It is important to remember that Hive is now just a month old. What an incredible month it is.
No, Hive is not a top 20 token in terms of market cap. Nor have we seen millions of people suddenly sign up. This is all still part of Hive's future road map.

What is vital is that Hive just started producing blocks a month ago. It was nothing more than a plan. Today, we see a lot of progress even though it might not be completely obvious.
When the fork took place, it is crucial to understand that most of the infrastructure on Steem was provided by Steemit Inc. This was a situation that was allowed to take place, probably out of convenience. Thus, much of the infrastructure had to be created from scratch.
@hiveio put up a post spelling out some of the coming announcements this week. While it was more of a "here is what we are going to do", it is important to highlight a couple things.
Right now, we're in a period of heavy preparation and careful double checking. There's a lot to do that still relates to the creation of a new chain and laying the groundwork for future advances, so focus has been directed toward API, image hosting, condenser, and base code workflow and deployment. Much of it feels like technical background mumbo jumbo and can be hard to follow since it's "behind the scenes," so this past week may have felt a bit more boring than the initial launch. All of this is truly awesome Hive news, but it can be hard to create meaningful, useful communication about some of these things in giant posts once a week or so.
It is easy to forget how much takes place in the background to ensure an online system is operating. This is multiplied when the community was basically starting from zero with a lot of things. Something such as image hosting is taken for granted by the user base yet is a crucial aspect to any social medium these days. Once again, that was handled by Steemit Inc in the past.
Over the years, we all saw how that organization went completely silent. I guess that is the thing to do when not much was being accomplished. After some time of over promising and under delivering, it was probably easiest to just keep quiet.
Here we see fairly consistent communication. A lot of the work being done right now is on the "backbone" of the system. This is not sexy nor glamorous but necessary before going forward. Sometimes, a bit more time spent in the beginning getting something set up properly will save loads of headaches later.
Obviously, the development teams for the applications were tasked with a monumental job of converting their platforms over. Here again, to the average user, the work involved is not evident to us. We are only aware of the situation when things do not work.
Each week, we are witnessing more of the services we were familiar with on Steem coming to life on Hive. This is accomplished as all the developers finally are catching up. As the Hiveio post stated, there is still a lot to do yet we can see progress being made.
I was optimistic about the potential of Steem because of the community. As it turns out, we had a major albatross hanging around out necks. That was removed with the fork and establishment of Hive.
Therefore, I am even more optimistic about Hive. It is obvious the community is going to push things forward at a much greater pace than we saw on Steem. One of the benefits of this fork is the fact that all falls upon the community. There is no organization to point to and say "they will handle it". Instead, the developers have the onus upon them to keeps advancing the infrastructure in a meaningful way.
With the progress that was made over the first month, we can expect far greater potential than before. This is truly a community driven initiative. Over time, I believe we will see the "grassroots" aspect of things provide the swell that was missing on Steem.
Thousands of people are fully committed to making this into a raging success.
The rest of the year is going to be very exciting on Hive.
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gif by @doze
Exactly! If we have all of the basics covered until the last steemtron troll has sold their HIVE, then we are in really good shape for any future developments that will kick things off and separate the chain from any other.
To set it up right in the beginning will ensure that we have strong fundamentals to build upon.
Why do you assume that steemtron trolls will sell their hive?
A lot of steemians and hiveians own and hold tron token.
I too am very encouraged by the rapid development of the Hive ecosystem and its future potential. Though one thing does come to immediately to mind; as Hive grows in popularity and captures the interest of the public at-large, moving forward, how will Hive be able to protect itself from competitive interest? As history demonstrates, there are those who may seek to launch legal challenges as a means of "protecting their turf" as it were?. The big players within this game will almost with certainty view Hive as a threat and take stances with hostile intent. And then there the patent trolls who will circle like vultures looking for weaknesses and ready to attack when the opportunity avails itself. I hope that this has been taken into consideration by the Hive team. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
To start, I dont think Hive is on the radar of any major player. Hive is doing well but we need to keep it in context. I can guarantee Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are not even aware that Hive exists. Hell a majority of the crypto community doesnt even know what Hive is.
As for the patents, how are you going to go after a blockchain. What can they patent?
How do you sue something that is decentralized?
Possible trademark infrigement is one example.
Other examples may include liability, intellectual property and data protection.
And finally, does one's digitial assets qualify as a security?
These examples could apply to the blockchain's parent orginization or to those maintaining and managining it.
I have to admit I expected Hive to start out well, everybody was talking about it on steemit. The fact that some exchanges already have Hive listed is something I didn't see happening so early though. What a great first month!
You expectations were warranted as it turns out @promisearts.
There was a lot of talk before it although, looking back, there wasnt since it was a surprise for most.
I think you are correct. Hopefully we learned from our mistakes. I do like the communication.
Wow, quite a great reminder. Will be looking forward to a #MyOneMonthOnHive Challenge. I hope @Theycallmedan, @Anomadsoul and @Dtrade would think this.
It's amazing to see how much baby Hive has grown in the space of 30 days which would be at about 15:00 (GMT+1) of April 30, 2020.
There is surely a great hope for the future if hive block chain and j hope to see here become the home of crypto and DPOS lovers.
I would love to use a whole post to express my views about Hive in the past 30 days.
I agree that starting a new chain, even a fork is not easy and we should recognize both the good job which has been done and the future potential of the roadmap. I believe the leadership learned from the past and will focus on a better tomorrow with this great start.
By the way, I happened to take a substantial profit after I bought my initial stake. I wouldn't have necessarily suspected that either. Well, let's hope hope hope sees I hope with and power-up.
There is never anything wrong with taking profit. Very smart move. Good for you.
Thank you. In the meantime, this has changed for the better. Timing is everything (and luck) :D
Can i translate your post in german for the german community?
Feel free to do that.
I'm confused. I just logged into hive for the first time today and am still learning how to navigate the site. I find Hive to be redundant in the sense that we already have Weku. Wasn't Weku started a year and a half ago as a result of discontent with Steemit back in 2018? And is there a Hive World site we can check all our Hive stats like you do with Steemit? I'm noticing Hive is still connected with Steemit. I've been in the process of a power down for almost 3 months and noticed the last withdrawl to come out from Steemit affected my Hive wallet just the same. Why is that? If I power what I got left back up on Hive will it cause me to power back up on Steemit?
Everything - the whole steem chain was copied.
So if you were in a powerdown on steem it was copied also to hive.
Now it is separated.
If you stop your powerdown on hive it will continue on steem.
There is no connection anymore now.
If you powerup your hive it will do nothing with your steem.
Ok cool. Thanks for the info @pundito!
Welcome to Hive. if you had your Steem account set to power down at the time of the fork your new Hive account would also be set with the same power down settings. You need to stop the power down on your Hive account and power back up all your Hive. The accounts are not linked.
Dear @txstorm
I've noticed that you've been delegating some of your STEEM POWER to @therising. It's definetly account, which used to be active and provided decent daily payout.
Today I would like to introduce you to new, absolutely interesting project. Have you ever heard about @project.hope?
I'm part of it and we're manually curating and supporting quality content creators (on both chains) publishing about topics related to:
Most importantly, we're providing
much higher daily payouts
, thanks to the fact that our policy is to share 100% curation rewards with delegators.our community to grow even stronger.Consider changing your valuable delegation to our @project.hope, which will allow
Would you like to hear more details about
our passive income program
, please let me know and I will gladly introduce ourselfs, our goals and vision and explain why we can provide higher returns on your delegation, than any other program out there.Hope to hear from you :)
Yours, @crypto.piotr
Two separate chains.
Awesome progress so far and thanks for enlighting the update to us all. I personally believe in hive due to activity that i have obsereved here. On steem, i feel im surrounded by mostly bots and no way around it. And doesnt even look attractive. Community, lets carry hive to the top 20 blockchains
I love Hive . The community is great and we are looking forward to bringing our project to it!
Great summary.. and so much more to do still too....
Thanks for the great read :)
Congratulations to all Hiveance and the admin for making this project a brake through one. Just 1 month and Hive is waxing cool and smoothly. I See Hive leading the Entire Decentralized Social Media Platforms before the end of this year 2020. It is achievable with our collective efforts by sounding it aloud across all social media platforms on the web.
Hive Keychain being endorsed/listed by chrome is great news; as is the steemworld clone - - developed by an anonymous individual using an earlier, open source version. I'd love to see steemchiller made whole, and engaging with us on Hive; but this is a handy alternative in the meantime.
I also think things are going well for HIVE one month on. I see a few post from people saying there is no communications, and some, (a lot), were caught unaware of the image server upgrades, I Listened to the show, so I was aware it was forthcoming. I hope more people learn that @hiveio is the primary account and that they do put out post of upcoming events.
We, (HIVE), separation from steem is almost complete, once the issue of the secondary airdrop is resolved, I think we will be done with the view of still being attached somehow to steem, and be able to start building our own identity as a community. I look forward to that.
Interesting to read that there are plans for improvements. Thanks
In the meantime, for 2 days now, the only way I can communicate on hive is by comments. I cannot make any posts and I do not understand why.
For instance: I use 8 tags, as I always have, but now I get a message that only 8 tags are allowed and I have to reduce them to 7 for the message to go away.
Also...I keep getting a message as follows: Must end with a letter or number
I cannot see where or why this comes up (here is an image to see for yourself)
Not being able to post means I cannot ask for help without asking a specific person. Sorry to take up your time, but if you can advise, would appreciate it - I never use the chat areas so I am stuck to asking here on the platform itself.
Thanks in advance.
I had exactly similar impression @chesatochi