for it here in the next few months as new investors and project creators step in.
It is more nuanced than that. For example, in times of high borrowing, if there is a lot of economic growth, then yes it can result in some upwards pricing pressures. Of course, be careful about the part of technology in there, especially when it comes to keeping wages under control.
However, if the borrowing is done in a period of economic stagnation, resulting from most of it coming from government, then we see the opposite effect. Part of the problem is the Fed starts its easing process which actually works in reverse and locks money into the banking system, like we have now. The more that is locked in there, the slower the velocity of money which is catastrophic to the push for inflation. Another reason they the Fed finds themselves backed into their own self-imposed corner.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
So you are saying in the future innovation will be come the commodity or the currency? Crypto just facilitates that shift. I think I am understanding it anyway. If nothing else, I understand the reason they area printing so much money now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Innovation comes from people. Money is just a tool used to facilitate that innovation and creativity. Up to this point, that money came at a cost to all of society since it was debt. That meant the loan process was highly controlled with only the most attractive (those with the greatest likelihood to repay) getting the money. The rest were excluded.
Crypto is providing an funding mechanism that completely circumvents that area. This means that people are going to be able to pursue the innovations once this concept takes hold.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
So if crypto had been around in Tesla's time, he could have been funded instead of Edison. Edison was better at attracting money, but Tesla had the more amazing ideas.
That is just the part I love the most about crypto, it’s some kind of magic money! And it’s fun! 😎
It's magical only when it goes to the moon, we're printing a lot of new money on Hive but I don't think anybody feels any magic around here :P
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Not really. That is only the case because you compare it to USD or some other fiat pricing. Look at the excitement among the Splinterlands people right now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If their excitement makes them buy a lot of hive then I'll be excited as well :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There used to be times when each currency had to be backed up by real hard gold! Those days are long gone. Not only blockchains are printing money out of thin air, but also national reserves.
But regard to crypto coming out of thin air, which is great for us, we are always told the lesson if it is too good to be true, probably it is! How do you see this correlation?
Lot's of cryptos out there within a maximum. Lot's of crypto where you have to keep on investing to stay on par and so on...
The same is valid for Hive. I do know that printing does decrease in time and that it should become more scarce. But still I do ask myself from time to time; is it really to good to be true?
We never dealt with "money" that wasnt debt. Since the introduction of fiat currency, we operated on a debt based monetary system. Thus, each unit of currency created was a debt unit that also had an interest component tied to it. Thus, it was negative gain situation since there was never enough money to pay back the debt plus the interest.
Growth is the important factor and that comes from confidence. When people invest and generate projects that move societies forward, that builds upon itself. However, when something stifles that, say government, and confidence is lost there, then the economic impact is felt.
Ultimately, even though it is discussed in the digital world, the reality is it was always the network effect. Those who trusted what was taking place would use it. When confidence was lost, very bad stuff like hyperinflation happened. Look at Venezuela and other countries where all confidence is lost (add in a few sanctions and it is a mess).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think the same too, money is not is not designed to be idle, we need to be constantly moving it from source to source and finding the right places for it. Using it the right way is what is going to make us get even more money. It is actually as you said too, money represents a tool for collaboration, a tool we need to use in order to get our objectives done.
Great post!
Need a lot more global collaboration to lift things to much higher levels. We ended up stifling things with the wealth in just a few hands who tend to not innovate at the same pace as individuals. Plus these entities tend to become somewhat monopolistic in nature which further slows the overall pace of innovation down.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Fortunately, anyone who has understood this from the beginning will not taste the bitter taste of regret. But still, I hope that more and more people will discover what is right before their eyes.
To make all of this come to fruition and not end up as a failed experiment, we likely need a billion more people to find this. While 120 million or whatever the numbers is now is a great start, it is just that. We need to keep building upon it create a much wider and resistant ecosystem.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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Hey @taskmaster4450, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.All the more reason to get in early as surely people will start to realise what this really is. I have noticed more and more starting to see this and now want to get involved in crypto. Trading is only part of this and staking on various chains is the answer to long term growth.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is the one question I get all the time about crypto from outside the cryptosphere, how can you create money from thin air. Great answer to this question.. might use some of this content in conversations
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
"Don't worry, we'll just create more."
That sums it up right there.
Yep indeed.
The abundance economy, helps everyone because money moves and that’s great for everyone!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Tweeted and tagged #posh hoping for some whale vote love :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Fantastic read as usual.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you.
. Keep up the fantastic work
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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Hey @taskmaster4450, here is a little bit of from @fiberfrau for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Wow . What a great article.
It is very thought provoking. I have always thought of money as energy in action.
Your description really explains how this might happen.
Are you saying that Crypto is a better representation of "Energy in action" because it is not tied to debt?
Awesome content
Thanx for explaining what many find hard to grasp, including me. I think I'm beginning to get it 😉
I really liked this sentence and certainly, the explosion of projects that will generate the use of cryptocurrencies is yet to be seen. A very interesting analysis that explains very well the difficulty of the scarcity of money and its consequences for the solution of many new problems of society. The crypto empire is yet to come. Regards
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta